blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

Those actions might be considered sinful if the thoughts lead to actions or behaviors. If thoughts have true power, why wouldnt murderers just think their enemies to death instead of going through the immense risk of planning and executing a crime? I was a Christian but living in sin. I'm not sure if I'd cry or feel deeply sad when asking for forgiveness. Im so glad you found it useful, but so sorry to hear of the continual struggle. Very often or, let me say, extremely often these intrusive thoughts are unwilling, unwanted blasphemous thoughts against God. However, the EXTENT to which you are experiencing this fear is predominantly an OCD thing, not a faith thing. I always responded to the blasphemous thoughts and the cycle repeats. Many Blessings and Healing to you in Jesus name. At one point, when he heard of the miracles of Jesus, King Herod believed for a moment that it might be John the Baptist risen from the dead (Matthew 14:1-3)! I am so sorry you are struggling with this. Anytime, I messed up, I would doubt my salvation. This is a constricted, incomplete picture of what blasphemy means! God loves you more than you can imagine. It's in these moments, we learn to get out of our feelings and learn true faith. The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. These thoughts came into my head and they are hard to get to leave. Most of us on planet earth dont have all our ducks in a row. I cant believe this is real and this condition actually has a name. And i don't commit suicide. We are enjoying our feast, but they are not invited to the table. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Bible is not a book about mental health treatments. How can I stop them! Look, now you have heard Hisblasphemy! will Jesus still save me?i keep having blasphemous thoughts that i dont want and i think im seeking god with all my heartbut i cant be sure. I wish all of the nonsense would just go away. They have cut themselves off from the one who can lead them to repentance. You said that Christianity doesnt have the 100 percent truth. I think the reason you have relief as you just let it out is because your mind kept it in all the time and is finally getting some relief without pushback, kinda like after straining or doing a hard workout you get relief. Thanks for writing. I keep just accepting they're me. This article really helped me on where I stand with the unpardonable sin. He reserved this warning for those who were already hardened in unbelief. I dont believe this is a one-time thing, but it is an ongoing rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit, of over and over again attributing his precious work to Satan himself. Read the Bible to learn more about God and His desire for how we should live, don't overthink it. God loves you and will help you through this. I was finally diagnosed with OCD and Anxiety and so the intrusive thoughts and the crippling fight or flight response is much less severe, however I still few doubt about Jesus (who I know and LOVE). I like to summarize these four characteristics with the acronym RUMP. I had no choice but to boldly go to God and just be open about it with Him. Here is the key phrase: it is a state [of] willful determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. Then he gives (as one of those other places in the New Testament) 1 John 5:16, which says, If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. The Bible tells us that all we have to have is faith of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20), not a watermelon seed which is bigger. I sincerely need help please. Ive been battling this for about a year .. But I assure you, there are so, so many in the religious OCD community who would come and pat you on the shoulder and say, me too. So first of all, please feel the concentrated love and support of myself and the 4,000 others who are regular readers of this website. Since this can always be done during one's life (cf. I really wish to divine encounter with God Almighty. It is the Spirit who works in the lives of unbelievers as well, testifying to the truth of who Jesus is to lead them to repentance and salvation. Right now my appointments are all booked out, but hopefully Ill have some open soon. This article has been such a relief to me. In times of prayer or bible reading. Copyright 2023 Scrupulosity Solutions, LLC., All Rights Reserved. I want to publicly thank God, the Holy Spirit, for bringing me here. Not all "bad" religious thoughts are the same. The best thing you can do is just ignore these thoughts (if it's possible to ignore them.) hello jaime is scrupolosity an unforgivable sin please reply im scared. What is your picture of yourself like? When I did, the thoughts and pain stopped. All those swarming insects gave me the heebie-jeebies! How would you feel about saying, Im pretty sure that Chemosh is real, but theres always a possibility that Im wrong and he actually is a stone idol?, I know. Id rather settle my fears by finding all that scripture says about something and hopefully finding safety in balancing that, rather than asking how certain I am something is true, and becoming comfortable with that. It ministered to my soul. I did break my promise but in doing so had the sudden blasphemous thought to say 'fuck off to the holy spirit' and then felt rebellious that even if it was unforgiveable to say 'fuck off to the holy spirit rather than not masturbate then I would say this. Why do I have these thoughts as a true believer? In fact, sometimes blasphemy is committed unconsciously and against our will, just as a person might have an involuntary thought or feeling of anger or hatred toward another person, place, or thing which they would not otherwise choose to hate on purpose. Im glad to hear your thoughts have been getting better. