how to pronounce joppa in the bible

It is connected with Jerusalem by the only carriage road that exists in the country, and also by a railway completed in 1892. On the other hand, good Biblical pronunciation will make people understand you easily and be willing to listen to you. in NW) - Hosea 2:1 KJ (h7355); w76 3/1 157 - roo-HAY-muh] * [ ruinous] * [ (destroying, destructive, ruined in some Bibles) - ruinous - Jeremiah 51:25 (h4889) - ROO-uh-nuhs, not ROO-nee-uhs] * [ ruinously - ruinously - Deuteronomy 4:18 (h7843) - ROO-uh-nuhs-lee, not ROO-nee-uhs-lee] * [ Rumah - Ru'mah - 2 Kings 23:36 (h7316) - ROO-mah, -muh] * [ Ruth - Ruth (Bible book) - Ruth 1:4 (h7327) - ROOTH] *. - puh-TRIS-tik] * [ patronymic* - - it "Nathanael" - pa'truh-NIM-ik] * [ Pauline* - - it "Canon" - PAW-li n] * [ pe] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Pe - Psalm 119:129 (verse heading) - PAY] * [ pedagogue* - - Galatians 3:24 ftn. - KAT-uh-klih'zuhm] * [ catechism* - - g93 9/8 8 - KAT-uh-kiz'uhm] * [ Cathari*] * [ (aka Albigenses) - - w95 9/1 28 - KATH-uh-ri, -ree] * [ Cedron - ("Kidron" in NW) - John 18:1 Da, DRB, KJ (g2748) - SEE-druhn] * [ Cenchreae] * [ (Cenchera, Cenchrae, Cenchrea in some Bibles) - Cen'chreae - Acts 18:18 (g2747) - SEN-kruh-ee, SEN-kree-uh, sen-KREE-uh] * [ cenotaph* - - w94 6/15 32 - SEN-uh-taf', -tahf'] * [ censer - censer - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h4730); Hebrews 9:4 (g2369) - SEN(T)-suhr] * [ centurion] * [ (captain, Roman army officer in some Bibles) - ("army officer" in NW) - Acts 10:1 DRB, KJ (and others) (g1543) - sen-T(Y)OOR-ee-uhn] * [ Cephas - Ce'phas - 1 Corinthians 3:22 (g2786) - SEE-phus] * [ certiorari* - - g03 1/8 4 - suhr'sh(ee-)uh-RAR-ee, -RAHR-EE] * [ cessation - cessation - Isaiah 38:11 (h2309) - seh-SAY-shuhn] * [ chalcedony - chalced'ony - Revelation 21:19 (g5472) - kal-SED-uh-nee, kal-SEH-duh-nee, kal-SEHD-uhn-ee, chal-; KAL-suh-doh'nee, chal-, -dah'-] * [ Chalcis*] * [ (also Khalks) - - it "Herod" - KAL-suhs, KAL-kuhs] * [ Chaldea - Chalde'a - Jeremiah 50:10 (h3778) - kal-DEE-uh] * [ Chaldean - Chalde'an - Ezra 5:12 (h3679) - kal-DEE-uhn] * [ Chaldee* - - w99 2/1 31 - KAL-dee', KOL-, KAHL-] * [ chamberlain] * [ (over the bedchambers, over the bedroom, personal aide in some Bibles) - ([the one] "in charge of the bedchamber" in NW) - Acts 12:20 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g1909 + g2846) - CHAYM-buhr-luhn] * [ chamois - chamois - Deuteronomy 14:5 (h2169) - SHAM-ee (listen), also sha-MWAH] * [ Chandogya* - - g75 11/8 8 - chahn-DAH-gya] * [ chancellor - ("chief government official" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 AS, KJ (h1169) - CHAN(T)-s(uh-)luhr] * [ chapiter - ("capital" in NW) - 2 Chronicles 3:15 KJ (h6858) - CHA-puh-tuhr] * [ charism* - - w80 8/1 23 - KAR-ih'zuhm, KAIR-iz'uhm] * [ charisma*; pl. else{ nuh-vee-EEM, Ashk. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. are angry. It is connected with Jerusalem by the only carriage road that exists in the country, and also by a railway completed in 1892. pageTracker._trackPageview(); This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. There are basically three ways: practice, practice and practice! Ur er , Urbanus er-BAY-nuhs , Uriah you-RAI-uh , Uzziah yoo-ZAI-uh, Vercelli ver-TSHEHL-ee , Vianney vee-uh-NAY , Vintager VIHN-tih-dzher, Wadi Cherith WAH-dee+KEE-rihth , Wenceslaus WEHN-sehs-laws, Xavier YAH-weh-yer-AY , Yahweh-Shalom YAH-weh-shuh-LOM. