how many american ships were sunk in ww2

The entire crew was rescued and the submarine was abandoned after all sensitive documents had been destroyed. Nine men were killed by the crash and another twenty two wounded. USS YD-56 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. The brothers are (from left to right): Joseph . On 6 July 1943 Helena was operating as part of TF 68 which was engaging ten Japanese destroyers that were attempting to resupply garrison troops at Kula Gulf. Reno was hit on her port side by two torpedoes, one of which was a dud. 2 magazine. Struck by aerial torpedo and grounded on a coral reef. USSTruxtun(DD-229) was acting as escort on 18 Feb 1942 off St. Lawrence, Newfoundland when at 04:10 she ran aground amid a storm and immediately broke in half. The plane's bomb compounded the fracture when it exploded between the flight and hangar decks, tearing a 25-foot gash in the latter and causing a number of casualties. USS LCT(5)-319 sunk at Kiska, Aleutian Islands, 27 August 1943. USSLexington(CV-2) was hit by two armor-piercing bombs and two torpedoes on 8 May 1942 during the Battle of Coral Sea. Although an effort was made to tow the ship to safety, further air attacks prompted her abandonment and scuttling. US Navy. Raised by the Japanese and designated. The first kamikaze; an A6M, came in from straight ahead but missed the ship due to a last second maneuver, showering the destroyer with debris. She was the . The crew of Luce lost one hundred forty-nine dead and ninety-four more were wounded. After sending by radio and signal lamp: "Warning! 7 men of Macomb's crew were killed and 14 wounded.[6]. The ship was towed to the Admiralty Islands and made enough repairs to sail to the west coast. USS Indianapolis, in full United States Ship Indianapolis, U.S. Navy heavy cruiser that was sunk by a Japanese submarine on July 30, 1945, shortly after delivering the internal components of the atomic bombs that were later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Destroyed in December 1945. On 29 May 1945, while performing radar picket duty, she was attacked by two kamikazes at 0010, one of which was shot down. USSHerring(SS-233) went out from Midway Island for her eighth patrol of the war on 21 May 1944, then ten days later made rendezvous with USSBarb(SS-220) before heading off to the Kuril Islands. During the battle, Salt Lake City fired on multiple Japanese ships scoring many hits. USS PGM-27 destroyed by grounding during typhoon at Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 9 October 1945. It also lists United States Coast Guard losses. USSMissouri(BB-63): On 11 April, a low-flying kamikaze Zero, although fired upon, crashed on Missouri's starboard side, just below her main deck level. The ship would be sold to the Argentine Navy and eventually made its way back to the US and finally Japan (ironically) for scrapping in 1978. Eighty-one crewmen were lost with Trout. Four hundred twenty-nine crewmen died when Oklahoma capsized but thirty-two men were rescued from the overturned ship. USS LCT(5)-25 sunk off northern France, 6 June 1944. While making repairs; at 18:40 an enemy twin engine bomber dropped two bombs that scored on Palmer's portside. The ship's crew fought to correct the 12-degree list to starboard by shoring up bulkheads and jettisoning heavy topside weight. She spent her final days in the navy transporting prisoners of war back home. Irreparably damaged by Kamikaze aircraft. She was also set afire from nearby ships sharing the drydock with Pennsylvania. She sunk on her keel in shallow water at Pearl Harbor. USS LST-282 sunk by a glider bomb off St. Tropez, France, 15 August 1944. USS YC-869 lost off Imperial Beach, California 23 March 1943. US Navy. Japanese records indicate she struck a mine off the shore of Hokkaido which was witnessed by a patrol boat. USSHaynsworth(DD-700) was steaming off Okinawa on 6 April 1945 fighting off sporadic attacks on her task group by kamikazes through the early morning hours when at 12:50, a single D4Y "Judy" dive bomber broke from its formation and headed straight for the ship. USSNoa(APD-24) sunk in collision with USSFullam(DD-474) off Palau, Caroline Islands, 12 September 1944. Foundered off Cape Hatteras in the Great Atlantic hurricane of 1944 with the loss of all