describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices

These data are invaluable for determining whether an apparent cluster of cases might be linked and require further investigation or caused by a random clustering of events. In most epidemiologic studies the activities are not done linearly and sequentially; rather, the steps frequently are conducted in parallel and are iterative, with results informing edits or amendments. For incident cases, specify the period during which the cases occurred. Many outside parties are not familiar with the legal authority that public health agencies have to investigate and control diseases and exposures that affect the publics health and safety. This tends to prolong waves of vectorborne outbreaks. : Adapted from Ajloun Non-Communicable Disease Project, Jordan, unpublished data, 2017. Epidemiology is the branch of medical science that investigates all the factors that determine the presence or absence of diseases and disorders. Determining whether an urgent public health problem exists (i.e., an excess of observed cases of illness above what is expected) depends on knowing the expected background rate of endemic disease. Source: Adapted from: Ajloun Non-Communicable Disease Project, Jordan, unpublished data, 2017. aRotaShield, Wyeth-Lederle, Collegeville, Pennsylvania Contrast this with chronic diseases that can have exposures lasting for decades before development of overt disease. Provide an example and explain what data would be necessary to make a change in practice. Coordination of epidemiologic studies (e.g., common methods, questionnaires), having a national database of PFGE patterns to identify outbreak-associated isolates, and an FDA product trace-back were key to identifying the cause, which resulted in a widespread product recall (and eventual criminal liability of the peanut butter producer). CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. Emphasizing a population perspective, Considering all the different elements of an investigation from the beginning will minimize error that potentially can lead to inconclusive results. Is the objective to identify specific behaviors that put people at increased risk (e.g., cross-contamination during food handling)? When the agent is unknown, the time interval between presumed exposures and onset of symptoms helps in hypothesizing the etiology. Social groupings might be as compact as a household or as diffuse as a social network linked by a common interest. Bar charts usually need a zero level because viewers judge magnitude by the length of the bar. We take your privacy seriously. To determine the most efficient means of collecting data, epidemiologists administered a questionnaire using Internet-and telephone-based interview methods to directly compare data regarding response rates, attack rates, and risk factors for illness. For example, the map of spotted fever rickettsioses in the United States effectively displays multiple levels of risk for human infection (Figure 6.14) (15). Similarly, prevalent case counts divided by the population from which they arose produce a proportion (termed prevalence). This will save time in the long run; many epidemiologists have learned the hard way that a survey question was not clear or was asking about more than one concept, or that the menu of answers was missing a key response category. Organizing data columns and rows by the magnitude of the marginal summary statistics is often helpful. Graph the number of cases of congenital syphilis by year for the country, ____ 5. Rate yourself using If you need to go back and make any changes, you can always do so by going to our Privacy Policy page. The same is true in characterizing epidemiologic events, whether it be an outbreak of norovirus among cruise ship passengers or the use of mammograms to detect early breast cancer. The observed pattern might represent variability in the distribution of the underlying population. Information about place can range in precision from the geographic coordinates of a residence or bed in a hospital to simply the state of residence. Close-ended questions could include cascading questions, which can be an efficient way to get more detailed information as one filters down through a hierarchy of questions (e.g., first you ask the participants state of residence, then a menu of that states counties drops down). Scale the graph to fill the data space and to improve resolution. They indicate the association between two numerically scaled variables (Figure 6.15) (16). For example, understanding the distribution of vectors for each infection and patterns of the diseases in animals is paramount. More than that becomes confusing clutter. Cases of jaundice, by week of onset: Jafr, Maan Governorate, Jordan,June October 1999. Footnotes that explain any abbreviations used, the data sources, units of measurement, and other necessary details or data. Epidemiological research Avoid using area maps to display case counts. In fact, epidemiology is often described as the basic science of public health, and for good reason. However, a persons measurements can fluctuate above or below these cutoff values. Each person providing such an answer may interpret trouble hearing differently. Include a legend or key to clarify map features (e.g., disease cases, rates, and exposures). Analysis by other personal attributes in descriptive epidemiology involves comparing rates or other numeric data by different classes of the attribute. This expected or target case count is now corrected for the population and can be compared with the actual observed case counts. In addition, debrief interviewers about issues they might have encountered (e.g., if participants cannot understand certain questions, those questions might need rewording). For these larger areas, stratifying the epidemic curves by smaller subunits can reveal the underlying periodicity. For example. Instructions related to protection of participants (e.g., maintaining confidentiality, data security). Defined as a symptom that improved while away from the facility, either on days off or on vacation. Accessing or collecting clean, valid, reliable, and timely data challenges most field epidemiologic investigations. National Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Epidemiologists would do well to remember GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) when delineating their data collection plans. Temporal disease rates are usually illustrated by using a line graph (Box 6.4). Place numbers close together, which might require using abbreviations in column headings. Provide an Seasonal distribution of malaria cases, by month of detection by voluntary collaborators in four villages: El Salvador, 19701977. Home > Homework Answsers > Nursing homework help. If you know both time of onset and time of the presumed exposure, you can estimate the incubation or latency period. These can then be counted and the rates calculated. Ongoing population surveys are important for understanding the prevalence of health risk behaviors in the general population. The counts of incident or prevalent cases can be compared with their historical norm or another expected or target value. Through this process of organization, inspection, and interpretation of data, descriptive epidemiology serves multiple purposes (Box 6.1). The wellbeing of people relies on several distinct variables. In contact diagrams (Figure 6.2, panel A) (5), which are commonly used for visualizing person-to-person transmission, different markers are used to indicate the different groups exposed or at risk. This means that the results of such a study may be quite different from a study in which actual hearing (audiometric) tests are administered to each person in a household. In the example diagram, closeness and quality of relationships, timing between onsets, and places of contact are all displayed through different symbols and shading (Figure 6.2) (5). For certain conditions, a description by season, month, day of the week, or even time of day can be revealing. The averages and dispersions can be displayed in a table or visualized in a box-and-whisker plot that indicates the median, mean, interquartile range, and outliers (Figure 6.1) (5). Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. These might include detailed administrative boundaries or a longitude-latitude grid. By September, an increased number of infants with microcephaly was reported from Zika virusaffected areas. Using three or more significant figures interferes with comparison and comprehension. Recognizing disease patterns by personal attributes (e.g., age, sex, education, income, or immunization status) constitutes the fifth element in descriptive epidemiology. Tables are commonly used for characterizing disease cases or other health events and are ideal for displaying numeric values. Avoid using dividing lines, grids, and other embellishments within the data space. Sorting nominative categories by the magnitude of the numeric value helps the readers understanding. Question: Describe how epidemiological data If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance. To indicate numeric intensity, use increasing intensity of gray from white to black. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Indicate underpopulated or depopulated areas. Epidemiologic data are paramount to targeting and implementing evidence-based control measures to protect the publics health and safety. NRS-440V Week 5 Assignment Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy. Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. Also, the analysis of epidemiological Among 9,422 blood lead tests conducted during April 2013March 2016, 284 (3.0%) BLLs were 5 g/dL or higher; the probability of having BLLs of 5 g/dL or greater was 46% higher during the period after the switch from Detroit Water Authority to FWS than before the switch to FWS. When creating graphics and interpreting distributions of disease by place, keep in mind Waldo Toblers first law of geography: Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things (13). These graphs can include line graphs, histograms (epidemic curves), and scatter diagrams (see Box 6.4 for general guidelines in construction of epidemiologic graphs). Stratifying seasonal curves can further expose key differences by place, person, or other features (Figure 6.12) (12). In arranging analytical tables, you should begin with the arrangement of the data space by following a simple set of guidelines (Box 6.3) (1). The background rate generally is determined by accessing existing data sources, such as reportable disease registries or vital statistics. The application period for EIS Class of 2024 is now open through June 5, 2023. Of note, administration of antimicrobials, immunoglobulins, antitoxins, or other quickly acting drugs can lead to a shorter than expected outbreak with a curtailed downslope. A lock (LockA locked padlock) Contemp Ob/Gyn 1982;20:14761. Other ongoing surveys include the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In the United States, the legal framework for reporting infectious diseases to public health authorities for investigation and control dates to 1878, when Congress authorized the Public Health Service to collect reports of cholera, smallpox, plague, and yellow fever from consuls overseas to implement quarantine measures to prevent introduction into the United States (6). WebThis problem has been solved! Cluster bar charts with more than two bars per cluster (e.g., Figure 6.16, panel B) are not recommended. WebThey concluded that epidemiological data helps to plan and strategizes in the prevention and management of epidemic diseases or illnesses. Possible confounders and effect modifiers. We take your privacy seriously. Basic epidemiologic methods tend to rely on careful observation and use of valid comparison groups to assess whether what was observed, such as the number of cases of disease in a particular area during a particular time period or the frequency of an exposure among persons with disease, differs from what might be expected. This reveals that factor and that an environmental exposure also related to low altitude (e.g., poor drainage of sewage) might have contributed to cholera incidence. This propagated pattern has four principal characteristics (Box 6.6). The epidemiology of human communication is a rewarding and challenging field. - Epidemiologists and nurse researchers use descriptive, analytic, and Discussing up front the purpose of the investigation and the data collection processes will prove invaluable in the long run when collaborators are needed during case finding, data collection, implementation of control measures, and communication with affected populations and the public. Do participants have access to phones, mailing addresses, or computers? Certain behaviors (e.g., drug addiction or mass sociogenic illness) might propagate from person to person, but the epidemic curve will not necessarily reflect generation times. Cookies used to enable you to share pages and content that you find interesting on through third party social networking and other websites. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. < Previous Chapter 5: Using Technologies for Data Collection and Management, Next Chapter 7: Designing and Conducting Analytic Studies in the Field>. Furthermore, EHRs contain potentially useful data on healthcare use, treatment, and outcomes of a diseaseelements not typically assessed by more traditional public health data sources. Use the smallest possible administrative area that the numerator and denominator will allow. Although the list comprises primarily infectious diseases, in 1995, the first noninfectious conditionelevated blood lead levelswas added (7). This can be as simple as finding that a health event is affecting only a limited age group or as complicated as comparing age-specific rates among multiple groups. Source: Adapted from Ajloun Non-Communicable Disease Project, Jordan, unpublished data, 2017. WebHLT- 362 Topic 5 DQ 1 Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. New health policies in 1970 and 1995 that broadened coverage of Papanicolaou smear screenings for women were initially followed by steeper decreases and subsequent leveling off of the downward trend. Relating disease with these events in time can support calculation of key characteristics of the disease or health event. This will be reflected by an instability of the epidemic curve. To assess the impact of drinking contaminated water on blood lead levels (BLLs), the distribution of BLLs 5 g/dL or higher among children less than 6 years of age before, during, and after the switch in water source was assessed. Changes in technology also challenge data collection. For questions about the EIS program, please contact us directly at Legal counsel can help address these concerns. Epidemic curves for large geographic areas might not reveal the early periodicity or the characteristic increase and decrease of a propagated outbreak. An important initial step in collecting data as part of a field investigation is determining the mode of data collection (e.g., self-administered, mailed, phone or in-person interview, online survey) (29). You can review and change the way we collect information below. Even scientists working in the same field at the same time may not agree on the best way to measure or define a particular disorder. Your analytic findings must explain the observed patterns by time, place, and person. To calculate incidence, special care therefore is needed to avoid counting the same person every time a fluctuation occurs above or below the cutoff point. BMI, Body mass index; F, female; M, male; SD, standard deviation. Exposure to lead has significant adverse health effects (e.g., developmental delays) particularly for young children with developing brains. When using transformed data (e.g., logarithmic, normalized, or ranked), represent equal units of the transformed data with equal distances on the axis. Responding to urgent public health issues expeditiously requires balancing the speed of response with the need for accurate data and information to support the implementation of control measures. New York: Oxford University Press; 2001. p. 61. Review the first several completed surveys to check completeness of fields, inconsistencies in responses, and how well skip patterns work. As an alternative to using tables, charts (Box 6.12) (e.g., dot charts) (Figure 6.16, panel A) or horizontal cluster bar charts (Figure 6.16, panel B) improve perception of the patterns in the data, compared with a table. This will be modified by the variability of contact between humans and the reservoir animal and, for vectorborne zoonoses, contact with the arthropod vector. To search for these determinants, epidemiologists use analytic epidemiology or epidemiologic studies to provide the Why and How of such events. Provide an example and explain what data would be necessary to make a change in practice. Aspect ratios (data space width to height) of approximately 2:1 work well. Epidemiologists need to determine quickly whether existing data can be analyzed to inform the investigation or whether additional data need to be collected and how to do so most efficiently and expeditiously. WebEpidemiological data influences changes in health practices in the following ways: These data can be used for the understanding of population-level disease progression. Epidemiological research helps us to understand how many people have a disease or disorder, if those numbers are changing, and how the disorder affects our society and our economy. May 18, 2022 Epidemiology data influence in health practices Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. Multiple factors must be considered when identifying relevant data sources for conducting a field investigation. CDC twenty four seven. WebEpidemiology is concerned with the frequency and pattern of health events in a population. Examples of data sources for assessing possible exposures include sales receipts (e.g., meals ordered online or food items purchased from a particular store) (20) and law enforcement data (e.g., drug seizures involving illicit fentanyl in conjunction with opioid overdose deaths due to fentanyl) (21). In September 2009, the Oregon Public Health Division investigated an outbreak of gastroenteritis that occurred among more than 2,000 participants of a week-long, 475-mile bicycle ride. The x-axis represents a period of interest. Instead, put them just outside the data region. Epidemiological data plays a very important role in starting research, evaluating research, and creating a change. Time has special importance in interpreting epidemiologic data in that the initial exposure to a causative agent must precede disease. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website.

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describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices

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