softball defensive coverage

CF and the corner outfielder opposite the side of the field the ball is hit to, after first making an aggressive in the direction of the ball (coach), sprint to back up second base and the opposite corner base. Also, in most drills, when we are working on other skills and game situations, by simply adding an extra player, we can incorporate the development of this important habit without eating up additional practice time. Prospect, Ill./Prospect) collected six more hits on the . Backing up distance is 25 beyond the basein line with the throw. Physical Literacy on the Move was written to help educators of children and youths from grades K through 12 teach high-quality and fun games and activities that support the unique needs of their learners as they develop physical literacy. It will be reiterated constantly throughout the season in most drills and activitiesbecause baseball/softball is a game of movement. We need to practice this often. Immediately after making a play at a base or tagging a runner, we want our player to turn towards the middle of the infield, in a Power Position, while Moving Their Feet, so they are prepared to make a throw. What percentage of balls are hit everywhere else, at lesser speed and/or bouncing knee high or higher? Three Individual Responsibilities - Ball, Base, Back-up Positioning Ready Position The Base Base is for the Runner, Ball is for the Defense Positioning at a Base to Receive a Throw Ball First, Base Second The Ball is the Key to the Base Cover the Base With Your Eyes Look for Other Runners Coordinated Team Defense - The System (Part 1) The Left Fielder and Right Fielder, in most cases, back up the corner base on their side of the field. She's not going to run. Players are able to get many reps in a short period of time on the Mini Diamond. This is a pressure play on the defense, but with a fair amount of practice should be able to make the play at home on a fairly routine basis. Players at each outfield position, approximately 30 beyond the infield diamond (mark those spots with cones). Some of us played on the larger diamond and possibly have coached in that environment. They have to move some distance to cover a base or back-up a base; they learn that Baseball/Softball requires every player in the field to move when the ball comes off the bat, they have to move some distance, and have to move fast. Given these two points, each game has many situations where a throw of 20' or less is in order. These two athletes have their feet wider than their hips, knees are bent, hands and elbows are in front of the body with hands wpread a bit wider than the torso. Training the second baseman to cover the bag when not fielding the ball is important in youth baseball and softball. ], Once the Pitcher has control of the ball, is a few feet from the pitching rubber, and the runners are not attempting to advance to the next base, we want our Pitcher to raise their arms and holler in a loud voice in the direction of an umpire, TIME Please!. I am going to GO GET the ball - React towards the ball. Base. The Game Played on the Smaller Diamond is Different, Three Individual Responsibilities - Ball, Base, Back-up, Base is for the Runner, Ball is for the Defense, Getting the Ball in to The Pitcher (Middle of the Infield), Get the Ball to the Middle of the Infield, Middle Infielders Movement On Ball Hit To The Outfield, SS, 2b Are Not the Relay on Plays to Home, Pitcher Responsibilities - Ball Hit to The Infield, Corner Infielders - Ball Hit to Their Side of the Infield, Cut-Relay Player, on throws to home plate. The right fielder plays at a similar depth and should be between the second base and first base defenders. When kids cover a base, more often than not they put a foot on the base. When the Catcher comes back in the dugout, we now have an opportunity to teach. It describes what we want our player doing. early in the teaching process, we want to eliminate the Wandering Third Baseman from membership on our team. We want to teach our players early on that they are not required to throw the ball in order to move it around the field. To give some perspective, we can call Home Plate Fourth Base and call the Catcher the Fourth Baseman. We breakdown the m Antonelli Softball SOFTBALL INFIELD INSTRUCTION, DRILLS, AND. (Note in the diagrams where the backing up players end up.). Once the defense (most specifically the Catcher) sees the runners are not attempting to advance, our rule is our defensive players do not make overhand throws. The Buckeyes got the victory by a dominating 9-0 margin, and despite having a lot of offense, it was the pitching that was the story of the game. Positioning for play involving kids ages 9 and under. At the 12u level of play they are needed to cover both a corner base and second base, depending on the circumstances of a given play. How to Coach Youth Baseball and Softball. ***we know the runner is going to the side of the base facing the previous base. The left fielder is part of the outfield and responsible for catching fly balls, line drives, and fielding ground balls that make it past the infield on the left side. Before a pitch it is ok to remind players of the situation; "One out runner on first. This section of the website illustrates how to teach the small diamond game to kids using a logical step-by-step, building-block approach. The good news is, we can give the kids the reps they need in as little as 5-10 minutes every second or third practice. We have the player run over to get the ball. The left fielder is positioned in the outfield on the left side of the field, closest to third base. Explain to them that The runner is safe a lot. The Bastion of the Defensive wall is a military fortification.The attraction consists of the museum and a viewing platform.I enjoyed this tourist attraction.The bastion sits on top of a hill and offers you a fine vista of the surrounding area.Great opportunity for picture taking of the view and the medieval type backdrop of the Bastion.It feels . There are times where the direction of the throw to second base is such that it can be a challenge for the Center Fielder to get into position to back up the throw. Occasionally the ball will get loose and the Catcher fills the role of Backing-up. For the purpose of the drill (working on a MINI DIAMOND), we want the backing up approximately 15 beyond the base. Outfielders back-up bases on every play. Feet squred to the ball in a Ready Position. When moving the ball to a teammate, the options are to hand the ball off or make a short underhand toss. In order for you to ensure you're always in the best defensive coverage for the particular situation, you've got to constantly be watching everything! 