hands. USSPGM-18 sunk by a mine off Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 7 April 1945. The most likely cause for the loss of the Runner is that she struck a mine and sank with all hands sometime after 22 June 1943. The destroyer had hit a minehead on, detonating the forward magazines and obliterating the forward section of the ship, back to the forward stack. The ship quickly sank in less than six minutes, taking forty-seven crewmen down with her. Juneau withdrew from the action, and after the melee was over proceeded to Espiritu Santo with other ships damaged in the night's action. Despite the damage, Hopewell remained on station in Manila Bay for several more days before steaming for repairs at Manus. Most of the survivors were picked up within an hour by destroyers of Task Force 67. Many were sunk by Allied submarines, sending thousands of their . PT-32 destroyed to prevent capture, Tagauayan Island, Philippine Islands, 13 March 1942. USS YC-649 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. There were 733 Merchant Marine ships sunk due to enemy attacks, and the Japanese captured 609 mariners as prisoners of war. Oil storage ship. Luckily none of Rathburne's crew was hurt in the attack. Although the ship suffered minor flooding, five dead and twenty three wounded; Claxton was able to complete her mission rescuing over one hundred eighty seven of Abner Read. USSWard(DD-139) was acting as a high speed transport conducting operations off Leyte when on 7 December 1944 (three years to the day after firing America's first shot in anger of WWII), Ward was attacked by a kamikaze which crashed amidships knocking out power and starting blazing fires. All battle damage was repaired and she was given a major refit. USSBache(DD-470) was performing radar picket duty off Okinawa on 13 May 1945 when thirteen Japanese aircraft attacked the area Bache was stationed. during World War II 134 Japanese "hell ships" transported roughly 126,000 Allied POWs via more than 156 voyages. Severely damaged in a storm. The ship would limp to Kerama Retto with extensive damage and eventually back to the states. Out of a crew of almost 1,200; 168men were killed, either during the battle or while the men were adrift. USSBrownson(DD-518) was screening landings at Cape Gloucester, New Britain on 26 December 43 when at 14:42 she was hit by two bombs from a "Val" dive bomber which struck starboard of centerline near the number two stack. South Dakota was illuminated by burning ships and fired upon by the Japanese task force, including battleship Kirishima. USSSan Felipe(YFB-12) lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippine Islands, and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. USSSerpens(AK-97) destroyed by explosion off Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 29 January 1945. The pilot identified the destroyer and oiler as a cruiser and carrier, respectively. USS SC-521 foundered off Santa Cruz, Solomon Islands, 10 July 1945. One plane made a run on the ship; its right wing hitting the No.2 smoke stack spinning the plane around into the deck amidships. Although Grenadier dived quickly, it was not deep enough to avoid the plane's two bombs which rocked the submarine considerably. On 30 October 1942, while maneuvering to avoid a submarine contact, South Dakota collided with the destroyer Mahan, receiving significant damage that needed repairs in Nouma. One of the warheads hit her port side, exploding the aviation fuel storage tanks forward of Turret 1 and folding the bow down to over 70 degrees. The starboard seaplane caught fire and was jettisoned. Secondary explosions of the ammunition stored in the casemates caused serious fires there and in the galley deck below them. The ship resumed flight operations a few hours later. West Virginia was raised and sent to Puget Sound for major reconstruction. The carrier lost six men in the attack; the remaining 951 were picked up by the escort screen. The ship took on water and settled in the dock, her stern underwater. During the action, she attempted to come to the aid of a downed TBF Avenger which had crashed nearby, when she was struck amidships in the forward engine room by a torpedo, most likely from the downed Avenger. YP-279 foundered in heavy weather off Townsville, Australia, 