regulus star mythology

Mira variables are pulsating variable stars that are in the late stage of evolution, very red in colour, and with pulsation periods longer than 100 days. Image: ESA/Hubble & NASA and the LEGUS Team, acknowledgement: R. Gendler. The name Regulus is from the diminutive form of the Latin rex, meaning little king. It is almost finished fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. He was the brother of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, named for the brightest star in the sky. By early April, Regulus was well up in the southeast an hour after sunset. The second brightest star is Denebola, an A-type main-sequence star-forming the tail of the lion. Pingback: Antares: the scorpions heart |, Pingback: Aldebaran: the Bulls Eye WE ARE STAR STUFF, Pingback: Spica: the Wheat Sheaf We Are Star Stuff. The star was also famously mentioned in an episode of The Outer Limits. Copernicus called it the Little King, after the Greek Basiliokos. Both Icarus and the supernova were visible in the field of the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1149+2223, which acted as a gravitational lens for both objects. The Persians knew the star as Miyan, the Centre and as Venant, the guardian of the north. Leo and Regulus, picture from Nasa. Regulus is a bright star seen in the constellation Leo. Regulus spins on its axis once every 16 hours. In Indian astronomy, Regulus corresponds to the Nakshatra Magha ("the bountiful"). NGC 3357 is an elliptical galaxy in Leo. Another, perhaps even more striking, feature of Messier 95 is its blazing golden core. Regulus is part of a relatively bright asterism known as the Sickle of Leo, which outlines the celestial lions head, mane, and shoulders. In fact, if Regulus rotated just a bit faster, it would fly apart! Larry Sessions has written many favorite posts in EarthSky's Tonight area. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, I am the child of earth and starry heaven. Petelia Tablet, We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 27. Omicron Leonis is a double star in Leo. Come early July, Regulus will be low to the west an hour after sunset. Image: Hubble ESA (CC BY 2.0). Leo is one of the 15 equatorial constellations. There are two meteor showers associated with the constellation. Regulus B has a radius of 0.83 solar radii and Regulus C, 0.37 solar radii. In English, the constellation is known as the Lion. The black hole at the centre of the galaxy is believed to have a mass of 9.7 billion solar masses. It has an apparent magnitude of 10.1 and is about 31 million light years distant. In India it was known as Magh ("the Mighty"), in Sogdiana Magh ("the Great"), in Persia Miyan ("the Centre") and also as Venant, one of the four 'royal stars' of the Persian monarchy. Also, with a rotation period of 15.9 hours, Regulus is a lot faster than the Sun. Regulus is a bright star seen in the constellation Leo. The components in the system are too close together to be able to resolve through a telescope. The star is also one of the vertices of the Spring Triangle, a conspicuous asterism visible in the evening sky during the northern hemisphere spring. The name Regulus means the "little king" or "prince" in Latin. Inferno Escape Room. Regulus was also known by the Arabic name Qalb al-Asad, the Greek name Kardia Leontos and Latin Cor Leonis, all meaning the heart of the Lion. In Europe, the star was known as Rex and Basiliscus. They have a combined apparent magnitude of 3.53. Leo is also home to the red dwarf Wolf 359, one of the nearest stars to the Sun at a distance of 7.86 light years, the bright variable red giant star R Leonis, Icarus (MACS J1149 LS1), one of the most distant stars discovered to date, and the carbon star CW Leonis, the brightest star in the infrared N-band (10 m). Differential bending of light was measured to be consistent with general relativity. Native Americans have two general Ursa Major myths. The galaxy Messier 95 stands boldly face-on, offering an ideal view of its spiral structure. NGC 3626 is a medium-tightness spiral galaxy in Leo. The star has an optical companion, 35 Leonis, which has an apparent magnitude of 5.90. Something went wrong while submitting the form. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. [citation needed] and are the brightest stars in their constellations and among the 25brightest stars in the night sky. For example, in mid-July 2023, both Venus and Mars will visit Regulus in the evening sky. It is the 22nd brightest star, although the 21st, Alpha Centauri, is not much brighter than it is. NGC 2903 is a barred spiral galaxy. So bright planets sometimes pass near Regulus.. The name of this star is a diminutive form of the Latin Rex. As a result, it has an oblate shape. The star is an exceptionally fast rotator, with a rotation period of only 15.9 hours. Like Regulus, Denebola is a rapid rotator, which results in an oblate shape of the star, with a bulge at the equator. The G7 class star