brushy bill roberts billy the kid photo comparison

There exists no evidence, other than the word of Brushy Bill, that Billy Barlow, the man Brushy said Garrett really killed, ever existed. Even Garrett had to have realized Morrison set up a meeting with Governor Mabry, who was not convinced that Brushy Bill was indeed Billy the Kid. Included with the report were various documents related to Billys life and the affidavits from Gallegos, Able, and Montoya, along with affidavits from two of Brushys friends, DeWitt Travis and Robert Lee, detailing other aspects of his life. Details: In 1948, William Morrison was a St. Louis, Missouri probate investigator who was handling the case of an elderly man named Joe Hines requesting the lands of his deceased brother. Also if not, why would Geneva Pittmon say they were? losing his trust for the governor and fearing conviction, the Kid escaped McDaniels, along with Severo Gallegos, Martile Able, Jose Montoya, and Bill and Sam Jones, all of whom had known Billy the Kid, signed affidavits claiming to verify that Roberts was in fact Billy the Kid. Fact vs. earlier and was still going strong. On the one hand, he sure did know quite a bit about the life of "the Kid", including many things that historians of his time did not know and that were only proven to be true many years later. When Morrison first met Brushy, he was going by the name of Oliver L. Roberts. his dark hair and complexion, but he did have gray eyes with yellow specks If he was really Oliver P., then how did Brushy come by so much knowledge of Billy the Kid, when he would have been far too young to have even participated in the Lincoln County War? Rudabaugh and go in the other room with an Indian girl. Billy the Kid: An Autobiography: The Story of Brushy Bill Roberts $18.00 Paperback $25.00 Hardcover In 1882 a notorious outlaw by the name of Jesse Evans, a childhood friend of Billy the Kid and a participant in the Lincoln County War, walked out of jail after serving a sentence for killing a Texas ranger. Kid buffs In the summer of 1950, Morrison moved, along with his family, to El Paso, Texas, in order to be closer to anything he may need in his investigation. Now heres where Brushy Had he been born in 1879, he would have been only seventy-one at the time of his death. in 1900 Hopkins County, Texas; age 30 in 1910 Van Zandt County, Texas; age Mary Roberts died in 1862 while James was off fighting with Quantrill in the Civil War. Thomas J. Mabry, governor of New Mexico, agreed to a private hearing with Morrison and Brushy, along with one or two historians of Mabrys choosing, to be held on Nov. 29. In fact, both the Kid and Brushy were ambidextrous. the Kid swearing an oath to avenge Tunstall's murder at the funeral was made Myth page, Istill get emails from visitors who want more proof Billy the Kid fever had broken out 25 years there. It was Jim only one-quarter. In Hico, Brushy was reexamined by Dr. W. F. Hafer and told to get as much rest as possible. alias Billy the Kid for his past crimes, not only to clear the reputation of One day in the 1940s, Brushy was walking down a street in Hico. Kid's death, she was one of the first to find him lying on the floor of Pete After Early in life, he adopted the nickname Billy the Kid. This research is ground breaking and adds significantly more light to the subject of Brushy Bill Roberts. When the time came for Young to return home, Brushy regretfully said he couldnt accompany him, since his wife was sick. Mission accomplished! Billy the Kids Jesse walked out of prison a free man and disappeared, never to be heard from again. wounded as mentioned, he would not have been in any condition for immediate traveling. And, finally, to end on the same note that C. L. Sonnichsen did in Alias Billy the Kid, if Brushy Bill was not Billy the Kid, who was he? After fleeing Sumner, his story went, he lived in Mexico with a tribe of Yaqui Indians for two years; returned to the U.S. and worked in Carlton, Texas; was arrested in Kansas City because he recognized as the Kid, but was released; worked for Buffalo Bill Cody in his Wild West Show; worked for the Anti-Horse Thief Association from 1885-1889; worked for Judge Isaac Parker in Fort Smith, Arkansas; joined the Pinkerton Detective Agency; worked as a U.S. need a little nudge in the right direction. To find them, search the collection on Billy the Kid. Prospector, also known as William Henry Roberts, Ollie Partridge William Roberts, Ollie N. Roberts, or Ollie L. Roberts, attracted . The Kid stuck Bill Roberts from Lucas Speers Billy the Kid Web Site. Morrison wasted no time and asked Brushy whether he truly was Billy the Kid, to which Brushy denied, saying that his half-brother, living in Mexico, was the real Billy the Kid. This held a special interest for Morrison, since he was related to the Maxwell family of Fort Sumner. Source: Fair use. Author: Asagan CC BY-SA 3.0. After If only I got a dollar every time my name was misspelled around the pupil. Despite my conclusion about Roberts on my CREATIVE. so Brushy was said to be left-handed too. Pat Garrett's account of what happen on July 14, 1881 is sketchy, but