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Quitting every drug told me that these are NOT "demons" as i thought before in my head. Other times I beat myself up, give in, and start trying to convince myself, mentally and through prayer. This started for me when I was about 19 or 20 years of age. Even if you don't intend to offend God, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is wrong, and must be punished accordingly. What should I do so I can get in line so to speak. Be open and honest with God about the whole situation and tell Him that you want to serve only Jesus. What has helped me recently with this is I was prayed for in church and the pastor asked the members of my church, if any one here feels the battle in your mind so much you feel your mind is going to explode step forward. After I finally was exhausted, frustrated, and had literally no one who related to me. I have fought with blasphemous thoughts for many months now and I need your help. God isnt caught in a web of trying to figure this stuff out. I told them I wasn't ready yet they said no you are ready. I encourage you to let go of everything and everyone that doesn't encourage your faith in Jesus. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. I was finally breaking out of the super-Christian faade. I was crying like a two year old. Hey Jaimie, recently, well actually today, my thoughts have become so horrible. One day I was talking to God about how I was feeling due to intrusive thoughts. Be patient with yourself and draw closer to God with an open & honest relationship. The harder I tried to stop, the worse the temptations got. Whenever that thought comes to mind, Zach responds with overly-exaggerated, sarcastic rhetoric. And I think about Him and His goodness and perfection, and it calms me down. Hello Brenda. Can you say it with a good conscience?, Well, I guess it would be arrogant to say that I am 100% surebut maybe I could say that Im pretty sure Chemosh is more than a stone idol., And how does that make you feel to say that, Suzy?, But what youre really saying is that theres no way you can be 100% sure about anything in the metaphysical world. They were so foreign and against what I believed, against the person I truly am. Thats why to blaspheme the Holy Spirit has to be an act of the will, not a passing ignorance. Know the thoughts aren't yours. He is already beside you with arms open wide, and He will carry you through the obsessions, compulsions, and addictive tendencies that you and all of us in the OCD community struggle with. Convictions, awareness. and what worries me is because this thought was almost similar to that passage of the Pharisees and the unpardonable sin, Im in a similar boat I think I probably lost my salvation when I thought something on purpose to try to make it less scary. King Jesus, you break every chain. Jaimie, This is very help full to me I believe I will be clean from this thought Because I am a daughter of holy trinity, I also have these blasphemous thoughts about god or Holy Spirit, but they bother me for the whole day, they dont ever stop, so I usually find myself repeating words saying I love god shaking my head or even trying to harm my self to make them stop, its very trying and depressing, Im not how I used to be when I first started to get real with god, I was happy peaceful and free, but now I feel Im in a dark dungeon and cant get out, sometimes, sometime I even accident blurted some thoughts about Jesus and the Holy Spirit trying to stop these thoughts which made the whole situation even worse Im glad to know there is people that go through the same thing I do, and this article was very helpful I hope these thoughts that we have can stop one day, god bless . He wants us to seek Him above anything or any human. It is very very uncomfortable, but not to the point of causing anxiety attack(the worst anxiety attack was betting with the devil and sold my soul to the devil). hey,recently ive been having really really evil thoughts about Jesus which are sexual i feel shame explaining but i just need help,they include Jesus doing something to me that is sexual and a crime i think you get the idea and now that i have thought about jt its like its in my brain now and its labelled if you know what i mean(its the R word and i have so much shame and guilt i jusr need help i hate myself) its like it wont go thats now what i think of Jesus even though it definitely not i pray all the time asking for help and i read my Bible and they just come back ,im still young and ive never had a mental illness and im scared that these are my thoughts because its like i encourage them but i dont want to i dont want to label Jesus like that i Love him and hes my saviour im just scared im an evil person that doesnt deserve Gods love at all Thank you for the article aswell it was really helpful, Hey,God understands and loves you he will get you through this keep having faith and PRAY PRAY PRAY, Thank you so much I have been trying to find answers on why I have been having blasphemous thoughts in my head and when I found this article it gave me all the answers to my Question thank you so much, Hello jaimie, please help I accidentally blasphemed Jesus, so basically a blasphemous thought came into my head saying something really bad to Jesus and Holy Spirit