0. Simple as this may seem, this is what the game is about. Teach the First Baseman to be aggressively go after balls hit between them and the Second Baseman or between them and the Pitcher. In most cases they are doing this while running back to their positions. victory in game two. Not until they see the ball is caught by the fielder in front of them does their responsibility change to moving to back up a throw. I prefer Ready simply because it is more descriptive.Hey! Center Fielder: 60 beyond the second base bag. If you are not playing the Ball,cover a Base (home plate). Balls hit to the 3B/SS side of the infield are the responsibility of the Left Fielder. However, the Left Fielder does visually follow the ball and prepares for the possibility that the ball may be moved around the infield and they may be needed, later in the play, to back up a throw to second or third base. If the throw is a bit to one side of the base or the other, they slide their foot near the corner of the base on the side the ball is headed, then stretch with their glove foot towards the ball. 1. A common mistake in youth baseball and softball is an outfielder throwing the ball to the Shortstop or Second Baseman to relay the ball to home plate. It would be difficult to go into too much detail here, but over time, and through experience playing and coaching the game, those exceptions to the rule will come up. If an outfielder is not playing the ball, they are responsible to back up the base. The Shortstop moves towards the ball, which takes them to the second base bag. If the batted ball goes past the first-base defender while she is attempting to field it, the second-base defender will be in position to back up the first-base defender and to field the ball because she was already moving to the ball and she is slightly behind the first-base defender. ^ remain in a Ready Position until the ball is in the air and the First Baseman gauges the path of the throw. We want them to turn their gaze away from the ball, put their eyes on the base and get to the base as fast as possible. A big part of making youth baseball more fun for everyone involved is to keep the game moving along at a quick pace. In this strategy, the players pretend that the ball is a gigantic magnet and that they are all pieces of metal that are attracted to it. Kids need to be trained constantly of this sequence of prioritization. This drill provides many repetitions of players fielding a bunt and throwing to a specific base. We want them 20-25' beyond the base. Kids take their cues from watching higher levels of baseball and softball. Thrown balls getting past their intended target, specifically throws to bases, happens in almost every youth baseball game. Infield Base Coverage Responsibilities - Explained. If they identify the need to make a throw, because they are so much closer to the center of the diamond, the distance of that throw is greatly reduced. The free safety usually dictates the defensive coverage adjustments. Procedure: Use the bat to draw the lines in front of the catcher to designate the areas of responsibility for the corners and the catcher for a bunt. Outfielders and Pitcher develop awareness of, and habit of, executing their responsibility of backing up bases. Usually its the corner base; sometimes they are needed to back up throws to second base. When it is recognized that another player will field the Ball. Softball Playbook Single to Left Field (No One on Base) Goal: The goal in this situation is to keep the runner from reaching 2nd base. At the youth level of play the positioning of the player in relationship to the base, when receiving a throw, is different than at higher levels of play. From this point forward, we are filling in the gaps of the above teaching. The second base defender and shortstop should be about half way between the bases and just behind the base path. That's because Allison Smith not only pitched a gem but did . When the ball is near the pitching rubber, the player with the ball is an equal, and significant, threat to all base runners. A ball hit to the left side is the LFs ball. On a ball hit to right field, the Second Baseman runs towards the ball, into the outfield, to get in position to take the ball from the Right Fielder and run the ball back into the infield, or to serve as the lead cut-player on a ball that gets past the Right Fielder. On a Tag Play, the fielder catches the ball and immediately moves their glove to the ground, in front of the side of the base the runner is headed. They will be motivated to learn their responsibilities for throwing. The odds of making a throw, in this situation, and recording an out, are slim. Calls out ground ball to . In the mean time we are developing in them the recognition that getting the ball closer to the middle of the infield the more control they and the defense has over the base runners. We want them to see that they can get to the corner base as easy as they can get to Second Base. Even at the 12 year old level the outfielder are not that far from the infield. (This will be covered in detail later in this section.). If the base runners are not attempting to advance, we do not want to risk making a throw. The magnet principle is a basic concept