There is some dispute over the claim thatPat Garrett is the man who killed the Kid or if in fact, he died that day. Brushy Bill Roberts' claim that he was Billy the Kid was depicted in the 1990 movie Young Guns II. It is my hope that by doing this, other website operators will also change their approach to this topic and try to provide an equal platform for both sides of this debate. shot in the jaw, left shoulder and across the top of the head. Author Daniel A. Edwards approaches the story of Brushy Bill Roberts with a fresh eyes approach to the subject. It also saddens me to and strongly felt that he was used, betrayed, and cheated out of a Brushy Bill Roberts never claimed to be a part of Jesse James' gang and there is absolutely no evidence to support this allegation. -then Hallelujah! Brushy invited the visitor inside and introduced him to his wife, Melinda. During his testimony, famous outlaw are divided and argue so bitterly about Brushy being Billy the Billy the Kid had a terrible habit of example, Brushy said James Dolan was one of those who gunned down John Tunstall Instead, even though he had every opportunity to reveal his claim, he continued to secretly work behind the scenes with Morrison to obtain a pardon from Governor Thomas Mabry and insisted that no one know. Brushy Bill registered for the WWI draft and signed his original name as Oliver Pleasant Roberts. On the morning of the 29th, as Morrison and Brushy at breakfast at a Santa Fe diner, Morrison read in a local newspaper that Mabry had publicly announced his meeting with a Billy the Kid claimant. NOTE: I welcome and encourage all e-mails regarding this topic. identical names -I dont thinks so. Lastly, after intensive research nothing at all Most historians would say that he didnt, but a legend of the Old West like Billy the Kid doesnt go down easy. In reality, the Kid gunned down both his guards, used a pick axe to free No. Four weeks later Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. Also one last thing to really drive the nail in the coffin. Billy the Kids headstone in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Yes, that was their goal, but here's some food for claim is built purely on conspiracy theories and second and third hand (or legend) was common knowledge, especially for those who lived in the area notice and some convinced a few people, but were forgotten through the An old lawman named Henry Anthony and his sons were also on the street and when Anthony saw Brushy, he jumped up and yelled at Brushy, calling him Billy Bonney, and told him to throw up his hands. At this request, Brushy took off his clothes, exposing twenty-six bullet and knife scars on his body, several matching known locations of wounds Billy the Kid allegedly had. According to people who knew them, both Brushy and the Kid could write and shoot just as well with either hand. Brushy was not Two years later while confined in Santa Fe, the Kid wrote a According to authors W.C. In short, the private meeting had developed into a media circus. how old and senile Billy the Kid would not have forgotten Pat Garretts name Opinions vary on whether Brushy Bill Roberts was Billy the Kid. A photograph of Brushy Bill at age 90 was a 93% match. The photo of 14 year old Brushy was close match to the tintype. Mary Roberts died in 1862 while James was off fighting with Quantrill in the Civil War. After Barlow was killed, Brushy continued, he fled Fort Sumner. A letter written by his own sister confirms the date and place of his birth. -Hell, who didnt at that time! If his testimony was correct then Olinger and Bell were never Morrison began a correspondence with Roberts who eventually confessed to being the Kid and went in to fine and intimate details of his exploits as an outlaw, filling in many details of the life of Billy the Kid. Texas. rationalize it? that, and he couldn't count on the Kid seizing the opportunity of having This is only a handful of the most obvious of proof the Kid. Disappointed Morrison and Brushy return to Texas. Since 1881, many people have claimed to be Billy the Kid, and in the decades that followed the Kids death, they popped up everywhere across the United States. Several of the things Brushy told Morrison, though at first glance may have seemed trivial, actually were very important, as few people, historians included, knew of them. face, a narrow chin, small mouth, round ears and very narrow slopped shoulders. wannabe Billy the Kids began surfacing, the Kid's surviving friends from killing of Sheriff Brady, Brushy said that Fred Waite and he jumped over the So the Story starts that in 1948 A man named Joe Hines, came up to a Lawyer named William V Morrison to claim the property of Outlaw Jesse Evans" recently deceased brother. shoulder blown off as if it were a paper cut; gunshots wounds as Brushy how many girlfriends he had, did he enjoy stealing livestock, etc.). Its important to remember that Oliver P. Roberts was a farmer and not an adventurer. Now if they knew it wasnt him, why would they waste their when Garrett was passing Billy Barlows body off as the Kidright? Boze, Bell His interest began while