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce W words in the Bible: [ wadi*; Wadi] * [ (brook, river, stream, torrent in some Bibles) - ("torrent valley" in NW) - Genesis 32:23 ftn. But good Bible pronunciation skill is also important in how to say things, for the following reasons: Click to see A J Baltes Pronouncing by MEMORY "Start to Finish" all 20,000 words of Saint John's Gospel! Vowel --The letters a, e, I, o, u, and sometimes y and w. We make gath-he'-fer (gath ha-chepher, "winepress of the pit"): A town on the boundary of Zebulun ( Joshua 19:13; the King James Version in error, "Gittah-hapher"), the birthplace of the prophet Jonah ( 2 Kings 14:25 ). (h7225) - ber-uh-SHITH, BER-uh-shith] * [ Bernice - Berni'ce - Acts 25:13 (g959) - ber-NI -see, ber-NEES] * [ Beroea] * [ (Berea in some Bibles, modern Vroia or Veria, Macedonia) - Beroe'a - Acts 17:10 (g960) - bih-REE-uh] * [ Berossus* - - dp 17 - buh-ROS-suhs] * [ beryl - beryl - Revelation 21:20 (g969) - BEHR-uhl] * [ besom ("broom") - ("broom" in NW) - Isaiah 14:23 AS, Douay (h4292) - BEE-zuhm] * [ bestiality* - - it "Bestiality" - bes'chee-AL-ih-tee, bees'-] * [ Bethany - Beth'any - Matthew 26:6 (g963) - BETH-uh-nee] * [ Beth-eden - Beth-e'den - Amos 1:5 (h1040) - beth-EE-duhn] * [ Bethel] * [ (aka Luz) - Beth'el - Genesis 28:19 (h1008) - BETH-uhl, BETH-el] * [ Beth-ezel - Beth-e'zel - Micah 1:11 (h1018) - beth-EE-zuhl, beth-EE-zehl] * [ Bethlehem - Beth'lehem - Genesis 35:19 (h1035) - BETH-lih-hem(') (listen), also BETH-lee-uhm] * [ Bethlehem Ephrathah - Beth'lehem Eph'rathah - Micah 5:2 (h1035, h672) - beth'lih-hem EF-ruh-thuh] * [ Beth-pelet] * [ (Bethphaleth, Beth-phelet in some Bibles) - Beth-pel'et - Nehemiah 11:26 (h1046) - beth-PEE-lit, beth-PEL-it] * [ Bethphage - Beth'phage - Matthew 21:1 (g967) - BETH-fuh-jee] * [ Bethsaida - Bethsa'ida - Matthew 11:21 (g966) - beth-SAY-uh-duh] * [ Bethuel - Bethu'el - Genesis 22:23 (h1328) - bih-THYOO-uhl, buh-THOO-uhl] * [ Bethzatha] * [ (Bethesda, Bethsaida in some Bibles) - Bethza'tha - John 5:2 (g964) - beth-ZAY-thuh] * [ Beulah - ("Owned as a Wife" in NW; it Beu'lah) - Isaiah 62:4 AS, HNV, KJ, WEB (h1166) - BYOO-luh, BYOO-lah] * [ Bezae* - - w90 2/15 24 - BEE-zee] * [ Bezae Cantabrigiensis* - - si 314 - BEE-zee-kan'tuh-brij-ee-EN-sis] * [ Bezalel - Bez'alel - Exodus 31:2 (h1212) - BEZ-uhl-el] * [ Bhagavad Gita* - - sh 103 - bah'guh-vahd' GEE-tuh, BUG-uh-vuhd GEE-tuh] * [ Biblicist* - - w01 5/1 30 - BIB-luh-sist] * [ Bichri - Bich'ri - 2 Samuel 20:2 (h1075) - BIK-ri] * [ Bikath-aven] * [ (Aven Valley, plain of Aven in some Bibles) - Bik'ath-a'ven - Amos 1:5 (h1237 + h206) - bik'ath-AY-ven] * [ Bildad - Bil'dad - Job 2:11 (h1085) - BIL-dad] * [ Bilhah - Bil'hah - Genesis 29:29 (h1090) - BIL-huh, BIL-hah] * [ bishopric - ("office of oversight" in NW) - Acts 1:20 DRB, KJ (g1984) - BIH-shuh-prik('), BISH-uhp-rik] * [ Bithiah - Bithi'ah - 1 Chronicles 4:18 (h1332) - bih-THI -uh] * [ Bithynia - Bithyn'ia - Acts 16:7 (g978) - bih-THIN-ee-uh] * [ bitumen - bitumen, it bitu'men - Genesis 11:3 (h2564) - bi -TOO-muhn, -TYOO-, bih-, BICH-ih-muhn, esp. (h3875) - pair-AHK-lay-tos (listen)] * [ Paran - Pa'ran - Numbers 10:12 (h6290) - PAY-ruhn, PAY-ran] * [ Parmenas - Par'menas - Acts 6:5 (g3937) - PAHR-muh-nuhs, PAHR-mee-nuhs] * [ Parousia* - parousi'a - it "Presence" (g3952) - pahr-oo-SEE-uh (listen), also puh-ROO-z(h)ee-uh, Gr. (segmentals) One of the simple discoveries in the research is the importance of a believer investing time in the Bible. by Joanne Kenworthy, (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers), Longman Publishing, 1987. ftlObj.y += (pY - startY - ftlObj.y)/8; 8 - ik-SPAH-zuh-tohr'ee, -tawr'-] * [ exquisite - exquisite - Psalm 37:11 (h6026) - ek-SKWIH-zuht, EK-skwi(')-] * [ exult; exultation] * [ (compare: exalt, exaltation) - exult, exultation - Isaiah 62:5 (h7797; h4885) - ig-ZUHLT; ek'suhl(')-TAY-shuhn, eg'zuhl(')-] * [ Ezekiel - Ezekiel (Bible book), it Eze'kiel - Ezekiel 1:3 (h3168) - ih-ZEE-kee-uhl, -kyuhl] * [ Ezion-geber - E'zion-ge'ber - 1 Kings 9:26 (h6100) - ee'zee-ahn-GEE-buhr, -uhn-, not -JEE-buhr] * [ Ezra - Ez'ra (Bible book) - Ezra 7:1 (h5830) - EZ-ruh] *. var verticalpos="frombottom" - man'yuh-MISH-uhn] * [ Mara - Ma'ra - Ruth 1:20 (h4755) - MAY-ruh (most sources MAIR-uh, MAHR-)] * [ Marah - Ma'rah - Exodus 15:23 (h4785) - MAY-rah, MAY-ruh] * [ Maranatha] * [ (see Anathema Maranatha) - - - ] * [ Marheshvan*, Marchesvan*, Marcheshvan*] * [ (aka Bul, Heshvan) - - it "Bul" - Eng. if (verticalpos=="fromtop") - ep-ih-MEN-ih-deez] * [ Epiphanes* - - dp 13 - ih-PIF-uh-neez] * [ Epiphany* - - w60 12/15 742 - ih-PIF-uh-nee] * [ Epirus* - - w99 7/15 4 - ih-PI -ruhs] * [ episcopacy*; episcopal* - - w98 11/15 28; sh 269 - ih-PIS-kuh-puh-see; ih-PIS-kuh-puhl] * [ epistle] * [ (letter in many Bibles) - ("letter" in NW) - Romans 16:22 KJ (g1992) - ih-PIS-uhl (silent "t")] * [ equitable - equitable - Daniel 11:6 (h4339) - EH-kwuh-tuh-buhl] * [ Erasmus, Desiderius* - - w97 9/15 26 - ih-RAZ-muhs, ir-AZ-muhs, des-ih-DEER-ee-uhs] * [ Erastus - Eras'tus - Romans 16:23 (g2037) - ih-RAS-tuhs, ee-RAS-tuhs] * [ Erech - E'rech - Genesis 10:10 (h751) - EE-rek] * [ Eretria* - - it "Darius 2" - eh-REE-tree-uh] * [ Eros* - - g95 2/8 27 - ER-ahs', IR-, AIR-ohs] * [ err - ("wander," "mistaken," and "misled" in NW) - Micah 3:5 KJ (h8582); James 5:19 KJ (g4105) - UHR (listen), also EHR (see Usage Note)] * [ Esar-haddon - E'sar-had'don - 2 Kings 19:37 (h634) - ee'suhr-HAD-uhn, ee'sahr-HAD-uhn] * [ Esau - E'sau - Genesis 25:25 (h6215) - EE-saw] * [ eschatological* - - w84 12/1 7 - es'kuh-tuh-LOJ-ih-kuhl, ih-skat'l-OJ-ih-kuhl, es(')ka(')tuhl-AH-jih-kuhl] * [ eschatology* - - jv 38 - es'kuh-TOL-uh-jee] * [ eschew] * [ (avoid, decline from, shun, snub, turn aside from, turn away from in many Bibles) - ("turn away from" in NW) - 1 Peter 3:11 KJ (g1578); w02 10/1 21 - eh-SHOO, ih-; es-CHOO, is-; also eh-SKYOO] * [ Esdras - ("Ezra" in NW) - Ezra 7:1 DRB (h5830) - EZ-druhs] * [ Eshcol - Esh'col - Genesis 14:13 (h812) - ESH-kol, ESH-kawl] * [ Esdraelon* - - it "Jezreel" - ez'druh-EE-luhn, es'dray-EE-lon, -druh-] * [ Essene* - - w94 3/15 28 - ES-een, eh-SEEN] * [ Esther] * [ (aka Hadassah) - Esther (Bible book); it Es'ther - Esther 2:7 (h635) - ES-tuhr] * [ Estienne* or Etienne* - - w95 4/15 10 - ay-TYEN] * [ Ethanim] * [ (aka Tishri) - Eth'anim - 1 Kings 8:2 - ETH-uh-nim] * [ Ethbaal - Ethba'al - 1 Kings 16:31 (h856) - eth-BAY-uhl] * [ Ethiopia - Ethio'pia - 2 Kings 19:9 (h3568) - ee'thee-OH-pee-uh] * [ Ethiopian - Ethio'pian - Jeremiah 38:7 (h3569), Acts 8:27 (g128) - ee'thee-OH-pee-uhn] * [ Etruria* - - g97 11/8 24 - ih-TRUR-ee-uh] * [ Etruscan* - - g97 11/8 24 - ih-TRUHS-kuhn] * [ Eubulus - Eubu'lus - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g2103) - yoo-BYOO-luhs] * [ Eucharist* - - w95 9/1 28 - YOO-k(uh-)ruhst, -kuhr-ist] * [ eucharistic* - - it "Altar" - yoo'kuh-RIS-tik] * [ Eunice - Eu'nice - 2 Timothy 1:5 (g2131) - YOO-nis] * [ eunuch - eunuch - Isaiah 56:3 (h5631); Acts 8:27 (g2135) - YOO-nuhk, -nik (listen)] * [ Euodia - Euo'dia - Philippians 4:2 (g2136) - yoo-OH-dee-uh] * [ Euphrates - Euphra'tes - Genesis 2:14 (h6578) - yoo-FRAY-tees, -teez] * [ Eusebius Pamphili*] * [ (of Caesarea) - - w59 10/1 605 - yoo-see'bee-uhs PAM-fil-ee] * [ Euraquilo - ("Euroaquilo" NW) - Acts 27:14 AS (g2148) - yoo-RAHK-wih-loh] * [ Euroaquilo] * [ (Euraquilo, Euroclydon, Northeaster, powerful wind, tempestuous wind, The Northeaster, violent wind in some Bibles) - Euroaq'uilo - Acts 27:14 (g2148) - yuhr'oh-AK-wih-loh, yoo'roh-AK-wih-loh (listen:] * [ Euroclydon] * [ (aka grgal; gregale) - ("Euroaquilo" in NW) - Acts 27:14 KJ (g2148) - yoo-RAHK-lih-don('), yuh-] * [ Eutychus - Eu'tychus - Acts 20:9 (g2169) - YOO-tuh-kuhs, YOO-tih-kuhs] * [ evangelist - ("evangelizer" in NW) - Acts 21:8 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, TEV, Yg (h2099) - ih-VAN-juh-list] * [ evangelizer] * [ (evangelist, missionary, preacher in some Bibles) - evangelizer - Acts 21:8 (g2099) - ih-VAN-juh-li z'-uhr] * [ Evil-merodach - E'vil-mer'odach - Jeremiah 52:31 (h192) - ee'vuhl-MER-uh-dahk. Speakers need to develop a concern for Bible pronunciation of biblical words. When Peter was praying on the roof, he had a vision of a large sheet filled with animals being lowered from heaven (Acts 9:43-10:23), signaling to him to go with the messengers from Cornelius.. Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce H words in the Bible? Tabitha (TV series) - Tabitha is an American fantasy sitcom and a spin-off of Bewitched that aired on ABC from September 10, 1977 to January 14, 1978. Heb. STEE-lee, STEE(UH)L] * [ stele*] * [ (pl. From Bible commentaries, to study tools, be sure to check out our complete reference list of books that will help you as you study and teach God's word. AHS-truh-kuh] * [ ostrich] * [ (owl[s] in some Bibles) - ostrich - Job 30:29 (h3284) - AHS-trich, AWS-, also -trij] * [ Othniel - Oth'niel - Judges 3:9 (h6274) - OTH-nee-uhl, OTH-nee-el] * [ Oxyrhynchus* - - w92 2/15 26-28 - ok'sih-RING-kuhs, ahk'-] * [ Ozem - O'zem - 1 Chronicles 2:15 (h684) - OH-zuhm, OH-zihm] * [ Ozni - Oz'ni - Numbers 26:16 (h244) - OZ-ni] *. Should Israel be building settlements in the occupied territories, i.e., the West Bank and East Jerusalem? Unlike other Old Testament prophetic books, Jonah is not a collection of the prophet's oracles but primarily a narrative about the man. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God's word. How to Pronounce Joppa in the Bible (Real Life Examples!) For more information about Lydda , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well. - fuhn'duh-MEN-tuhl-ist] *, Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce G words in the Bible:>, [ Gaash - Ga'ash - Joshua 24:30 (h1608) - GAY-ash] * [ Gabbatha] * [ ("The Stone Pavement") - Gab'batha - John 19:13 (g1042) - GAB-uh-thuh, GAHB-uh-thuh] * [ Gabriel - Ga'briel - Daniel 8:16 (h1403); Luke 1:19 (g1043) - GAY-bree-uhl, not GAB-ree-el'] * [ Gadara - ("Gadarenes" in NW) - Matthew 8:28 CEV, TEV (g1086) - GAD-uh-ruh] * [ Gadarenes] * [ (Gadara, Gerasenes, Gerasens, Gergesenes in some Bibles) - Gadarenes' - Matthew 8:28 (g1086) - gad'uh-REENS in NW), also GAD-uh-reen'] * [ gainsay - ("dispute" in NW) - Luke 21:15 KJ (g471) - gayn'SAY] * [ Gaius - Ga'ius - Acts 19:29 (g1050) - GAY-uhs(') -yuhs] * [ Galatia - Gala'tia - Galatians 1:2 (g1053) - guh-LAY-shuh, guh-LAY-shee-uh] * [ Galatians - Gala'tians (Bible book) - Galatians 3:1 (g1052) - guh-LAY-shuhnz] * [ galbanum - galbanum, it gal'banum - Exodus 30:34 (h2464) - GAL-buh-nuhm] * [ Galeed - Gal'eed - Genesis 31:47 (h1567) - GAL-ee-ed] * [ Galilean - Galile'an - Matthew 26:69 (g1057) - gal'uh-LEE-uhn] * [ Galilee - Gal'ilee - Isaiah 9:1 (h1551) - GAL-uh-lee] * [ Gallio - Gal'lio - Acts 18:12 (g1058) - GAL-ee-oh] * [ Gallus*] * [ (Cestius) - - it "Israel (Israel After the Babylonian Exile)" - GAL-uhs] * [ Gamaliel - Gama'liel - Acts 5:34 (g1059) - guh-MAY-lee-uhl, not gam'uh-LI -uhl] * [ Gammad; Gammadim ("valorous men" in ASV, HNV, NW; "Pygmeans" in DRB) - ("valorous men" in NW) - Ezekiel 27:11 (various translations) (h1575) - GAM-uhd; GAM-uh-dim] * [ Ganymede* - - it "Art" - GAN-uh-meed'] * [ Gaugamela* - - it "Alexander" - gaw'guh-MEE-luh] * [ Gaul*] * [ (France) - - w90 7/15 22 - GAWL] * [ Gautama* - - sh 130 - GAW-tuh-muh, GOU-tuh-muh] * [ Gaza - Ga'za - Genesis 10:19 (h5804) - GAY-zuh in Bible, not GAZ-uh, not GAH-zuh] * [ Geba - Ge'ba - 2 Chronicles 16:6 (h1387) - GEE-buh, not JEE-] * [ Gebal] * [ (aka Byblos) - Ge'bal - Ezekiel 27:9 (h1380) - GEE-buhl, not JEE-] * [ Geber - Ge'ber - 1 Kings 4:13 (h1127) - GEE-buhr, not JEE-] * [ gecko] * [ (ferret, groaning lizard, shrew in some Bibles) - gecko - Leviticus 11:30 (h604) - GEK-oh] * [ Gedaliah - Gedali'ah - 2 Kings 25:22 (h1436) - ged'uh-LI -uh] * [ Gediz*] * [ (River, ancient Hermus) - - w03 5/15 15 - guh-DEEZ] * [ Gehazi - Geha'zi - 2 Kings 5:25 (h1522) - gih-HAY-zi , not guh-HAH-zee] * [ Gehenna - Gehen'na - Matthew 5:22 (g1067) - gih-HEN-uh] * [ Gehinnom] * [ (Gehenna, hell in most Bibles) - (Gehenna in NW) - Matthew 10:28 HNV (g1067) - gih-HIN-uhm] * [ Gemalli - Gemal'i - Numbers 13:12 (h1582) - gih-MAL-i, gih-MAHL-i] * [ Gemara* - - sh 221 - guh-MAH-ruh, -MAHR-uh, -MAWR-] * [ genealogical - genealogical - Ezra 8:1 (h3187) - jee'nee-a-LAH-jih-kuhl, -nee-uh-] * [ genealogy - genealogy - Ezra 2:62 (h3187) - jee'nee-AL-uh-jee, -OL-, jen'ee-] * [ Genesis - Genesis (Bible book) - Genesis 1:1 ftn. SHAYK] * [ shekel - shekel, it shek'el - Exodus 30:13 (h8255) - SHEK-uhl, not SHEE-kuhl] * [ Shekinah*] * [ (also Shechinah, Shekhinah) - - w81 5/1 19 - shuh-KI -nuh, -KEE-] * [ Shelah] * [ (Sala, Salah in some Bibles) - She'lah - Genesis 10:24 (h7974) - She'lah] * [ Shema] * [ (person) - She'ma - 1 Chronicles 5:8 (h8087) - SHEE-muh, SHEE-mah] * [ Shema*] * [ (Jewish liturgical prayer) - - (See h8085); it "Synagogue" - shuh-MAH (listen), SHMAH] * [ Sheminith - Shem'inith - 1 Chronicles 15:21 (h8067) - SHEM-uh-nith] * [ Sheol] * [ (grave, hell, place/world of the dead in some Bibles) - She'ol - Ecclesiastes 9:10 (h7585) - SHEE-ohl (listen), SHEE-awl] * [ Shephelah] * [ (low country, lowland[s], plain, vale in some Bibles) - Shephe'lah - Deuteronomy 1:7 (h8219) - shih-FEE-luh, shuh-FEE-luh] * [ shepherd - shepherd - Exodus 3:1 (h7462) - SHEP-uhrd] * [ Sheshach - She'shach - Jeremiah 25:26 (h8347) - SHEE-shak] * [ Sheshai - She'shai - Judges 1:10 (h8344) - SHEE-shi] * [ Sheshbazzar - Sheshbaz'zar - Ezra 5:16 (h8340) - shesh(')-BAZ-uhr, shesh-BAZ-ahr] * [ Sheshonk (I)*] * [ (Shishak) - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - SHE-shongk] * [ Shethar-bozenai] * [ (Shetharboznai, Shethar-Bozenai, Shethar-boznai, Shethar Bozenai, Stharbuzanai in some Bibles) - She'thar-boz'enai - Ezra 5:3 (h8370) - shee'thahr-BOZ-uh-ni] * [ shew] * [ (variant of show) - ("show" in NW) - Genesis 12:1 Da, DRB, KJ (some versions), Yg (h7200) - SHOH, not SHOO] * [ shewbread] * [ (bread of the presence, bread to be set in rows, setting forth of loaves, showbread, show(-)bread in some Bibles) - ("layer bread"; "display of the loaves" in NW) - Nehemiah 10:33 KJ (h3899 + h4635); Hebrews 9:2 (g4286 + g740) - SHOH-bred', not SHOO-bred] * [ Shibboleth] * [ (compare Sibboleth) - Shib'boleth - Judges 12:6 (h7641) - SHIB-uh-lith, -leth', -luhth, SHIB-oh-leth] * [ Shiggaion - ("dirge" in NW) - Psalm 7 