5 September 1943. Caldwell was hit by two bombs, one of the diving planes turned on its back and struck the bridge of the destroyer. USS YO-159 lost off the New Hebrides Islands, 14 January 1944. San Francisco's gunfire caused extensive damage to Atlanta, killing Admiral Scott and most of Atlanta's bridge crew. One made a run on her and was shot down 75 yards to starboard, ricocheted off the water and hit Wilson in her 40mm gun tub. Most of the crew was picked up by neighboring ships but twenty two crewmembers would go down with Abner Read. The ship was scrapped in 1977 after a prestigious career. USS YCF-37 lost en route to Eniwetok, Marshall Islands, March 1945, and stricken from the Navy List, 28 April 1945. Accidentally strafed and sunk by US B-25 bomber. The submarine; most likely Barbel, disappeared under the waves in flames and smoke. USS YMS-21 sunk by a mine off Toulon, France, 1 September 1944. Independence returned to San Francisco on 2 January 1944 for more permanent repairs. Scuttled after attack by Japanese aircraft. At 00:15 on 30 July, Indianapolis was struck on her starboard side by two Type 95 torpedoes, one in the bow and one amidships, from the Japanese submarine I-58. USSS-26(SS-131) had just finished transiting the Panama Canal on the night of 24 January 1942 with three other submarines and the subchaser PC-460 acting as escort. Refloated next day. As friendly ships were rescuing Glennon's crew off the ship, destroyer escort Rich also struck several mines; sinking in 15 minutes. Although damage did not threaten the integrity of the hull, extensive damage required her to retire from the gulf. Japanese destroyer Harukaze came to assist the stricken freighter and attacked the submerged American sub until oil, bubbles, and debris came to the surface, leaving few doubts about the fate of the Shark and her eighty-seven crewmen. 24 of her crew went down with the ship, and another 60 were wounded. USS LCT(5)-242 sunk off Naples, Italy, 2 December 1943. The hulk of the ship would later be destroyed by US gunfire later that same afternoon. On 1 November 1944 while on patrol near Panaon Island, Anderson was attacked by a Ki-43 "Oscar" which dove at her at 1812. USS YF-178 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. The Japanese ship was transporting Allied prisoners of war when it was torpedoed by an American submarine in 1942, resulting in Australia's largest maritime wartime loss. Benham would be scuttled by USSGwin(DD-433). YP-128 destroyed by grounding off Monterey, California, 30 June 1942. Grounded by Typhoon Louise. The blast carried away the bow of the ship forward of the bridge causing Benham to retreat from the battle. The ship immediately began to sink, taking the lives of eighty-four men down with her. USS LCT(6)-572 sunk off northern France, June 1944. One of them plunged into her; the other managed to hit with its bomb. USSDickerson(DD-157) was conducting operations off Okinawa when during the night of 2 April 1945 her group of transports was attacked by a large force of kamikazes. Hoel launched torpedoes and forced the Japanese ships warships to turn away from chasing the carriers. Nevertheless, the Americans accepted battle and many of the escorting destroyers would valiantly sacrifice themselves to prevent the Japanese from sailing into Leyte Gulf where the bulk of transports for the Philippines invasion was. Sunk by torpedoes from Japanese destroyers. Astoria lost steering control on the bridge at about 02:25, shifted control to central station, and began steering a zig-zag course south. With assistance from the salvage tugs Hopi and Moreno; Savannah got underway under her own steam by 17:57 hours and steamed for Malta. USS LCT(6)-582 sunk in the Azores Islands, 22 January 1944. USSLaffey(DD-459) was operating with TF 67 on the night of 1314 November 1942 off Guadalcanal when at 0148, combat was initiated with a Japanese force including two battleships, and fourteen destroyers. USS YSP-46 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. The explosion sprayed shrapnel all over the ship, killing and wounding 70 men. Then again at 06:30, still circling, Portland opened fire on the abandoned hulk of the destroyer Ydachi at a range of 6 miles. USSPGM-7 sunk in collision in the Bismarck Sea, 18 July 1944. Ships