integrative journal of nursing and medicine predatory

Many of these journals are online only, open access journals, which offer free access to readers, in contrast to journals that are available only through personal or institutional subscriptions or association membership. Oermann and colleagues have written extensively on the topic of predatory publishing in nursing. Integrative Journal of Nursing and Medicine (IJNM) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with broad scope covering all zones of NURSING and midwifery like nursing research, training, education and practice. We need to do all that we can to prevent "evidence" from predatory journals from reaching the beside. Username or e-mail * Password * . Get your free access to the exclusive newsletter of, I.V. Nursing. Arabian Group of Journals (AGJ) Aradhya International Publication. Of these, 608 were identified as likely to be fraudulent phishing emails and were found to consist of invitations to submit a manuscript (46.9%), present at a conference (34.7%), attend a conference (9.2%), join an editorial board (4.1%), both submit a manuscript and join an editorial board (4.1%), contribute to an eBook (0.7%), or review a manuscript (0.3%). Predatory journals refer to unethical publishers intentionally subverting many of the established standards of scholarly publishing to quickly churn out articles and collect associated fees. Highlight selected keywords in the article text. Heather Carter-Templeton is the chairperson of the Adult Health Department and an associate professor at West Virginia University. Online ISSN: 2768-3222 | Continuous Publication | Current Volume: 2. Medicine and NutritionApril 24-25, 2023New York, New York. The difference can be as little as a single word or letter. In 2017, Beall took it down abruptly. There are yet only a few studies on predatory publishing in nursing. Predatory publishing or phishing emails purport to invite scholarly activity, but in truth actually seek to collect publishing or registration fees.1 Senders from these journals and/or conferences attempt to disguise their intent and platforms. Jisc. While existing databases (e.g., Bealls list and The CalTech Library list of questionable conferences) catalogue many fraudulent senders, the list is ever-expanding. Nursing2022 meets editorial and publishing standards, conducts peer review of all submitted manuscripts, publishes articles with accurate and up-to-date content, and is transparent about the fee if authors select open access for their article (see Predatory vs. legitimate journals). Over a 6-month period, roughly one-third of emails received in a single surgeons email inbox were predatory in nature (i.e., soliciting material for nonexistent journals or conferences). In the 1970s, the field of medical humanities developed and included ethics, literature, history, integrative medicine, and other topics, most often described from a physician's perspective. Websites for, Is the journal name misleading or confusing? Predatory journals (reading them, citing them in your writing, or publishing with them) threaten the integrity of nursing research and practice. The majority of the predatory conference invitations (97.4%) originated from 14 unique fake hosts, of which more than half (57.1%) were present on CalTech Librarys list of questionable conferences (Table 4). Antarctic Journals. Predatory publishers have minimal editorial board oversight, have limited, if any, peer-review of accepted articles, and promise a quick turn-around from the time the article is received until a decision is made to accept and publish the article. For example, systematic reviews of research identify relevant studies to answer a specific clinical question, critically appraise those studies, and integrate findings that can be used by clinicians. 1. ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for the USA, GTU Licence Contact Newsletter FAQ Data sources ISSN 2023, A modification for this record has already been requested, A claiming request for this resource is already in process,,,, Search for Similar Articles These journals do not meet publishing and editorial standards. What immediate impression does it convey? Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague. Insight Medical Publishing, popularly known as iMedPub LTD is an online, open access publisher that aims at advancing learning by circulating the scientifically researched information in the fields of Science, Technology and Healthcare. Owens JK, Nicoll LH. Articles consistent with the title and aims of the journal, for example. Bealls list also has a searchable feature allowing users to submit names of journals or publishers. Emails soliciting articles for predatory journals often contain long URLs, resulting in a copious volume of blue hyperlinks in the body of the message. In this editorial, I describe the implications of predatory journals and how articles published by these journals could have a negative impact on nursing practice and science. Abstract Purpose: Personalized nursing is becoming the order of the day, hence nurses need to be prepared to engage with genetics and genomics in practice, in order to attend to individual patient needs. These and other studies have confirmed that predatory publishing threatens the integrity of nursing research and practice, as well as potentially damaging the reputation of nursing researchers and ultimately resulting in inferior patient care. Because I delete most emails in my junk mail, I have often wondered if I would someday miss a real invitation to publish. Peer review (content reviewed by experts in the topic or, Published journal policy noting two to three reviews of submitted manuscripts by nurses with expertise in topic or. . The publishers of predatory journals engage in unethical publishing practices, thereby endangering the scientific basis of the profession. Open Access. Explore the website of any journal youre considering for your manuscript to see if it includes information about the journals scope, accepted article types, editorial board member information, submission instructions and costs, and its peer-review process. 2 Academia Arena 1553-992X . Archers & Elevators Publishing House. 