has a visual magnitude of 3.51, is 50 times brighter than the Sun, and has 10 times the solar diameter. Despite its proximity to the Sun, Wolf 359 can only be seen through a large telescope. Save. Leo's brightest star, Regulus, was often called the "Red Flame" and was thought to contribute to the heat of summer. The star can easily be seen without binoculars. Regulus is also an evolutionary subgiant. Regulus, designated as Alpha Leonis, is the brightest star in Leo, and the 21 st brightest star in the night sky, having an apparent magnitude of 1.40. The Sickle looks like a backward question mark and consists of the stars that outline the mane of the celestial Lion. Its traditional name, Algieba or Al Gieba, comes from the Arabic Al-Jabhah, which means the forehead. The star is sometimes also known by its Latin name, Juba. Now let's take a look at some of the best things to do in Litchfield Park, Arizona. In late February, Regulus is visible throughout the night. [5], The royal stars were used primarily for navigation. . The name Regulus is a diminutive form of rex, which is Latin for king. Regulus can be used to find several bright galaxies that lie in the region of the sky between the Lions heart and the fainter Denebola, Beta Leonis, the star that marks the Lions tail. Search local showtimes and buy movie tickets from theaters near you on Moviefone. Rho Leonis is another binary star in Leo. In ancient Greece, the star was known as Basiliskos (little king), while in Rome it was known as Basilica Stella. 1.40), Algieba (Gamma Leo, mag. If you've already donated, we apologize for the popup and greatly appreciate your support. This fast rotation causes Regulus A to bulge at its equator, so it appears oblate, or egg-shaped. They added, however, that they couldn't see anything in the system that would cause it to move faster. Elizabeth first got interested in space after watching the movie Apollo 13 in 1996, and still wants to be an astronaut someday. It's the brightest star in the constellation and among the brightest in Earth's night sky. [30], Although best seen in the evening in the northern hemisphere's late winter and spring, Regulus appears at some time of night throughout the year except for about a month (depending on ability to compensate for the sun's glare, ideally done so in twilight) on either side of August 2224, when the Sun is too close. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. In medieval astrology, Regulus was one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars, believed to hold special astrological power. This sky map shows the location of brilliant planet Venus and the bright star Regulus in the pre-dawn sky on Oct. 3, 2012, as viewed from mid-northern latitudes. Erigone extinguished the stars light for 14 seconds, but the occultation was not observed due to unfavourable weather conditions. Reblogged this on Die Goldene Landschaft. A line from Megrez through Phecda, the inner stars of the Big Dippers bowl, leads to the Sickle. Image: ESA/Hubble & NASA, L. Ho et al. Filter by rating. When it is at its brightest, it can be seen without binoculars, and when it is on the dimmest end of the spectrum, one needs at least a 7 cm telescope to see the star. Elizabeth holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. In other words, they are the brightest stars in the sky. The BC pair lies at an angular distance of 177 arc-seconds from Regulus A, making them visible in amateur telescopes.[24]. The asteroid 166 Rhodope, discovered in August 1876, was observed occulting Regulus by a team of researchers on October 19, 2005. Hubble telescope eyes galactic site of distant star explosion (video), Europe's JUICE Jupiter probe has an antenna glitch in deep space, Your monthly guide to stargazing & space science, Subscribe for just 1 per issue with our Spring Savings, Issues delivered straight to your door or device, Right ascension: 10 hours 8 minutes 22.3 seconds, Declination: +11 degrees 58 minutes 2 seconds. A supernova was observed in M95 in March 2012. If you like the image at the top, click here. Epsilon Leonis is a bright giant of the spectral type G1 II. Every 8 years, Venus passes very near the star system around or a few days before the heliacal rising, as on 5 September 2022 (the superior conjunction of Venus happens about two days earlier with each turn of its 8-year cycle, so as this cycle continues Venus will more definitely pass Regulus before the star's heliacal rising). [40] It was one of the fifteen Behenian stars known to medieval astrologers, associated with granite, mugwort, and the kabbalistic symbol . With just 1/3 the mass of the sun, Regulus C is a red dwarf star with a spectral classification of M4V. Regulus B and C are gravitationally bound to each other, and together theyre called Regulus BC. It crept higher in the sky with each passing day in March and April, as winter favorites like Orion descended westward. Regulus A is a binary star consisting of a blue-white subgiant