Ce que l’on sait du principal suspect de l’attentat de Berlin
Publié le jeudi 22 décembre 2016 à 17h18
Le Tunisien considéré comme suspect principal de l’attentat de Berlin était bien connu de la police allemande. Il semble avoir réussi à déjouer la surveillance des autorités.
The Tunisien suspect of the attack in Berlin was known to the German police. It seems he had been under surveillance by the authorities.

Les autorités allemandes essuient les critiques après l’attentat survenu lundi dans un marché de Noël de Berlin. Le principal suspect, un tunisien, est pourtant bien connu des services de polices.
The police are fending off criticisms after the attack by truck on Monday at a Christmas market in Berlin. The main suspect, a Tunisien, was well known to the police.

Anis Amry, 24 years old. 1.78 m, 75 kg. Islamist. Youngest child of nine brothers and sisters. He has used several different identities. He is presumed to be armed. A reward for his arrest is €100,000. 1. 2011: Arrived in Lampadusa following escape from a four year prison sentence in Tunisia.2. Given a four year prison sentence in Italy for causing fire damage. Was recruited into Islamist group.3. July 2015: Arrived in Germany. Recognised as dangerous with links to djihadist recruitment service.4. Early 2016: Sought asylum. Westphalia, suspected of involvement in a in a suicide bombing.5. March 2016: Berlin. Suspected as being involved in a robbery to finance an attack. Watched for several months.June 2016: Asylum request refused. Not deported, Tunisia refused to take him back.November 2016: Came to the attention of Anti-terrorist police and he disappeared.Monday 19 December 2016: Attack by articulated truck in Berlin.Tuesday 20 December 2016: His papers and finger-prints are found in the truck cabin. He is being sought Europe wide by police.