2021;34(3):379-88. doi:10.1002/leap.1374, Krawczyk F, Kulczycki E. How is open access accused of being predatory? National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy, and Pharmacology. characteristics of predatory nursing journals such as types of articles published, article processing charge, and peer review process. In other words, beware of predatory journals. Topics covered include all aspects of integrative medicine, such as acupuncture and moxibustion, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, mind-body medicine, Taichi, Qigong, meditation, and any other modalities of CAM, as well as their integration with the conventional medicine. It will take a village to avoid publishing in and citing from predatory journals. Copyright 2022 The Author. Journal of Integrative Nursing 2666-9854 (Print) / 2663-4481 (Online) Website ISSN Portal About . J Acad Librariansh. Follows recommendations and may state this on the journal website. 9. may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed A careful review of these journals, though, often reveals the same concerns. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Utilization-focused integrative reviews in a nursing service. Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology is an international open access peer reviewed journal that crosses the boundaries between neonatologists, pediatricians, obstetricians and child health specialists. No single criterion will clearly elicit that a journal or publisher is predatory, but you can look for a few characteristics (indicators). Predatory journals in anaesthesiology and critical care medicine: we are not spared. and transmitted securely. Case No. Oermann et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. Predatory journals: No definition, no defence. Abstract. Annals of Nursing and Practice is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal that focuses on the best clinical and medical practices for the patients through medication, care, and management of diseases novel approaches and strategies to promote health, prevent illness and cure diseases through knowledge sharing, collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary scientific research. Based on our review, we suggest authenticating these emails by looking for characteristics indicative of a predatory email, including spelling and grammar errors, overly formal or stilted salutations, and a broad range of welcomed submission types (original articles, review articles, case reports, editorials, clinical images, letters to editors), and by consulting Bealls list to look for the publisher or journal name. . PLOS SciComm. Youll find traditional, subscription-based journals that offer an option to pay a fee for a particular article to become freely available (hybrid), as well as other journals that arent fully OA and dont charge fees but allow self-archiving of an article in an OA repository (green OA). The exception is a new journal, because it can take several years for a journal to meet database inclusion criteria. Although you might not reach a simple yes or no decision, you can weigh each indicator and come to a conclusion. First, it is important to recognize that these emails are automated, similar to robocalls and texts. Fully updated and revised, the second edition of Integrative Nursing is a complete roadmap to holistic patient care, providing a step-by-step guide to assess and clinically treat conditions through a variety of combined methodologies including traditional and alternative therapies with all aspects of lifestyle. This article shares guidance to help nurses effectively appraise information and their sources, distinguish predatory from legitimate journals, and conduct due diligence. This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original publication is properly cited, the use is noncommercial (i.e., research or educational use), and no modifications or adaptations are made. Our data also suggest that of the 10 million emails that penetrate these firewalls, potentially one-third are phishing emails. In general, scholarly journals publish articles written by and for scholars in a particular field. The following is a list of journals whose editors or publishers have contacted the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to request listing as a journal that says it follows the ICMJE's Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Nicoll LH. We encourage you to continue submitting your articles to high-quality journals from credible publishers, such as AACN, whether the articles are in print or online. Berger M, Cirasella J. Complementary and alternative medicine services in the United . In Google or Google Scholar, if an unfamiliar name of a journal turns up, then conduct due diligence to learn more: Although predatory journals have been in existence for less than 2 decades, they have already caused damage to the scientific literature. Indian Journal in Palliative Care, 22, 432-436. Some fully open access journals dont charge processing fees (platinum or diamond OA) and some do (gold OA). 12. Predatory journals use a pay-to-publish model, which means that authors pay a fee for the journal to publish their article, but they may not be transparent with this requirement or the amount of the fee. Little is known about the extent and specific impact of predatory journals in anaesthesiology and critical care medicine. 