star of spectral type B8, which is orbited by a star of at least 0.3 solar masses, which is probably a white dwarf. Regulus in Leo. The Persians knew the constellation as Shir or Ser, Babylonians called it UR.GU.LA (the great lion), Syrians knew it as Aryo, and the Turks as Artan. The traditional name Rgulus is Latin for 'prince' or 'little king'. Alpha Leonis is the closest bright star to the ecliptic. And from mid-September through mid-February, Regulus will be in the morning sky. The companion is believed to be a white dwarf. Together with the bright Spica in Virgo and Arcturus in Botes, Regulus forms the Spring Triangle, another prominent asterism appearing in the evening sky from March to May. Some Peruvians also knew these stars as the Mountain Lion, whereas in China it was sometimes seen as a horse, and at other times as part of a dragon. Elizabeth's reporting includes multiple exclusives with the White House and Office of the Vice-President of the United States, an exclusive conversation with aspiring space tourist (and NSYNC bassist) Lance Bass, speaking several times with the International Space Station, witnessing five human spaceflight launches on two continents, working inside a spacesuit, and participating in a simulated Mars mission. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [2] The stars were believed to hold both good and evil power and the Persians looked upon them for guidance in scientific calculations of the sky, such as the calendar and lunar/solar cycles, and for predictions. For decades, people believed it to be a companion of Regulus, but recent studies from the Gaia satellite show this to be a background star not related to the Regulus system. It would be another 40 years before anyone viewed it visually. Stewart, Suzy. The International Occultation Timing Association recorded no observations at all. It has a visual magnitude of 2.56. Regulus B is a K2V star and the companion is believed to be a red dwarf of the spectral type M4V. The companion is believed to be a white dwarf. The galaxy belongs to the NGC 3607 Group, one of the many Leo II groups of galaxies. Regulus is the luminary of the constellation Leo. From a distance of 262 light-years away, Spica appears to us on Earth to be a lone. Merak and Dubhe, the outer stars of the Big Dippers bowl, also point in the general direction of the constellation Leo. Messier 95 is a barred spiral galaxy in Leo. Experience the game! Amateur astronomers can view it, but this requires dark skies and a large telescope. It was discovered by Pierre Mchain on March 20, 1781 and then included in Messiers catalogue a few days later. R Leonis has a radius 320-350 times solar. CW Leonis is a carbon star embedded in a thick envelope of dust. And, every month, the moon passes near Regulus. Aldebaran marked the vernal equinox and Antares marked the autumnal equinox, while Regulus marked the Summer Solstice and Fomalhaut the Winter Solstice. The galaxys disk appears slightly warped, which, along with some recent starburst activity, suggests that the galaxy is interacting with another object. Its arms are also asymmetrical, thought to have been influenced by the gravitational pull of other galaxies within the same group as Messier 96. He ultimately discovered a total of 12 comets, which bear his name. Wolf 359 is a red dwarf with the stellar classification M6.5Ve. An occultation of Regulus by the asteroid 166 Rhodope was filmed in Italy on October 19, 2005. Draco) or exist in the real world (e.g. They are dimmer main sequence stars with an apparent magnitude of 8.14 and 13.5. Regulus B has the stellar classification K2 V, indicating an orange main sequence star, while Regulus C appears red and has been given the spectral class M4 V. The stars are much less massive than the primary, with masses of 0.8 and 0.3 solar masses respectively. Regulus is not a binary star for once, although there is a binary nearby, and possibly a white dwarf. Few of the Universes residents are as iconic as the spiral galaxy. Gliese 436 is another red dwarf located relatively close to the Sun. R Leonis is a red giant star of the spectral type M8IIIe. It is part of the Leo Triplet, along with M65 and NGC 3628. This black hole releases huge amounts of energy as it consumes matter falling into it and causing the centre to shine far brighter than its surroundings. Polish astronomer and mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus gave the star its name, which was equivalent to Basiliskos (little king), used by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. (The sun's rotation is about 4,500 mph or 7,242 kph.) Albert George Wilson found it on photographic plates taken as part of the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey in 1950. The two stars take approximately 40 days to complete an orbit around their common centre of mass. The Babylonians also recorded details of Regulus, the bright star within Leo, as The Great Lion constellation. While most of the bright stars