superscription Da, KJ (h7692) - shuh-GAY-on] * [ Shiloah - Shilo'ah - Isaiah 8:6 (7975) - shi -LOH-ah, -LOH-uh] * [ Shiloh - Shi'loh - Genesis 49:10 (h7886) - SHI -loh] * [ Shimei - Shim'ei - 2 Samuel 16:5 (h8096) - SHIM-ee-i] * [ Shimshai - Shim'shai - Ezra 4:8 (h8124) - SHIM-shi] * [ shin] * [ (Hebrew letter, see also sin) - Shin - Psalm 119:161 (verse heading) - SHIN, SHEEN] * [ Shinar - Shi'nar - Genesis 10:10 (h8152) - SHI -nahr] * [ Shiphrah - Shiph'rah - Exodus 1:15 (h8236) - SHIF-rah, -ruh] * [ Shishak] * [ (Sheshonk) - Shi'shak - 1 Kings 14:25 (h7895) - SHI -shak, not SHIH-shak] * [ shittah (acacia tree)] * [ (plural shittim) - ("acacia" in NW) - Isaiah 41:19 KJ (h7848) - SHIH-tuh, SHIT-uh] * [ Shittim (location); shittim (acacia trees) - Shit'tim (location); "acacia" (tree) in NW - (location) Joshua 3:1 (7851); (tree) Deuteronomy 10:3 KJ (h7848) - SHIH-tim] * [ Shiva*] * [ (See Siva) - - - (See Siva)] * [ Shofar or Shophar - ("horn" in NW) - Judges 6:34 HNV (h7782) - SHOH-fahr, Heb. You decide which sounds to work on first when working on how to say things. Heb. Digraph --Two or more letters that blend to make one sound, such as th, sh, ch or the ea in bread. 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In Joppa, Jonah boarded a ship to Tarshish, but the Lord had other plans for him and eventually got him to Nineveh where he belonged. as the sound oy in boy, ee in tree, ou in shout. ", Some readers like to add an extra syllable that isnt there after digraphs, such. - ap'uh-si 'uh-PEE-suhs] * [ apostatize* - - it "Apostasy" - uh-PAHS-tuh-ti z', not -si z] * [ apostle - apostle - 1 Corinthians 9:1 (g652) - uh-PAH-suhl (silent "t")] * [ apostolic* - - it "Apostle" - ap'uh-STAH-lik] * [ apothecary] * [ (compounder, perfume-maker, perfumer in some Bibles) - ("ointment maker" in NW) - Exodus 30:35 KJ (h7543) - uh-PAH-thuh-ker'ee] * [ apotheosis* - - w60 8/1 476 - uh-pah'thee-OH-suhs, a'puh-THEE-uh-suhs] * [ apparition - apparition - Matthew 14:26 (g5326) - ap'uh-RISH-uhn] * [ Apphia - Ap'phia - Philemon 2 (g682) - AP-fee-uh, AF-ee-uh] * [ Appian* (Way) - - it "Highway, Road" - AP-ee-uhn] * [ Appii] * [ (forum or market; Appius in some Bibles) - ("Marketplace of Ap'pius" in NW) - Acts 28:15 KJ (g675) - AP-ee-i] * [ Appius - Ap'pius - Acts 28:15 (g675) - AP-ee-uhs] * [ Apries*] * [ (aka Hophra) - - it "Hophra" - AY-pree-eez] * [ Aqaba*, Aqabah* - - Deuteronomy 1:1 ftn., w76 6/15 381 - AK-uh-buh, AHK-] * [ aqueduct - ("conduit" in NW) - Isaiah 36:2 Da, HNV (h8585) - AK-wih-dukt('), -wuh-duhkt', not AHK-] * [ Aquila - Aq'uila - Acts 18:2 (g207) - AK-wih-luh, not uh-KWIH-luh, not AH-kwih-luh] * [ Arab (people) - Arab - Isaiah 13:20 (h6163) - AIR-uhb, dial. In many ways, they may be right about that. A lot of meaning is carried by intonation. derogatory)] * [ Amharic* - - it "Ethiopia" - am-HAR-ik, am-HAH-rik] * [ amicus curiae* - - g85 9/8 13 - uh-MEE-kuhs, -MI -, KYUR-ee-i ', KUR-, -ih-ee'] * [ Amittai - Amit'tai - Jonah 1:1 (h573) - uh-MIT-i] * [ Ammiel - Am'miel - 2 Samuel 9:4 (h5988) - AM-ee-uhl] * [ Ammon] * [ (compare Amon) - Am'mon - Genesis 19:38 (h5983) - AM-uhn, AM-ahn' not AY-muhn] * [ Amnon - Am'non - 2 Samuel 13:1 (h550) - AM-non, AM-nuhn] * [ Amon] * [ (compare Ammon) - A'mon - 2 Kings 21:19 (h526) - AY-mon, AY-mahn' not AM-uhn] * [ Amos - A'mos (Bible book) - Amos 1:1 (h5986) - AY-muhs] * [ Amoz - A'moz - Isaiah 1:1 (h531) - AY-moz] * [ Amphipolis - Amphip'olis - Acts 17:1 (g295) - am-FIP-uh-lis, am-FIP-uh-luhs] * [ Amram - Am'ram - Exodus 6:20 (h6019) - AM-ram] * [ Amraphel - Am'raphel - Genesis 14:1 (h569) - AM-ruh-fel] * [ Amurru* - - it "Amorite (The 'Amurru')" - uh-MOO-roo] * [ anachronism* - - w60 6/1 349 - uh-NAK-ruh-niz'uhm] * [ anagoge* or anagogy* - - - AN-uh-goh'jee] * [ Anak; Anakim - A'nak; An'akim - Deuteronomy 9:2 (h6062, h6061) - AY-nak; AN-uh-kim] * [ Anammelech - Anam'melech - 2 Kings 17:31 (h6048) - uh-NAM-uh-lek] * [ Ananias - Anani'as - Acts 5:1 (g367) - an'uh-NI -uhs] * [ anaphora* - - religious definition - uh-NAF-uh-ruh, uh-NA-f(uh-)ruh] * [ Anat* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - AH-naht] * [ Anathema Maranatha - ("accursed" + "O our Lord come!" Negev and the Wilderness. How to Pronounce Joppa (Real Life Examples!) BibleSpeak offers the most comprehensive resource on the web for Bible name pronunciation. ; it "Jah" - dok-SOL-uh-jee] * [ drachma - drachma - Luke 15:8 (g1406) - DRAK-mah, DRAHK-mah] * [ dragoman* - - - DRAG-uh-muhn] * [ dromedary - ("young she-camel" in NW) - Jeremiah 2:23 KJ (h1072) - DRAH-muh-der'ee] * [ drought - drought - Jeremiah 17:8 (h1226) - DROUT] * [ Drusilla - Drusil'la - Acts 24:24 (g1409) - droo-SIL-uh] * [ dugong [skins]] * [ (badgers' [skins], sea cow [hides], sealskins in some Bibles) - ("sealskins" in NW) - Exodus 25:5 LITV, MKJV (h8476) - DOO-gahng, -gohng] * [ Dumah - Du'mah - Isaiah 21:11 (h1746) - DOO-muh, DOO-mah not DYOO-] * [ dungy (idols) - dungy - Leviticus 26:30 (h1544) - DUNG-ee, not DUN-jee] * [ Dura - Du'ra - Daniel 3:1 (h1753) - DUHR-uh, DYUHR-ah] *. It is how the voice rises and falls through a phrase or sentence. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce. Tabitha was the 1362nd most popular girls proper name. Heb. Heb. mee-DRAHSH, Ashk. If you want to know how to pronounce Bible names correctly, be sure to check out our Bible Pronunciation Guide. pronounce joppa in the bible acacia park crematory November 9, 2022. It was taken by the French under Napoleon in 1799, who gave orders for the massacre here of 4,000 prisoners. Blends-- Two or more letters that are combined but still keep their individual characteristics, such as bl in blend, sch in school. KHAH-nuh-kuh, Seph. yohm KIH-puhr] * [ yea - ("yes" in NW) - Matthew 5:37 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g3483) - YAY] * [ Yehoshua - ("Joshua" in NW) - Exodus 17:9 HNV (h3091); sh 223 - yuh-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Yirmeyahu - Yirmeya'hu - Jeremiah 1:1 HNV, ftn. Do you hear the way they pronounce their words correctly? Phonetic spelling of Lydda L-uh-d-d-aw Ly-dda Add phonetic spelling Translations of Lydda Turkish : Lidda Portuguese : Lida Indonesian : Lida Chinese : Heb. - Isaiah 8:1 (h4122) - MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash-baz, MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash'baz, MAY-uhr-SHAL-uhl-] * [ Mahli] * [ (Mahali, Moholi, Mooli in some Bibles) - Mah'li - Exodus 6:19 (h4249) - MAH-li] * [ Mahlon - Mah'lon - Ruth 1:2 (h4248) - MAH-lon, MAH-luhn] * [ Maimonides*] * [ (Maimon, Moses ben) - - w95 3/1 20 - mi -MON-ih-deez', -MAH-nuh- (MI -muhn)] * [ Malachi - Mal'achi (Bible book) - Malachi 1:1 (h4401) - MAL-uh-ki (')] * [ Malcam] * [ (Malcham, Melchom, Milcom, Molech in some Bibles) - Mal'cam - Zephaniah 1:5 (h4445) - MAL-kam, MAL-kuhm] * [ malediction] * [ (curse, reviling in some Bibles) - malediction - Deuteronomy 11:26 (h7045) - mal'ih-DIK-shuhn, ma'luh-] * [ malefactor] * [ (criminal, evildoer, wrongdoer in some Bibles) - ("wrongdoer" in NW) - John 18:30 DRB, KJ (g2555) - MAL-uh-fak'tuhr] * [ malign - ("puffs at" and "reviling" in NW) - Psalm 12:5 HNV, WEB (h6315); Acts 