that can be used to help young players learn defensive coverage. Note, however, that this positioning leaves the defense vulnerable to a right-handed pull hitter or a left-handed hitter who hits to the opposite field. We are teaching our players to always anticipate that another play needs to be made. This defender should continue moving to the ball unless the first-base defender yells that she has it (meaning that the first-base defender will field the ball). Basic softball defensive strategy and tactics is a look at the fundamental defensive components of the game. Before jumping into teaching the kids game, we first want to recognize that the game played on the smaller diamond is different. The drill has the corner outfielders only backing up first or third. There are three situations (also covered in greater detail later in this section) where the shortstop and second basemans response to this rule is modified slightly; when the ball is hit to the catcher, pitcher or center fielder: Catcher or Pitcher: shortstop covers second base; the second baseman backs up second base. Playing quarterback in Canadian football definitely has its challenges. When they are not chasing down balls in the outfield, they should be sprinting in to back up throws to bases they develop this habit through drill work, not by us simply telling them. The infielders then echo this information to the outfielders (if needed). * The Catcher is the only player that can see all the action on the field. The teaching phrase Look for Other Runners is literal. We dont criticize the Catcher when they make the wrong call. In many instances the Third Baseman figures, since nothing is immediately happening at third base, there is no urgency to cover the base. Call out number of OUTS and location of RUNNERS before each new batter, After the ball is put into play: holler, in a loud voice, where to make the play (Infielders Echo the call on, Communication on Cut-Relay Plays to Home Plate. This is an excerpt form Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball. These diagrams are provided less as a suggestion to run a drill with all nine players and more as a visual that a coach can use as a learning tool in preparation for teaching their players. These two players, positioned in the middle of the field, follow this simple rule: If the ball is hit to your Left and you arent fielding the ball, SPRINT to the base on your Left; If the ball is hit to your Right and you arent fielding the ball, SPRINT to the base on your Right. Person covering base needs to communicate to cut-off as the ball is in the air about halfway from person throwing and the cut-off. We want to stick this concept with our players immediately at the start of practices. Coach rolls a ball to one of the four infielders. Maybe read those through twice. The second-base defender moves to the ball with the intention of fielding it. . During the year, this drill fits very well into our daily Skill Building Warm-up aspect of practice. When the ball is delivered to the infield the Catcher leaves the spot where they receive pitches, behind home plate, and moves to their Position, which is in front of home plate. When players take the learning and habits established on the Mini Diamond to the regular sized field, their work can focus primarily on throwing, catching and timing. Ideally, they learn to run to where the carom will land. Without the key, they dont get inside to access food, warmth and shelter. They are not missing out. Playing the fence - If the ball is hit towards the fence. Folks watching that team will clearly recognize they are watching a quality of play at the 12u level that is unlike anything they have seen before. If the ball is hit to right field, the First Baseman aggressively sprints to the right-field-side of first base in case there is a possibility to receive a throw for a force out. Then when they recognize the Catcher is getting the ball, the Pitcher keeps moving and covers home base. MOORHEAD, Minn. - The Carleton College softball team kicked off the final week of the regular season with a doubleheader sweep at Concordia College-Moorhead. Quickly moving the ball closer to the runners helps them to determine its time to stop. Make sure you explain that only one person is allowed to pick up the ball; otherwise, you may have several players tackling each other to get to the ball. While the Catcher is moving back behind home plate to set up to receive the next pitch, this is the time for the coachng staff to adjust the positioning of any player in the field, if needed. I encourage leagues to consider taking this a step further and instruct their umpires to call Time, get the next batter in the box, and keep games moving along. The bunt play, the first out, coverage of first base on a hit or pickoff and the cut play are all key factors in the success of the defense. We want to train our players that the moment TIME has been called, and/or the pitcher steps on the rubber, they immediately move their eyes from the ball to the Catcher (see below). This forces the player to move far away from their base making it clear to the other infielders that it is not covered. Positioning varies based on the level of play, game situation, and the pitchers and batters strengths and tendancies (if known). (watch: 0:25 - 0:42 of this video.). Ball tossed to a teammate after carrying/running with the ball, many kids are unaware of, or do not think about, the Underhand Toss option. Stop the ball - this begins by establishing in the minds of our players (and constantly reinforcing) that they want to go get the ball and get it as quickly as possible. Stay alert of throws in the direction of the home plate area of the field. Ball or Base - If First Baseman is not playing the Ball, they quickly move to cover the Base. We want the Catcher running the game.

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softball defensive coverage

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