of this constellation have been named in Arabic, the Latin name Regulusmeaning 'prince' or 'little king'turns out to be an exception. It has a visual magnitude of 10.6/10.9. Regulus is easy to find and identify because it is part of a prominent asterism known as the Sickle of Leo. The primary component, formally known as Regulus, has been given the stellar classification B8 IVn, with the luminosity class of a subgiant star. Charles Messier discovered it in 1780. Cor Caroli is another name for Regulus. The Egyptians also recognized the Leo constellation and it's champion star, Regulus. Along with Sirius and Orion, Regulus would be one of the star systems from which man originates. The two components in the Omicron Leonis system belong to the spectral classes F9III (a giant) and A5mV (a main sequence star). Mu Leonis belongs to the spectral class K3. These stars are called the Pointer Stars because, in the opposite direction, they point toward Polaris (the North Star), the nearest visible star to the north celestial pole. In medieval astrology, Regulus was one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars, believed to hold special astrological power. The discrepancy can be accounted for by a history of mass transfer onto a once-smaller Regulus A. Its brightness is 288 times that of the Sun. Regulus, Al Jabbah, and Algieba, together with the fainter stars Leo (Adhafera), Leo (Ras Elased Borealis), and Leo (Ras Elased Australis), constitute the sickle. [4], The constellations of the royal stars were said to be fixed because their positions were close to the four fixed points of the sun's path. [4] The constellations of the royal stars were said to be fixed because their positions were close to the four fixed points of the sun's path. 2.113), Zosma (Delta Leo, mag. The star Regulus is known by many different names in different cultures. The only time of year when the star cant be seen is for a month on either side of August 22, when it lies too close to the Sun. [18], The primary of Regulus A has about 3.8 times the Sun's mass. Beta Leonis is a relatively young star. Wolf 359 is one of the nearest stars to the Sun. The entire constellation is visible from locations north of the latitude 65 S. The 10 brightest stars in Leo are Regulus (Alpha Leo, mag. M66 is approximately 95,000 light years across and notable for its dust lanes and bright star clusters. It has a mass of 3.8 solar masses and is an extremely fast spinner, with a rotational velocity of 347 km/s. The name Regulus means the little king or prince in Latin. It is a bluish star, and it can be seen all around the globe. History and Mythology. The galaxy was discovered by Charles Messier in 1780. Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce . Consequently, its apparent magnitude varies too, ranging from 1.19 to 10.96. The brighter pair, designated Regulus A, is a spectroscopic binary system consisting of a bright blue star of spectral classification B7 V, and a companion that has not been directly observed, but is likely a white dwarf with a low mass of only 0.3 solar. Elizabeth is also a post-secondary instructor in communications and science since 2015. Source: wigwamgolf. The star is visible to the unaided eye. This refers to the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King. Located in the southern hemisphere, Centaurus is named for the half man half horse creatures of Greek mythology. Until the end of his life, in 2022, Don continued his visual comet hunting and Messier Marathons from Arizona, where he lived with his wife Michele. If we go across the sea to Egypt, we can see a different take on the constellation Leo myth. It is one of the lowest-mass stars ever discovered, as well as one of the faintest. It has a visual magnitude of 10.2 and is approximately 32 million light years distant. Can you believe it? Regulus A is 3.8 times the mass of our sun, about three times as wide, and almost 288 times as bright. The stars Greek name, Basiliscos, had the same meaning. More than 80% of them are Population II stars, more than a billion years old. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles needing additional references from August 2008, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 November 2022, at 15:56. [citation needed], The idea there existed four royal stars of Persia was analysed in a 1945 article in Popular Astronomy, where the idea was criticized as largely a relatively modern invention, and/or a misunderstanding of the original source texts.