and my family, so I try to ignore it and praise Jesus I know this sounds weird but the thought was the opposite of this I want Jesus to go to heaven I accidentally said the opposite (I think you may know what I accidentally said) (the blasphemous thought) I freaked out and asked for forgiveness will god forgive me? Remember that Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Is it too late for me? (Blasphemy towards god). But this time, the letter began with the simple words, Dear Mr. President.. We spent a year trying to reconcile with my old church and they wouldn't take me back. I don't want to go to hell for all eternity for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. There is something inside that I cling to "I know whom I've trusted and believed in". Hi, Lu-Andro! Im here to comment not to comment about a problem I have but to spread a message of hope. Your article was extremely helpfulI believe that this was Gods way of showing me that intrusive thoughts and OCD were not me. I want to avoid thinking about such a question but struggling to avoid it in my mind. All of your sins are forgiven and washed clean by the blood of Jesus. I think I'm a bad person. Try to get back/closer to God again, and now fight against masturbation/porn. Thank you. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. However, I believe there are two important questions to ask regarding this topic. Please bless this one with the gift of Your light, given in Your love for us and desire to want to heal, free, deliver us, and then fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we may live our lives as You've intended it. I wanted to ask, are you a Catholic? All the people were astonished and said, Could this be the Son of David?But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons (Matthew 12:22-24). With the intrusive, blasphemous thoughts of OCD, the same rule applies. Not everyone of course but we all have similarities and it makes me feel more normal . Jesus made a very strong statement about blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Many of us have walked in your shoes. I sometimes get evil thoughts about God what I mean is sexual thoughts about God. If you continue on this path, you pass a point of no return. I have had unwanted blasphemous thoughts against the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, when I love the Lord with all my heart and walk with Him. I feel bad for you I hope you feel better. Havent you seen my tail? Not sure if I can include a reprobate mind, or a seared conscience above, because that would be especially terrifying for me. But I know what you mean about feeling like the unwanted thoughts are willful. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you (John 15:3). I struggle everyday with suicidal thoughts. He came to me during the Aberystwyth Conference in the Great Hall of the University this year. Jaimie. Second of all, they arent effective. Also my anxiety, every time its like my anxiety/fear kicks in when I talk to Jesus , my head would then go somewhere else like to the evil one and then Id try shaking my head or confess to Jesus and tell Jesus Christ I am only praying to you and no one else I am so sorry and I hate this that I cant just talk to you without my head wondering off please forgive me, it has gotten to the point where there is trying to be more doubt in many areas, but I know God in heaven is all powerful. Mine attacks me when I am reading my Bible or when I am trying to pray or when I am listening to a a sermon or something like that. I have a question. Something I fear and tremble over to not commit. Selah I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. But these doubts make me feel bad, it's terrifying. This time, I lost most of my emotions. I had no idea what was wrong with me. If they were your true thoughts, they wouldn't bother you. My best advice for you is to remember that obsessive-compulsive disorder sparks your brain to constantly get stuck on possible dangers. Please pray for me! I know that I dont believe or mean the thoughts.'s just I can't get my mind off of it it's like my mind has become addicted to The fault it's like I purposely think them now out of habit the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that when the faults come or I also have intrusive speech that when it comes I don't feel happy afterwards I feel miserable but yet my body says I want them I don't know if you've ever fought intrusive speech meaning I will say my blasphemous thoughts under my breath but as in a compulsive manner of which I can't control I will try to cancel them out under my breath constantly want to say them out loud too it's a Non-Stop fight, Not only is my mind against God now but my feelings are against God and mostly the Holy Spirit although they're not mine but with the thoughts come feelings of enjoyment or that I want these thoughts when they're not there it's like I think them purposely just so they'll be there I guess I fought it for so long my mind is become addicted even feelings and then the thoughts come and obviously my depersonalization worsens afterwards and I have to hold on either I can sit or I can take an Ativan to help me it's a Non-Stop mental battle I hate feeling like I want a fault which increases them the more and makes new phrases every second come in my mind thoughts are one thing but feeling like you want them and trying to convince yourself you really don't when you feel so strongly you want them and you want them to be there mostly all against the Holy Spirit I've tried to do erp where I