Sunk or Damaged in World War II Ships Home. Quincy's captain, Samuel N. Moore, gave the order to commence firing, but the gun crews were not ready. Grounded and partially sunk in a typhoon. The two sides clashed in the Battle of Tassafaronga. The ship's burning hulk stayed afloat until 1700 that afternoon before it finally sank. 693 men went down with Houston, while 368 survived the sinking to become prisoners of the Japanese. Fisheries II (converted yacht) destroyed to prevent capture at Corregidor, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 5 May 1942. USS SC-1024 sunk after collision off North Carolina, 2 March 1943. At 02:00, Vincennes heeled to starboard in an attempt to evade enemy gunfire, only to be hit by Japanese torpedoes. Although down by the bow, Forrest was able to make it Kerama Retto for temporary patch-ups and eventually back to the states for permanent repairs, where she would be when the war ended. PT-164 destroyed by Japanese aircraft bombing, Rendova Harbor, Solomon Islands, 1 August 1943. Followup to a followup: The following "troopships" were sunk in WWII. USSNevada(BB-36) was the only battleship to get underway during the Pearl Harbor attack. On 16 April 1945, a kamikaze aircraft dove through the flight deck, killing eight and wounding 21, but the ship was landing planes again within three hours. Although several of the enemy planes were downed, three planes managed to strike the Mahan. Its bomb exploded just before impact with the deck causing extensive casualties and fires. Grounded by Typhoon Louise. Yamato is clearly seen in the background of photographs taken during the attack on "Taffy 3". USS Ommaney Bay: American escort carrier sunk on 4 January 1945 by kamikaze aircraft. The suicide plane smashed into the mainmast and forward stack of the ship, wounding five men and starting several fires. Postwar analysis of Japanese records are inconclusive, but it is clear that several attacks on an Allied submarine were made in the area and time frame where Shark was assigned to operate. The ship would serve the Navy until the Vietnam War and was sunk as a target in 1972. She would finish the war, later participating in "Magic Carpet". USSBrooks(APD-10) scrapped after being damaged beyond repair by kamikaze attack in Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands, 6 January 1945. The dud landed in the aft diesel room creating a hole in the side of the Barton but no further damage. For at least 30 minutes, secondary explosions in the turret and its ammunition supply rooms hampered firefighting efforts. New York NY: Sarpedon Publishers, 1995. 5 August 1864. The loss of the Snook remains a mystery to this day. USSSalute(AM-294) sunk by a mine off Brunei, Borneo, 8 June 1945. After several hours of fighting fires and suffering severe internal explosions caused by leaking gasoline vapors, the ship was abandoned and scuttled with a loss of 216 men. USS Rosal (YFB-682) lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippine Islands, and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. USS YR-43 lost in the Gulf of Alaska, 28 March 1945. No crew were wounded in this attack and damage was minor. Fortunately, there were no casualties and the ship's experienced crew quickly brought the flooding under control. USS LST-179 sunk by explosion at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 21 May 1944. The blast destroyed the No. At the outset of the engagement, a friendly Navy plane dropped flares that illuminated the two American ships in the black darkness. The suicide attacker barely missed striking the bridge, instead clipping the ship's antenna before tumbling into the sea. YP-47 sunk by collision off Staten Island, New York, 26 April 1943. Severely damaged by Kamikaze boat and not repaired. The fires were out by 1855; afterwards Anderson counted 16 dead and 20 wounded. USS SC-740 grounded on Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 17 June 1943. The first crashed through her flight deck and its bomb went off just above the hangar deck, setting afire several aircraft. USS LST-531 sunk by German motor torpedo boats in Lyme Bay, England, 28 April 1944. PT-172 grounded in enemy waters and destroyed to prevent capture, off Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands, 7 September 