[1]. I. Only Alpha Centauri in the constellation Centaurus and Barnards Star in Ophiuchus are closer. Regulus completes a rotation in only 15.9 hours and its equatorial rotational velocity is 96.5 percent of its breakup velocity. "The picture makes me wonder what it would be like to be in a solar system with this type of star.". This blog allows me to explore ideas and get reactions and suggestions from readers. The constellation Leo was mentioned in the Tetrabiblos, an ancient Roman text by Ptolemy (c. A.D. 100 170). The galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 12.8 and is approximately 331 million light years distant from Earth. The neighboring constellations are Cancer, Coma Berenices, Crater, Hydra, Leo Minor, Lynx, Sextans, Ursa Major and Virgo. It has an apparent magnitude of 1.35 and is not actually a single star, but a multiple star system. Leo belongs to the Zodiac family of constellations, along with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces. If it were rotating 16% faster, the centripetal force provided by the stars gravity would not be enough to hold the star together. They are located at an angular distance of 177 arc seconds from Regulus A. . Fierce lion-headed deities, like Sekhmet whose breath formed the desert, and Tefnut who fled to the desert of Nubia in her rage, and the war-god Maahes, were associated both with scorching heat and protection of the pharaoh. Search reviews. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, "root," as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets.Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star's . Leo contains five Messier objects: Messier 65 (M65, NGC 3623), Messier 66 (M66, NGC 3627), Messier 95 (M95, NGC 3351), Messier 96 (M96, NGC 3368), and Messier 105 (M105, NGC 3379). Variations in the spin of the star mean there is probably a white dwarf, or dead star, lurking in the vicinity of Regulus, the astronomers argued in 2008. It formally applies only to the component Alpha Leonis A, but is informally used for the whole system. For example, in 1959, Regulus was occulted by Venus. [28] Regulus was occulted by the asteroid 163 Erigone in the early morning of March 20, 2014. In Indian astronomy, the stars name was Magh, the Mighty, after a Hindu lunar mansion that consisted of all the stars of the Sickle of Leo. Photo: ESO. Indeed, the lowest mass white dwarfs are usually found in binary systems where they lost a significant fraction of their mass.". Space is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. It will do so again on October 1, 2044. The three-letter abbreviation, adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1922, is Leo. Regulus B and Regulus C share a common proper motion. He's a former planetarium director in Little Rock, Fort Worth and Denver and an adjunct faculty member at Metropolitan State University of Denver. The star exhibits variations in brightness over a period of 649 days. Regulus, Alpha Leonis ( Leo), is the primary component in a multiple-star system located 79.3 light-years away in the constellation Leo. 1 star. NY 10036. Regulus A is the dominant star, with a binary companion 177" distant that is thought to be physically related. Both the constellation and its brightest star were well-known in most ancient cultures. The Behenian fixed stars are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. The genitive form of Leo, used in star names, is Leonis (pronunciation: /lions/). It is classified as a high proper motion star. 3.324), Adhafera (Zeta Leo, mag. The brothers became the seven major stars of the Big Dipper, and the girl became the small star Alcor. The binary pair (two dwarfs, orange and red) are about 4,200 Earth-sun distances (astronomical units, or AU) away from Regulus and take about 130,000 years to complete one orbit, Darling said. Both Eratosthenes and Hyginus wrote that the lion was placed among the constellations because it was the king of beasts. The main component in the Regulus A system is orbited by a companion with at least 0.3 solar masses. Regulus first received its name from the 16th-century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, the encyclopedia added, "marking the fact that it had been regarded as one of the leading stars in the sky for some 2,000 years.". Play Some Golf at the Wigwam Resort. When Aldebaran was the star of the spring equinox, Regulus would have been the summer solstice star. Regulus is the dot of the question mark. Regulus was also one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars in medieval astrology, which were believed to have influence on one or more planets. The galaxy was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. 3.9). [18] The star's surface at the equator rotates at about 320 kilometres per second (199 miles per second), or 96.5% of its critical angular velocity for break-up. Zosma, Delta Leonis, is another rapid rotator in Leo, with a projected rotational velocity of 180 km/s. The two stars are separated by about 100 astronomical units and have an orbital period of 2,000 years. While Regulus, like the sun, fuses hydrogen to helium in its center, it is more massive than the sun and therefore hotter and brighter. The star is sometimes known by its traditional names Chort (from the Arabic al-khart or al-khurt, which means small rib), Coxa (Latin for hip) and Chertan (from the Arabic al-khartn, meaning two small ribs). And now, in May, this blue-white star is brilliant in