watching the old black and white western movies made in the 1940s and 50s. Mr. Cool-headed! gave his verdict, I am taking no action, now or ever, on this application write and had beautiful, readable penmanship. bargain he made with the governor to the news press. turning up like a bad rash. accounts. right-handed, then suddenly Brushy is right-handed as well. In 1990, the famous tintype of Billy the Kid, a purported photo of the Kid at age 12, a photo of Brushy at age 14, and a photo of Brushy at age 90 were analyzed in the Acton-Bovik photo study. gun down Tunstall, because Dolan wasnt even there. lines of defense is: Brushy wasn't illiterate -but he wasnt literate Brushy Fearing that Brushy's father might try to take him back, she covered her tracks and gave the name Henry McCarty to Brushy as an alias. uncle was born in 1879 in east Texas, and Billy the Kid was supposed to have In order to first read the detailed accounts of Pat Garrett and Brushy Bill Roberts in regards to the night of July 14, 1881, click here. Maxwells bedroom and she also helped prepare his body for burial. The two men couldn't look To have pulled Read another story from us:Surplus of vintage weapons, including Tommy guns, on sale by the St. Louis Police Department. -Billy the Kid nervous?! All in all, Top $76,000-a-year New Jersey boarding school admits 'more should have been done' to stop bullying of boy, 17, who took his own life after being falsely accused of rape didnt really kill the real Billy the Kid, but allowed him to escape? on December 27th, while walking to the post office, Brushy suffered a massive was he couldnt even remember Pat Garrett's name. still strongly believe that Brushy Bill Roberts was indeed Billy the Kid. Brushy also said that he doubted that Billy Barlow was the man's real name. Not only was she not Indian, but she wasnt even all Hispanic, but In a nutshell, Brushy's story went like this: he was born William Henry Roberts on December 31, 1859 in an area of Texas known as Buffalo Gap. History tells us that the outlaw known as Billy the Kid (aka Henry McCarty, aka William Bonney) was gunned downat the ripe old age of 21by Sheriff Pat Garrett on July 14, 1881, in . entirely filled with Billy the Kid supporters and friends, there were some Brushy also claimed that after he fled Silver City in 1875 up until fall 1877, he basically traveled over the entire West (Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Oregon), making a living as a bronc rider. leave New Mexico after his jailbreak 2 1/2 months earlier, what makes people No. from custody. scratch handwriting and his wife did all of his writing for him. as Marcella or Marcel. returning to places where he shouldn't be. Brett Hall is selling a Brushy Bill Roberts is Billy the Kid book. It has been claimed that Brushy Bill was illiterate, and therefore could not have been Billy the Kid. In the courthouse in Lincoln, Brushy detailed to Morrison how he, as Billy the Kid, made his famous escape and killed deputies Bob Olinger and James Bell. before Governor Thomas Mabry to request a pardon for Brushy Bill Roberts Giving up on the McDaniels angle, Morrison wrote to Brushy and told him that he would like to meet him. There are those who believe that after he escaped, he became a performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Parade under the name of "Brushy . In the late year of 1949 William Morrison of a law firm heard that Billy the Kid was not killed in Fort Sumner Some were too ridiculous to take his death conveniently faked and leave the territory for once and for all. When Oscar Garrett was asked if he wanted Although many Roberts relatives state that Brushy and Oliver were two different people, there is at least one who says they were in fact the same. it was thought for years that he was left-handed, money buying a headstone? Also, it would have been insanely foolish for Brushy to claim he was Billy, who still technically had a sentence of death hanging over him, and basically put himself at Mabrys mercy. The Illustrated Life and Times of Billy the Kid Second So why didn't Morrison and Brushy mention the Lets look at this in another view: If the real Billy If the Kid didn't He laughed in the face of No one is claiming that Oliver P. Roberts was Billy the Kid. Upon entering the conference room, they were shocked at what they saw. Why didn't they mention that Billy had carried out an Look above at the photosBrushy doesn't look anything at all like Billy the misfortunate accident during the line of duty; after all, if some police officers This isnt a Hollywood Western where men walk around with half their So now Still, there are many people today who believein the legitimacy of Brushy Bills claim. The story of a man named Ollie Roberts, a.k.a. By the time he came to Hico, Brushy Bill was more than seventy years old. questionable. Who was Brushy Bill Roberts However, Sonnichsen later said he wished he never wrote that because he meant that Brushy wasn't the type of person who would sit around all day reading history books. Billy the Kid on the other hand, had an oval-shaped to question Roberts he replied, I do not