1943. The ship would have its bow replaced and she would return to action by May 1944. USSBrooks(DD-232) was hit by a kamikaze on 6 January 1945 in Lingayen Gulf, which struck her port side, starting fires and causing flooding. PT-123 destroyed by Japanese aircraft bombing, off Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1 February 1943. Prompt damage control managed to prevent more serious flooding and Haggard was towed to Kerama Retto with eleven dead and forty wounded. In the Battle of Tassafaronga that followed, American destroyers launched torpedoes as the enemy range came within 5 miles of Pensacola's cruiser formation. The destroyer would break in half and sink under the waves by 18:55, her crew lost thirty men dead and another seventy-two wounded. As she made headway the ship gradually leaked more water. Just after noon on 26 October, another group of kamikazes jumped "Taffy 1". 332 of her men would go down with her as she rolled over and sank 2.5 miles east of Savo Island at 02:50. Although the American ships managed to sink the transports, the Japanese responded ferociously with planes, destroyers, and shore batteries; in the fierce fighting USS Cooper was hit by a torpedo and sank. USSO'Brien(DD-415) was escorting a convoy of troop transports in company with USSWasp(CV-7) on 15 September 1942 when the American ships were targeted by Japanese submarine I-19. Sunk after being torpedoed by Japanese aircraft. Seven survivors were killed by a kamikaze attack a few days later on USS Columbia. The submarine was scheduled to pass through the heavily mined Balabac Strait south of Palawan before heading to the Natuna Islands. At 10:51, an A6M Zero kamikaze dove on White Plains but was hit by AA fire and turned towards St. Of a crew of three hundred and thirty six, only twenty four were rescued. Efforts to bring the ship home were dashed when Yorktown was torpedoed by Japanese submarine I-168 on 7 June 1942. A total of seventy-eight men were lost with Tang. USSKitkun Bay(CVE-71) had been dodging shells from Japanese cruisers off Samar on the morning of 25 October 1944 when her task force "Taffy 3" was hit by suicide planes. On 6 April 1945 just off Iejima, Leutze had pulled alongside her sister ship Newcomb which had been hit by multiple kamikazes to give assistance fighting fires and rescuing wounded. Ships Sunk or Damaged in World War II According to the War Shipping Administration, the U.S. USSMontgomery(DM-17) scrapped after being damaged by a mine off Palau, Caroline Islands, 17 October 1944. On 3 February 1945, Barbel sent out a message reporting to her nearby wolfpack that she had been attacked on three occasions by Japanese submarine hunting aircraft. Throughout the battle, St. USS LCT(6)-1050 sunk off Ie Shima, Ryukyu Islands, 27 July 1945. The two submarine captains agreed to position themselves ahead of the convoy for a better attack angle after a brief gunfight with escorting vessels had driven the two subs away. USSHancock(CV-19): On 25 November 1944, a fire exploded an incoming kamikaze some 300ft (91m) above the ship, but a section of its fuselage landed amidships and burst into flames. Within a couple hours the fires were under control and the ship was able to make it back to the states for repairs. Not to scale, obviously. The damage was negligible and Texas continued to fire back at the Germans. USSBush(DD-529) was operating radar pickett duty off Okinawa on 6 April 1945 when at 14:30, several waves of kamikazes were detected approaching on radar. On 16 August, Honolulu arrived at Pearl Harbor for major repairs and a new bow. At 08:22 Ingraham became the prime focus of the Japanese suicide planes after two other American ships had been sunk. Strange ships entering the harbor!" On the 14th, at 1945 her group was attacked by six D3A "Val" dive bombers; two of the planes closed on St. Louis. USS YF-181 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. USSAludra(AK-72) sunk after being torpedoed by Japanese submarine RO-103 off San Cristobal Island, Solomon Islands, 23 June 1943. USSAulick(DD-569) was performing anti-submarine patrols near the entrance to Leyte Gulf on 29 November 1944 when at 1750 she was targeted by six "Oscar's". After both ships destroyed about twelve incoming bogeys, Evans took several direct hits