the eastern evening sky as soon as the sun goes down. It has an apparent magnitude of 4.32. They are main sequence stars belonging to the spectral classes K1-2 V and M5 V, making Regulus B an orange dwarf and Regulus C a red dwarf. . Accessed on May 1, 2023. The constellation is home to the Leo Triplet of galaxies, which consists of the galaxies Messier 65, Messier 66, and NGC 3628, the Leo I Group, which includes the spiral galaxies Messier 95 and Messier 96 and the elliptical galaxy Messier 105, and the Cosmic Horseshoe, a gravitationally lensed system of two galaxies located at a distance of 5.2 and 10.3 gigalight years, discovered in 2007. Denebola is the second brightest star in Leo and the 61st brightest star in the sky. The heliacal rising of Regulus (rising just before the dawn after a period of invisibility) occurs in early September. [32], For Earth observers, the heliacal rising (pre-sunrise appearance) of Regulus occurs late in the first week of September, or in the second week. Regulus, designated Alpha Leonis, is a blue-white main-sequence star of magnitude 1.34, 77.5 light-years from Earth. The stars projected rotational velocity is 128 km/s. In some years, the moon occults (passes in front of) this star as seen from Earth. It is the object within the Regulus system that can be seen with the naked eye. In Greek mythology, Leo is associated with the tale of the Nemean Lion from the myth of Heracles and his twelve labours. Regulus B is visible in binoculars, while Regulus C can only be resolved in a larger telescope. Denebola exhibits variations in luminosity of 0.025 magnitudes about ten times a day. The star has two known companions nearby,. The Chinese knew Regulus as the Fourteenth Star of Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor (). Unseen by the naked eye are two very faint companions to the much larger bright star. It has a nominal luminosity of 11,300 times that of the Sun, but this varies over the course of the pulsation cycle, from 6,250 to 15,800 times the Suns luminosity. This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows Messier 96, a spiral galaxy just over 35 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (The Lion). Rho Leonis has the stellar classification B1 lab, which means that it has reached the supergiant stage of its evolution. NGC 3628 is an unbarred spiral galaxy approximately 35 million light years distant from the solar system. There are no recently available measurements. "A companion may be a low mass white dwarf or main sequence star," a preprint version of the research paper read. The star Regulus is known by many different names in different cultures. As Regulus closely aligns to the mean orbits of large bodies of the solar system and involves more light reaching the Earth than such other stars, the system has advanced telescopic use (to study and identify objects occulting and casting their shadow on a telescope, including known or unknown asteroids of the solar system such as Trojans, being in line by definition with their associated planetary plane). Like Regulus and Denebola, Zosma has an equatorial bulge and an oblate shape. Some observers consider Denebola instead of the brighter Regulus to mark one of the vertices and form a more equilateral triangle. Messier 96 is another intermediate spiral galaxy in Leo constellation. In astrology, the royal stars of Persia are Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut. Regulus sits at the base of the Sickle, marking the lions heart. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.324 and is approximately 165 light years distant from the solar system. The WGSN's first bulletin of July 2016[22] included a table of the first two batches of names approved by the WGSN; which included Regulus for this star. His 2nd comet took an additional 1742 hours. It has an apparent magnitude of 4.044 and is approximately 210 light years distant. Leonis (Latinized to Alpha Leonis) is the star system's Bayer designation. The Arabic name for the star is Qalb al-Asad, which means the heart of the lion.. I am the author of five books on mythology, including one on sun-goddesses. The Leo Ring is an enormous primordial cloud of hydrogen and helium found in orbit of two galaxies in the Leo constellation. The two components complete an orbit every 40.11 days. Image created using the Aladin Sky Atlas software from the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center and DSS (Digitized Sky Survey) data. NGC 3596 is an intermediate spiral galaxy with a visual magnitude of 12.0. Denebola, Spica, and Arcturus form the Great Diamond (the Diamond of Virgo) with the fainter Cor Caroli, the brightest star in Canes Venatici (the Hunting Dogs). This star is part of the Diamond of Virgo, along with Denebola (in Leos tail), Arcturus in Botes and Spica in Virgo. CW Leonis is at a late stage of its evolution, blowing off its outer layer to eventually become a white dwarf.

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