Space: Cassini plunges into Saturn rings. A scientific martyr!

Le grand plongeon de la sonde Cassini dans les anneaux de Saturne.

La mission, lancée en 1997, va s’aventurer entre Saturne et ses anneaux, là où aucun instrument n’a jamais pénétré, avant de se désintégrer dans l’atmosphère de la planète, le 15 septembre.

The mission launched in 1977, is going to venture between Saturn and it’s rings, where no scientific instrument has ever before penetrated, before it self destructs in the planet’s atmosphere on 15 September.

La sonde Cassini, en orbite autour de Saturne, le 6 avril 2017.
La sonde Cassini, en orbite autour de Saturne, le 6 avril 2017. (NASA / JPL-CALTECH / AFP). The probe Cassini, in orbit around Saturn on 6 April 2017.


Camille CaldiniFrance Télévisions

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Cassini ne fêtera pas ses 20 ans. La sonde américaine, lancée le 15 octobre 1997 pour entrer en orbite autour de Saturne en 2004, amorce, mercredi 26 avril, son dernier grand plongeon vers la planète gazeuse. Un “grand final” comme dit la Nasa, pour terminer en beauté la mission de Cassini, d’une grande richesse scientifique.

Cassini will not celebrate it’s 20th anniversary. The American space probe, launched on 15 October 1997 to enter into orbit around Saturn, primed for Wednesday 26 April, it’s last great plunge towards the gaseous planet. A “grand finalé” as described by Nasa, to finish in a blaze of glory the Cassini mission, in a huge sacrifice of scientific research! 

L’ultime voyage de la sonde Cassini. Ultimate trip for Cassini.

A court de carburant, la sonde américaine va être désintégrée par la Nasa. Avant cela, elle va effectuer sa dernière mission scientifique.

Running short of fuel, the American space probe Cassini is going to be desintegrated by Nasa (as it travels through Saturn’s rings). Before that, it will make it’s last scientific mission.

Baptiste BoyerCarole BélingardFrance Télévision.

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C’est la fin de l’aventure pour Cassini. La sonde américaine a été lancée par la Nasa en 1997. Depuis 2004, elle est en orbite autour de Saturne. Mais à partir du mercredi 26 avril, elle va commencer son plongeon entre les anneaux de Saturne pour se désagréger complètement le 15 septembre, soit un mois pile avant ses 20 ans.

Cassini a permis de nombreuses découvertes scientifiques. Elle a notamment repéré des mers de méthane liquide sur Titan, un vaste océan d’eau salée sous la surface glacée d’Encelade, ou encore de l’hydrogène dans un geyser de cette petite lune saturnienne.

Encore des données scientifiques à récolter

Mais pourquoi ça s’arrête ? Cassini est à court de carburant. Pour ne pas en perdre le contrôle, la Nasa avait le choix entre plusieurs scénarios. Elle a finalement opter pour la désintégration. Mais avant d’en arriver là, Cassini a encore du boulot.

La sonde va effectuer 22 orbites entre Saturne et ses anneaux, dans une zone de 2 400 kilomètres jamais explorée. Elle va récolter des données sur la structure interne de Saturne, son champ magnétique ou encore l’origine de ses anneaux.

About bill

Worked in the technical / engineering area as a Science Laboratory Technician and as an Aeronautics Engineer. The artistic side involves writing under the nom de plume of Billy Olsenn, his recently written play 'A Case of Wine' was staged by the players group Straight Make-Up at the 2012 Birr one act drama festival. It's next staging was in the one act circuit is in Cavan, at Maudebawn on Sat 10 Nov 2012. Then it was performed in the Bray, Co.Wicklow at the very popular one act festival in January 2013. Next play is FEAR. A dark tale about revenge on the cruel death of two pensioners by young thugs. Neighbours hatch a devious and dangerous plan to exact old-style revenge. Bill is a member of the Drama League of Ireland and his plays have been critically vetted and certified as original pieces of work by the DLI. Another literary project is that of commemoration of an aircraft crash on Djouce mountain in Wicklow in 1946. Bill wrote articles for the 50th, 60th and most recently the 70th anniversary, (12 Aug 2016) all were published in the Wicklow Times and ensured the survivors of the crash, all French Girl Guides, were not forgotten. Articles reproduced on this website. But mostly this site gives a more general European and specific French slant on popular and not so popular articles of French news, translated to English by the author. Each article is translated on a paragraph by paragraph basis so easy to read in either language and even possible to improve either language by comparison of the short English and French paragraphs. Amusez vous bien. The author is currently writing an easy to read technical aviation book centered around the Fokker 50. Another interest is that dealt with in another of Bill's websites, a Statue of the mother of God, Mary. It was erected in 1972 in Dublin, at the end of the Bull Wall near Clontarf, and my grandfather William Nelson, was the main instigator of that project. I give talks on the history of the statue and my grandfather's adventurous and dangerous life at sea. Technical assistance with each website is by J O'N.
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