2016. Kendall G. Beall's legacy in the battle against predatory publishers. Adherence to recommendations of organizations such as the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for conducting, reporting, editing, and. Theyve demonstrated that, in addition to citing articles from predatory journals, nurses also have taken on editorial duties for them. The details, including your email address/mobile number, may be used to keep you informed about future products and services. Over the last 10 to 15 years, predatory journals have emerged in all disciplines, including nursing. All emails received by an academic surgeon at his hospital-provided email account over a 6-month period were evaluated by 2 reviewers (M.M. Anecdotal conversations with nursing colleagues who mistakenly submitted manuscripts to predatory journals have confirmed the experience reported by Leung et al. Browse by Title. Leung JG, Wieruszewski PM, Stee L, Takala CR, Palmer BA. Clinicians can ensure that evidence-based literature searches include evidence only from reliable sources. Watch for red flags, take advantage of available tools, and consult with librarians, authors, and readers to help you make informed choices about scholarly evidence. Memon AR. Some nurse authors might submit their manuscript to a predatory journal without realizing it until after the submission or publication of the article. Predatory publishing or "phishing" emails purport to invite scholarly activity, but in truth actually seek to collect publishing or registration fees. These emails shared common characteristics which, together with PubMeds indexed list, as well as both Bealls list and the CalTech Library list, can be used by recipients to distinguish between legitimate and predatory invitations. To locate credible, authoritative, timely, and accurate evidence-based information, the use of Google and Google Scholar only is not recommended. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. 2019. ). Amy K. Moore, PhD, RN, APRN, CNM, FNP-BC, APHN-BC, HWNC-BC, is board-certified as a Nurse Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Holistic Nurse and Health and Wellness Nurse Coach.She is a clinical faculty member for the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy and has a private practice, personalized wellness, LLC. . Quality of articles published in predatory, 5. From the Department of Surgery, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta. Objective: In determining the effects of yoga practice on mild preeclampsia, this study examines the blood pressure, blood platelet (PLT) count, and proteinuria status in pregnant women over 20 weeks of pregnancy. Leave this field blank . Educators can help to disseminate this information and reviewers and editors can help by screening for predatory journals when they review publications. I found some of your innovative works fascinating and feeling glad to communicate through this email. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. This clearly highlights the need for improvement to firewall/sequestration practices. While quick and easy to search for nearly any type of information in which nurses might be interested, neither Google nor Google Scholar verifies the accuracy of the content found in a search. Crit Care Nurse 1 August 2019; 39 (4): 911. A randomized clinical trial was performed from July 2020 to January 2021 in Tehran, Iran. A total of 1905 emails were received within the observation period. As with most things, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Do not send emails asking for submissions unless it is a targeted email to a specific author because of expertise. 18. This text identifies both the skills and theoretical frameworks for . Additionally, emails often include grammatical errors, peculiar word choices, exaggerated compliments about your extraordinary work, and lack professional language,5 including the following: Hope this email find you in good spirits! This article shares guidance to help nurses effectively appraise information and their sources, distinguish predatory from legitimate journals, and conduct due diligence. They included the names of journals and publishers listed on Bealls list; the names of conference hosts listed on the CalTech Library list; the names of journals, publishers and conference hosts we deemed to be predatory; the word greetings; and the presence of obvious spelling and/or grammar errors. Row Title P-ISSN E-ISSN URL 1 Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology 2472-0496 Carter-Templeton H. Informatics: protect yourself and the nursing profession from. Some legitimate journals also use a pay-to-publish model wherein authors pay a fee (referred to as an article processing charge) for their article to be open access. However, healthcare has historically adopted a hierarchical power structure meaning some voices within the MDT have more influence than others. Predatory publishers/journals in medical sciences: how to avoid, stop, and what to do after being scammed by them. As noted in the PLOS SciComm blog post To Catch a Predatory Publisher, these invitations may contain overly flattering language, attempts to pressure you into a quick submission, and general grammatical errors common to other types of email phishing schemes. Information on the publishers website is often misleading or incomplete. Despite claims to the contrary, predatory journals do not provide peer review or editorial services essential steps in . Articles published in predatory journals may not have accurate and complete information for nurses to use in their practice. CNDA Annual ConferenceApril 28-30, 2023Santa Rosa . 11. Unfortunately, these unsolicited emails will continue to grow in volume and frequency over time. Basically relying on crowd sourcing, iMedPub LTD Journals are known for articles written . In a recent study, a team of nurse editors and medical librarians reviewed the lists of nursing journals in PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Scopus. Take the time to read about the mission of the journal and ensure that the journal has a peer-review process. It is important to note, however, that 58% of emails (n = 119) did not contain any clues that they were sent from predatory journals,5 making it difficul to distinguish emails from legitimate journals from those that are from predatory journals. 8 collected data on the characteristics of predatory nursing journals and surveyed authors, reviewers and editors about their experiences. Potential predatory and legitimate biomedical journals: can you tell the difference? Competing interests: C.G. Knowledge, Confidence in Utilization, and Factors Associated with Integration of Genetics and Genomics into Oncology Nursing Practice. In 2010, Beall identified the problem of predatory publishing and began to use the term predatory when describing these publishers and journals.8-10 He maintained a website with lists of predatory publishers and journals until 2017. ISSN 2768-749X (Online) | Integrative Journal of Nursing and Medicine. Nurses should use the highest-level and best-quality evidence to inform their practice. Jacqueline K. Owens is a professor of nursing at Ashland University Schar College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the editor-in-chief of OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Flattery is common (for example, Your unbound support towards the scientific community with submission of your valuable, Go to the journal website. Anna Biszaha, MLIS, and Stephanie J. Schulte, MLIS. National Library of Medicine 19. Jordan Wrigley is a data librarian at the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship, University of Colorado Boulder Libraries. This was especially true in the early to mid-2010s. In 2012, that list became known as Bealls List and was posted on his scholarly publishing blog. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. The website indicates the journal is a member of ICMJE and that it follows recommendations but it does not. Look at the Editor and Editorial Board to see if they are nurses and if you recognize any of their affiliations (hospitals, universities). For the sake of fiscal responsibility and the maintenance of scholarly standards, it is incumbent upon organizational information technology departments to continually refine strategies to reduce this adverse impact. Almost all of the predatory email invitations originated from either fake journals (55.1%) or conference hosts (43.9%). They often do not comply with typical editing and publishing standards. Even experienced authors are challenged by the volume and questionable legitimacy of emails from predatory journals. The integrative review method is the only approach that allows for the combination of diverse methodologies (for example, experimental and non-experimental research), and has the potential to play a greater role in evidence-based practice for nursing. Peggy L. Chinn is the editor-in-chief of Advances in Nursing Science and a professor emerita at the University of Connecticut School of Nursing. However, this is a subscription-based resource, so check with your library to see if you have access. Automated web crawlers locate authors email addresses by trolling a variety of websites to obtain author information. Affiliated with the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research. The good news is that, in addition to consulting with a librarian, reliable organizations have created tools to simplify locating information about journals in question. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the nursing journals; open access; predatory journals; publishing; research. Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE) is another site that potential authors can use to decide on the best fi for their article.10 JANE flag journals that are indexed in Medline or considered to be high-quality open access journals. The fee is often not transparent, and journal websites may include misleading information about the costs. To catch a predatory publisher. October 17, 2019. Nursing Reports is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed open access journal on nursing sciences, published quarterly online by MDPI (from Volume 10 Issue 1 - 2020).. Open Access free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Many journal names may be familiar, most likely because of familiarity with these journals as part of professional practice. Thankfully, a second invited author contacted me directly to discuss our collaborative, interdisciplinary article. Nursing journals offer important content on new practices and approaches to care. October 4, 2017. and D.N.). The overall cost to health care organizations in terms of wasted bandwidth and financial diversion is extensive, as is confusion for trainees and colleagues. A cross-sectional comparison, Predatory journals: the rise of worthless biomedical science, Consensus statement on the adoption of the COPE guidelines, The downside of the shifting paradigm of scholarly publishing in the biomedical sciences: predatory publishing, ac.secivreshtlaehatrebla@nosrekcin.nacnud,,,, World Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research, International Journal of Critical Care and Trauma, Sent from free provider (e.g.,, Claim to offer editorial services and/or a peer review process, Broad range of documents accepted (e.g., research, review, case report, editorial, clinical image, letter to editor), Publisher/standalone journal online presence, Organization is verifiable online (i.e., listed on PubMed, Disclaimer present at the end of the email, Use of appealing words to make the journal appear international (e.g., global, world, euro), Previous publications by the recipient are cited in the invitation, Invitation is related to surgeons specialty, Email sent from a free provider like, Use of appealing words to make the conference appear international (e.g., global, world, euro). However, the list created controversy about how journals and publishers were included. About Journal. Journal Selection for MEDLINE. The Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine (JEBIM) is a peer-reviewed open access journal which focuses on hypothesis-driven and evidence-based research in all fields of integrative medicine.Previously the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (JEBCAM). National Library of Medicine. In Phase Two, the team . Crossref Medline Google Scholar; 2018;66(1):4-10. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2017.05.005. Most predatory journals are less than truthful on their websites. 2019;576(7786):210-2. doi:10.1038/d41586-019-03759-y. Liebert Open Access incorporates our open access journals, as well as open access articles published in our . Leung et al.12 described their experience of trying to withdraw their manuscript from a journal published by OMICS International, which publishes more than 700 journals (including nursing journals) and offers conferences.13 The Federal Trade Commission sued OMICS for engaging in unfair and deceptive publishing practices toward authors: the Federal Trade Commission's lawsuit was supported.14 Leung et al.12 made multiple attempts to withdraw their manuscript, but the journal never responded to their requests.

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integrative journal of nursing and medicine predatory

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