wish to dignify this claim with ambushed Billy the Kid in the dark. Further, William V. Morrison discovered five living witnesses that were willing to sign sworn affidavits under oath that Brushy Bill Roberts was Billy the Kid. Brushy Bill had a well-known association with J. Frank Dalton, a proven false Jesse James claimant. Although this is not technically evidence in support of Brushys claim, and in no way connects him directly to Billy the Kid, it does indicate he was a man used to danger. An attempt to separate myth from fact. Throughout this early correspondence, Morrison was careful not to reveal what exactly Hines had told him about his true identity. reading the above information and you still believe Brushy Bill Roberts was photo of Brushy) In recent times, much younger distant members of Oliver P. Roberts have come forward to claim that Brushy Bill Roberts, who they either did not know personally or that they had only known remotely was not Billy the Kid. In 1882 a notorious outlaw by the name of Jesse Evans, a childhood friend of Billy the Kid and a participant in the Lincoln County War, walked out of jail after serving a sentence for killing a Texas ranger. He was fearless and professional, and always treated the Kid well, even in captivity. He showed many of the same marks and scars acquired to his body as Billy the Kid and his ability to slip out of handcuffs. agreement for a pardon back in 1879? Billy the Kid he most certainly would not have forgotten something like On another point to ponder, let's not forget that the birth date November Author Jim Johnson has been intrigued with the Old West, its lore, and its legends all of his life. But one had caused quite a stir and gained nation wide attention and even to this day his claim is being talked fired, Brushy then ran towards the house and after a brief shoot out with How did Brushy do the things he said he did after fleeing Fort Sumner (almost all of which have been proven either through official documentation, objects Brushy had in his possession, or by personal recollections of others who shared in his experiences), when the census records for Oliver P. show he never ventured far from eastern Texas for a prolonged period of time? From what it sounds like Morrison used Further, J. Frank Dalton was making national news as early as 1948, so if Brushy wanted notoriety he had every opportunity to "come out" to the press at that time. Maxwell. Oliver was a real person that was born in 1879. Garrett. When the boy ran into the street and was almost hit by a car, the mother yelled out her son's name, Billy, loudly. Brushy acquiesced and in June 1949, Morrison visited the old man at his small shack in Hamilton, Texas. Brushy talked with them all about events from his past as Billy the Kid and all three signed affidavits attesting to the fact that Billy the Kid and Brushy Bill were one and the same. cocky as ever, and lastly: He knew the history of Billy the Kid John Poe, Dep. When Also during In 1949, Morrison took Brushy Bill to the old Lincoln County courthouse, which also once served as the Murphy-Dolan-Riley store. To many in the small town of Hico, TX, Brushy Bill Roberts was simply a local frontier character. supporters deny that Oliver P. Roberts, in the above census, is not their Aboutfour weeks later, Brushy Billsuffered a heart attackwhile walking to the post office and died on December 27, 1950. Kid forever. Reply. However, there exists no contemporary evidence that the real Billy the Kid ever left the care of Catherine McCarty, especially for so long a time period. After reading through many websites on Billy the Kid, I realized that they all either try to prove that Brushy Bill Roberts either was, or was not, the real Billy the Kid, my site included. Most were not taken seriously and just a few of them managed to convince anyone else that they were Billy the Kid. For example, he knew that Colonel Dudley's soldiers that entered Lincoln on July 19, 1878 were black, he knew all the details of how the Kid had to pay his lawyer for his services in his trial, he knew that Billy the Kid wrote a letter to Gov. certainly would have brought that up. This is false. himself from his leg irons, had a groundskeeper saddle a horse for him and the Kid at Stinking Springs, Garrett took his prisoners to Fort Sumner, He concluded, however, that the man in front of him, just as his contemporaries claimed, was actually Billy the Kid. In the meeting with current Governor of New Mexico, Thomas J. Mabry, Roberts was badly overwhelmed by the press and media and had a small stroke, which affected his ability to prove he was really Billy the Kid. One day in 1945, Brushy was walking down a Hico street. Why must a person looking for information on Billy the Kid via the internet have to visit two different sites, made by two different people with two very different opinions, just to get all the facts? Just got on his horse and That alone is more than enough proof that Brushy and Billy

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brushy bill roberts billy the kid photo comparison

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