deliberately let it sit there and deliberately engage in the feelings of hatred that I feel and just let what come come..Don't know if you found any of that but I've been through this for years. I got a notebook and did the same. I know I shouldn't react to it yet it's really hard for me to ignore it. Stop being hard on yourself. I struggled alone with them for years until recently I told my mother about it. The answer to intensity is not more intensity. Do you see yourself as dangerous and somehow more powerful than God? There are two paths we can take when we ask, what does the Bible say about blasphemous thoughts?. I recommend an extremely helpful Facebook page dedicated to Christians who suffer exactly from what you are suffering from. I dont even want to type it out. Often, people who have sinful thoughts experience psychological distress. When you get try to get close to God it worsens. I used to get drunk, have premarital sex, smoke pot, chew tobacco, and God helped me through it all when I kept praying for help from Him to do it. What if it feels like my thoughts were really wanted and chosen. I just want to say thank you for this article. I know that either way, I know that I dont mean them either way. I understand that numb feeling. I have gotten into a habit of over riding all the sounds I hear. Thanks for your article and to all of you, hang in there and let God. Be blessed! But perhaps you can translate for her. Interesting that I was already quickened to the Ps 23 "Table in the presence of my enemies." But sometimes as I apologise the more the bad thoughts pop out. They saw the work of Christ and concluded that he was in league with the devil. Like done compulsively. This article brought me to tears. Just because you're Christian doesn't mean you've got it all right yet! Do not be deceived. You are a liar and a deceiver doing the work of Satan. When Jesus talked about this, the words he used were indeed frightening: And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. I said the sinner's prayer when I was 22 while in AA at the time. In another article, I talk about the OCD escalation cycle, which can often include an element of willful, desperate pseudo-agreement with our blasphemous thoughts (I say pseudo-agreement because it isnt real even though it feels like it is). Since the thought/s are in our mind, different things can easily trigger the thoughts and bring them to the conscious mind. By studying Scripture, reaffirming the truth in our minds, and Bible memorization, we can greatly diminish or even vanquish intrusive thoughts"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations . Walk by Faith, not by feelings. But, dear brain, you have sorely underestimated my evilness. And that is solved by repeating mantras in addition to remembering the fact that i am a male. Remember, the doubting guy who said, Lord, I believe help my unbelief! He was trying to believe, and Jesus didnt bash him over the head with a threat of the unpardonable sin. Youre right the unpardonable sin is nuanced and should not be taken in a magical or superstitious way that is, we should not imagine that our words have abracadabra power to zap us out of the book of life. But it is instinctual with us, like Adam and Eve hid in the trees. BUT God is bigger so I will continue to speak life . "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 KJV. This plagued me for a while as well until I realized something: God knows what our true natures are and that our thoughts don't always reflect those natures. I don't know how I'm supposed to ignore these thoughts when saying something as simple as "Jesus is God and the Messiah" immediately causes these thoughts to pop up and I end up engaging with them anyway and I end up repeating stuff to convince myself that those blasphemies aren't true, which barely helps. The perceived power (and notice I do not say real power) of intrusive thoughts relates to something called thought-action fusion. This is a term used with mental health issues to refer to the magical, almost superstitious connection that some people make between thoughts and reality. I certainly dont agree with that thought AT ALL. I dont understand how it even happened. just the fact that we agonize and worry over this shows we are children of GOD, i truly believe the Lord spoke to me through this article. All of a sudden they feel chosen because when they come I get anxiety but I feel so numb like my anxiety is fake or something and I had thoughts in the shower and they felt so real and I think I might be doomed. It got me extremely scared and thought that that thought actually cause me to actually do what the thought was. This cannot be possible from my point of view i reach this thought everyday that i shouldn't be creeated. Often these thoughts were so painful that my body would twitch and I would let out a groan. Take the quiz below to determine if your profane thoughts are caused byreligious OCDor not. I live alone and have never said the thoughts out loud. And yes, to answer your third and fourth points, there is hope for you. After listening to his videos and reading his books my life has never been the same. You wrote it perfectly. How can I do I still have God? What also helps is that I read about a wide range of subjects and love to fit concepts in unconventional combinations like Lego. Its the brains shutoff mechanism. Dont let that be you, Amy. It talks about how God does not punish other people for your sins or punish you for other peoples sins. I will briefly discuss the following: I wont lie to you riding out the wave