and was dead in the water at 09:00, leaving Hadley to battle on by herself. USS YA-65 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. At 17:12, a Yokosuka P1Y penetrated the screen undetected and made for Ommaney Bay, approaching directly towards the ship's bow. Four of her crew were killed and six wounded. USS Yorktown (CV-5) damaged by aircraft bombs on 4 June 1942 during the Battle of Midway and sunk after being torpedoed by Japanese submarine I-168, 7 June 1942. USS YC-693 lost off Alaska, 1 February 1945,[8] and stricken from the Navy List, 23 February 1945. USS LST-43 sunk by explosion at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 21 May 1944. Princeton sank at approximately 17:50 with a loss of 108 men; however, 233 men were killed and 426 wounded on the USS Birmingham. On 13 October 1944, an air-dropped torpedo from a Japanese aircraft hit the cruiser below her armour belt. The ship would receive repairs at Pearl Harbor and return to service by 6 February 1943. PT-121 destroyed by Australian aircraft, mistaken identification, Bangula Bay, New Britain, 27 March 1944. After shooting down several planes coming at her, a single D3A "Val" crashed into the destroyer's bridge superstructure just abaft of the forward stack. One crewman was slightly wounded when a piece of the enemy plane's wingtip struck his head. As the ship was being abandoned, Leary was hit by two additional torpedoes which quickly put the ship beneath the waves. USS Birmingham and USS Irwin approached and attempted to fight the fire and rescue crew members. This is a list of US Navy ships sunk or damaged in action during World War II. USSCowanesque(AO-79) damaged on 3 January 1945 off of San Pedro Bay, Philippines, by kamikaze attack of a Japanese single-engine fighter crashing into her port side and disintegrating violently, spreading burning gasoline over the deck. USSKidd(DD-661) was protecting landing forces at Okinawa when she came under attack by kamikazes. As Vincennes's list increased to port, the order to abandon ship was given at 0230. She served in the Spanish Navy after World War II for 22 years and was finally scrapped in 2002 after preservation attempts failed. DCH-1 (IX-44) (ex-Walker) scuttled by gunfire from oiler USSNeches(AO-5) while under tow from San Diego, California, to Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, 8 December 1941. USSOahu(PR-6) scuttled off Corregidor, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 6 May 1942. USS YRC-4 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. USS LCT(5)-294 sunk off northern France, 6 June 1944. On 7 June 1943, Aaron Ward was escorting LCT's to Guadalcanal when a Japanese air raid found her. Three eight-inch, shells struck her within minutes of each other. Although repaired, the ship did not return to active service and was scrapped in 1969. USS YC-654 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. USSRalph Talbot(DD-390) was on patrol off Savo Island during the night of 7-8 Aug 1942 when at 0215 a Japanese heavy cruiser appeared out of the darkness. PT-368 grounded in enemy waters and destroyed to prevent capture, near Cape Salimoedi, Halmahera, Netherlands East Indies, 11 October 1944. USSMoonstone(PYc-9) sunk after collision with the USSGreer(DD-145) off the Delaware Capes, Delaware, 16 October 1943. Twenty-three of her men had been killed and eleven more had been wounded from the mine explosions. Sunk by Japanese aircraft. Sterett remained afloat and was able to depart the battle area for emergency repairs. USSMonssen(DD-436) was operating as a part Task Group 67.4 under command of Rear Admiral Callaghan on 1314 November 1942 when the task force engaged in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. Torpedoed and sunk by a German surface craft. Sunk after running aground during a storm. The ship was abandoned but did not sink. USSJarvis(DD-393) was defending the Guadalcanal landings on 8 Aug 1942 when 26 Japanese bombers attacked at 1200. Sunk: Pacific: Crew 33; US Army 2: 12/07/41: Islas Visayas: Freighter (Panama) Captured by Japanese: Captured: Pacific: Unknown: 12/08/41: Meifoo No. A passing by American bomber witnessed Argonaut attack a column of escorting destroyers. Seventy-four men were lost with the Triton. The submarine was never heard from again, and