23:4 HNV, WEB (g3058) - mah-LI N] * [ Malta] * [ (Melita in some Bibles) - Malta, it Mal'ta - Acts 28:1 (g3194) - MAWL-tuh] * [ Mammon] * [ (gold, mammon, money, riches, wealth, worldly wealth in some Bibles) - ("Riches" in NW) - Matthew 6:24 KJ, Yg (g3126) - MAM-uhn] * [ Mamre - Mam're - Genesis 13:18 (h4471) - MAM-ree] * [ Manaen - Man'aen - Acts 13:1 (g3127) - MAN-ee-uhn] * [ Manasseh - Manas'seh - Genesis 41:51 (h4519) - ma-NAS-uh, muh-NAS-uh also -ee] * [ mandala* - - g82 1/8 13 - MUHN-duh-luh] * [ Manes*; Mani* - - g86 4/22 20 - MAY-neez; MAH-nee] * [ Manichaean* - - g86 4/22 20 - man'uh-KEE-uhn] * [ manna - manna, it man'na - Exodus 16:31 (h4478) - MAN-uh] * [ Manoah - Mano'ah - Judges 13:2 (h4495) - muh-NOH-uh. making it louder and longer Learn how to pronounce Bible names quickly and easily. But with our free audio Bible word pronunciation tool, you can breeze through those difficult Bible names and words like a pro! (h6005); Matthew 1:23 KJ (g1694) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl,] * [ Emmaus - Emma'us - Luke 24:13 (g1695) - eh-MAY-uhs, ih-, uh-, ehm-MAY-uhs] * [ Enaim - Ena'im - Genesis 38:14 (h5879) - ih-NAY-im] * [ En-dor - En-dor - 1 Samuel 28:7 (h5874) - EN-dor] * [ Eneas (see Aeneas) - - - ] * [ En-eglaim - En-eg'laim - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5882) - en-EG-lay-im] * [ Engedi - En-ge'di - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5872) - en-GED-i, not en-GEED-ee] * [ Enki*] * [ (also Ea) - - it "Bel" - ENG-kee] * [ Enlil*] * [ (also Bel) - - dp 71 - EN-lil, en-LIL] * [ enmity - enmity - Genesis 3:15 (h342) - EN-muh-tee, not EM-nuh-tee] * [ Enoch - E'noch - Genesis 5:18 (h2585); Jude 14 (g1802) - EE-nuhk, EE-nahk] * [ Enosh] * [ (Enos in some Bibles) - E'nosh - Genesis 4:26 (h583) - EE-nosh] * [ En-rogel] * [ (sometimes Enrogel) - En-ro'gel - 2 Samuel 17:17 (h5883) - en-ROH-guhl, en-ROH-gehl] * [ envoy] * [ (ambassador in some Bibles) - envoy - Proverbs 13:17 (h6735); Philippians 2:25 (g652) - EN-voi', AHN-voi'] * [ Epaenetus - Epae'netus - Romans 16:5 (g1866) - ih-PEE-nuh-tuhs] * [ Epaphras - Ep'aphras - Philemon 23 (g1889) - EP-uh-fras, EP-uh-fruhs] * [ Epaphroditus - Epaphrodi'tus - Philippians 2:25 (g1891) - ih-paf'ruh-DI -tuhs] * [ Epeiph* - - w98 12/15 29 - EE-fi f] * [ ephah - e'phah - Exodus 16:36 (h374) - EE-fuh, EE-fah not EF-uh] * [ Ephes-dammim - E'phes-dam'mim - 1 Samuel 17:1 (h658) - ee'fiz-DAM-im, ee'fes-DAM-im] * [ Ephesians - Ephe'sians (Bible book) - Acts 19:28 (g2180) - ih-FEE-zhuhnz] * [ Ephesus - Eph'esus - Acts 18:19 (g2181) - EF-uh-suhs, EF-uh-ses] * [ ephod - eph'od - Exodus 28:4 (h646) - EF-od in NW (some sources EE-fod)] * [ Ephphatha] * [ ("be opened") - Eph'phatha - Mark 7:34 (g2188) - EF-uh-thah, EF-uh-thuh] * [ Ephraemi rescriptus* - - it "Galatians, Letter to" - ee'fruh-mee rih-SKRIP-tuhs] * [ Ephraim - E'phraim - Genesis 41:52 (h669) - EE-fray-im, -free-uhm, -fruhm, not EF-ree-im] * [ Ephrathah - Eph'rathah - Micah 5:2 (h672) - EF-ruh-thuh, not ef-RAH-thuh] * [ Ephron - E'phron - Genesis 25:9 (h6085) - EE-fron] * [ Epictetus*; Epictetian* - - it "Stoics" - eh'pik-TEE-tuhs; eh'pik-TEE-shuhn] * [ Epicurean - Epicure'an - Acts 17:18 (g1946) - ep'ih-kyoo-REE-uhn, ep'ih-kyuh-REE-uhn] * [ epigraphic* - - w02 12/15 22 - eh'-puh-GRA-fik] * [ epigraphist* - - g90 5/8 14 - ih-PIH-gruh-fist, eh-] * [ epigraphy* - - w02 12/15 22 - ih-PIH-gruh-fee, eh-] * [ Epimenides* - - Titus 1:12 ftn.

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how to pronounce joppa in the bible

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