of anxiety that comes with intrusive thoughts is tough. Talk to you later!, Obviously, deep down you know that none of this is true. Your internal danger signals will be on high alert, telling you THIS IS SOMETHING TO FIX!! I didn't know that this was a thing. I've been suffering with Scrupulosity since 1994.. And i wished from along time to be dead. There is no asterisk next to that verse. The important thing to realize is that these blasphemous thoughts, fundamentally, are intrusive and ego-dystonic. Jesus responded by saying that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Being able to say a fancy, perfect prayer or affirmation of faith is not the point. Its the worst case ive ever seen. We're Christians, not because we're perfect but we believe and follow Christ. I just want to really believe it in my heart .my pastors tell me what God says to them about me all the time. You have to realize we are in a spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. Which is a huge compliment when Im feeling defeated. I am going to try this method where I have a sorting system in my mind, all these thoughts that are not mine go back where it came from, and the thoughts that are mine come into my brain. After my first night going to church for myself and meeting people there, I came home and read about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. hi thank you very much for this ive been so scared about my thoughts. I mess up the words sometimes and then the sentences become things I dont mean. For example: Suzy, you have a recurring blasphemous thought that Chemosh is only a stone idol, is that right?, Yes, thats right. Here is what he said: It is not a particular species of sin which is here condemned like, oh, have I done that one thing? God is our Creator, our King, and our Lord. I thank you for describing this for me and helping me to not feel like a monster that is dammed for hell. However, part of the equation is also your own inner beliefs and life experiences (yep, its the nature-nurture balancing act in OCD, we have both). Abraham lied so he wouldn't be killed. All fear fell from me. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". I would recommend instead that you read Dr. Ian Osbornes book Can Christianity Cure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? He is a Christian mental health professional who went through some severe scruples and doubt himself, and developed a unique response called Trust Therapy based on several Christian theologians from the past who seemed to have religious OCD. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This cookie is used by Facebook to enable its chat widget functionalities. Keep trusting; youll be alright. What were they doing, thinking, or saying that provoked such a response? JavaScript is disabled. I believe my upbringing molded me into a person who could not trust.. And i also think i have this thoughts from drugs. I have battled with doubt and uncertainty and really despair but God is stronger . Do you know what Im talking about? I started going crazy, talking to myself as two different people. So no, a Christian cannot commit what Jesus calls blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Where do they fit into the discussion? They have seriously disrupted my life for years. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area. I met a muslim person and always thought as long as people respect each others religions theres no problems. So Im pretty sure the blasphemous thoughts are gone. This was just the beginning. I try to stop them immediately but theyve been really draining emotionally, mentally. recently a friend prayed over me and laid his hand on me to drive the spirits away from mei started to cry. They saw the miraculous power of God at work because they saw the demon possessed boy completely healed. I feel disconnected. 2. Please dont beat up on yourself if you dont get it right overnight. Intrusive thoughts are: Lets look at each of these characteristics and how it is important to finding our escape from blasphemous thoughts. On the other hand, an ego-dystonic thought is any thought which seems to conflict with the ego. If the Spirit of God is living in your heart then the Spirit of God will not deny, slander, or attribute his work to Satan. I know I have been diagnosed with religious OCD. To make story short I ended up in the hospital for some time and had decided that because my believe of god has always been strong I will let myself be admitted to hospital because he will rescue me and he did. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Ive been really struggling with this issue recently. our Father in heaven in Jesus name I pray for healing over all who read this. I feel this article was written for me. You've dedicated your life to a worthy cause in doing this, and I'm thankful that God is working through you to help others, like myself, who are facing this. There is a sense in which Christians obtain all the riches and glory and knowledge and truth of the whole universe the moment we receive Christ into our hearts. Thou shall always keep your mind, soul, and heart full of blasphemous thoughts against god, jesus christ, holy spirit. They dont settle in like that with a settled, determined, willful opposition. It started after a very big attack of the enemy and death of my Dad. Now the urges my friends is what gets you because of the way it feels.

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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

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