was presumed to be lost with all sixty men on 21 December 1944. USS LST-749 sunk by kamikaze aircraft off Mindoro, Philippine Islands, 21 December 1944. A suicide plane crashed into her stacks; wounding six men, and ricocheted off into the seas causing minor damage. Fires were out within a couple minutes and although the ship still made twenty-three knots, the damage was severe enough to send Bryant back stateside for repairs. Six were shot down, but the aircraft launched at least five torpedoes, one of which hit the carrier's starboard quarter. USSNorman Scott(DD-690) was providing fire support for the amphibious landings to capture Tinian Island on 24 July 1944 when at 07:40, previously unseen Japanese six-inch shore batteries began firing on the American ships, in particular the battleship Colorado. USS YO-41 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. Water rushed through the ship's vents and knocked out all power. Despite the serious damage to the ship, her crew was able to save the Mayrant and make it back to a safe port. On 21 October 1943, Murphy was escorting a convoy 75 miles off the coast of New Jersey when she was accidentally rammed by the oil tanker SS Bulkoil between her first and second stacks. PT-136 grounded in enemy waters and destroyed to prevent capture, Malai Island, Vitiaz Strait, New Guinea, 17 September 1943. USSBullhead(SS-332) was on her third patrol of the war near Bali when on 6 August 1945 the submarine reported she had made her way through the Lombok Strait en route to a rendezvous with a wolfpack in the Java Sea. During her participation in the Battle of Santa Cruz Islands, she was hit by one bomb during a dive bomber attack which landed on the roof of the main turret. Pope sought refuge in a rain squall but was soon spotted by enemy aircraft. PT-43 damaged by Japanese warships, beached, and destroyed to prevent capture on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 11 January 1943. Both ships were on fire and sinking within a few minutes. Talomo Bay, Davao Gulf, Mindanao, Philippines. Fanshaw Bay retired from operations and proceeded to Pearl Harbor for a long period of repairs. Lost while in tow from Eureka and stranded. PT-118 grounded in enemy waters and destroyed to prevent capture, off Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands, 7 September 1943. Astoria turned over on her port beam, rolled slowly, and settled by the stern, disappearing completely by 12:16. The fate of Capelin remains unknown. On the night of 8/9 Aug, a Japanese force of seven cruisers and a destroyer under Vice Admiral Gunichi Mikawa snuck by Savo Island and attacked the American ships. The ship was back in service by October 1944. The torpedo opened a thirty-foot hole in the side of the ship, killed twenty men and wounded ten more. Sunk accidentally by her own depth charges. Captured by Imperial Japanese Army. The ship made it back to San Francisco under her own power. Cisco took eighty crewmen down with her when she sank. USSWalke(DD-723) was participating in the landings on Luzon, 2 January 1945 when at 11:55 while providing support in Lingayen Gulf, her crew sighted four enemy Ki-63 "Oscar's" incoming at low altitude. USSFiske(DE-143) sunk after being torpedoed by German submarine U-804 north of Azores, 2 August 1944. USS LST-318 sunk by aircraft off Caronia, Sicily, 10 August 1943. On 17 February 1945 Pensacola was bombarding Iwo Jima when she was hit by enemy gun batteries on shore which killed 19 men and wounded 119. 11 of her crew were killed and 4 others wounded. Gilmer would resume her duties by early July. Damage was minimal and the ship stayed in action. USS LSMR-195 sunk by kamikaze attack off Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 3 May 1945. 8 men were killed and 16 wounded. The ship reeled under the impact of a second salvo of direct hits which set fire to the volatile aircraft in Vincennes's hangar space, and the resultant flames became uncontrollable. USS YSP-43 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. USS YCF-23 lost en route to Eniwetok, Marshall Islands, March 1945, and stricken from the Navy List, 28 April 1945.

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how many american ships were sunk in ww2

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