8 ways to improve school culture

Ultimately, they need to encourage engagement by all. When all students are treated equally and bad behavior is disciplined in the same way in different classrooms, this helps removes feelings of mistrust among students.. As we mentioned above, starting the process of improving your school culture involves analyzing the current situation of your school. Its evident on the walls, in the students and staff, and in every classroom you visit. uknow@gse.harvard.edu This makes your message easy to read and digest. When positivity persists in a school culture, everyone thrives. Education has a tremendous impact on the economy. Success, joy, and accomplishment are all main features of a positive school culture. Why and How They Must Change, U.S. Department of Education, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), U.S. Department of Education, Fact Sheet: The U.S. Department of Education Announces Partnerships Across States, School Districts, and Colleges of Education to Meet Secretary Cardonas Call to Action to Address the Teacher Shortage, Copyright 2023 |American University| 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW | Washington, DC | 20016 |Privacy Policy. The college story should match the world we live in todayone filled with options, different ways to learn, and work-study programs that can benefit students and leave them without debt. It is important to note that many of these strategies will require modifications along the way. Involving parents in school activities in a meaningful way also helps foster positive feelings between the school and the parents. Developing educational programs for parents can also help involve them in their childrens schooling, and thus build a more positive atmosphere in your school. A good culture arises from messages that promote traits like collaboration, honesty, and hard work. Classroom ideas, free printables, and great teacher ideas right here. Right now, most school districts are trying to develop an effective plan for their returning students in the fall. Classroom and school-wide policies and procedures help define the framework to work within and bring more structure to your school. Moreover, embracing diversity gives the impression that the education your school delivers is open for anyone. So, too, does open-door policies and a culture where students and staff are encouraged to share their ideas and solutions. Creating appropriate times to have fun and laugh breaks up the day and gives students a chance to relax in between learning. Tough decisions will have to be made. An excellent approach would be using digital learning apps to make classes fun and interactive. With camaraderie and trust among the people they encounter on campus, your school will be an exciting place for them to be in each day. For example, research has shown that when a student is rejected by peers, the rejection is more likely to stop if the teacher models warm and friendly behavior to the isolated student. Teachers should never question whether or not they are appreciated. So, if you want your students to have that kind of campus life, start devising a business plan to improve your schools culture. Celebrating peoples contributions, efforts, and victories also make people feel appreciated and seen. (2016) And if they know their students well enough, they can adopt a personalized teaching method effectively. Students are much more likely to recognize and resolve them appropriately when we teach them how to do so. School is no longer solely about the three Rs. Live your vision mission Every school community should have a unique mission statement that speaks to the beliefs, values, and aims of the learning community. Relationships come before everything. As a result, knowledge about the organizations distinctive character and what it takes to thrive in it is widely spread and reinforced. However, teachers were positive about the return to in-class instruction, with 80 percent excited to teach and 75 percent believing their students will be more engaged as a result of being on-site. Ultimately, everything contributes to the overall culture of a school. Theyre also developing their social skills, and learning how to become successful adults. Changing the attitudes of all the staff and students within your school wont be an overnight process. You have a list of qualities and values that you want to see in your teachers and students. Aside from enabling them to hone their best skill, prompting them to partake in extracurricular activities will allow them to meet other students outside of their classroom. In other words, a positive school culture will make the campus like a second home to studentsa place where they can feel that they belong and be comfortable. Some schools in other countries are letting their students use tablets instead of pen and paper. There's nothing more powerful than asking your staff for their honest views. When negativity persists in a school culture, no one wants to come to school. This includes. Grow with your students, listen to their worldhear their stories. Learning is a never-ending journey that doesnt stop. This idea has great potential for non-instructional segments of the preschool elementary day like snack time, lining up to go to lunch, and restroom breaks. TheNEAsays, PBIS improves the social culture and the behavioral climate of classrooms and schools which ultimately lead to enhanced academic performance. When we shift a schools cultural focus away from punishment for non-compliance to a focus on recognizing and praising positive behaviors and successes, we move away from operating under a deficit model. This means more than the occasional "good job.". First, they. Creating a positive school culture and climate where every member feels this way is challenging work. Boost morale by asking for feedback. Equally important, they need to be delivered with empathy, not in anger. Seeing them wearing the schools colors and flaunting its logo with pride while they cheer the team is such a manifestation of strong school culture. I could literally see how fast the culture can change just by providing and nurturing a culture that creates change., Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports, or PBIS, is a way for schools to encourage good behavior with a focus on prevention rather than punishment. Once principals understand what constitutes culture once they learn to see it not as a hazy mass of intangibles, but as something that can be pinpointed and designed they can start to execute a cultural vision. In the long run, more students will enroll in your campus to have a fruitful academic journey. Except for then listening to those views and implementing their ideas. Copyright 2021. As educators, you set the tone. in their school culture. College can be critical especially for certain trained skills and potential future earnings, but it is not the single journey to success today. @uknowhgse. In this sense,educationis an investment in human capital, similar to an investment in better equipment. I recently read a quote by Dr. Joseph Murphy, Associate Dean at Vanderbilts Peabody College of Education, which really spoke to me. Many factors impact a child's education, from state and federal requirements to school boards and funding. For example,Hollibrook Elementary in Spring Branch, Texas, developed a "Parent University" to get parents more actively involved in the school -- helping build trust and rapport between the school and the families of the students. Teachers must know their students' characteristics, unique learning needs, and plan accordingly to fit their learning styles best. Complimenting kids helps them to feel that they are cared for individually. All of these experiences listed above help young adults become engaged and active citizens, and contributes to the world in meaningful ways. That means those looking to improve school culture need to understand the importance of choosing teachers; teacher accountability; and teaching quality, including attitude, practical skills, and motivation. Coaches and sponsors responsible for these programs must provide the participants with everyone opportunity to be successful Programs and individuals within these programs should be recognized for their accomplishments. For example, instead of creating specific rules about chewing gum, use of water bottles, or electronic devices in the classroom, you could create a classroom rule that states: Be respectful of the people around you.. If you watch live games of inter-school games on TV, you can see how passionate student spectators are for their school to win. They learn and grow together. Instead, focus on ways to improve the situation and work with a team to move forward. If thats the case, your students will not have the enthusiasm to attend school. School culture has become a central concept in many efforts to change how schools operate and improve educational results. Keep on the watch for the specific factors that indicate a positive school culture, and keep using the steps above to reinforce those aspects. What is your role in creating a positive school culture? Students playing Prodigy a game-based math platform on their tablets. The SW-PBIS, designed to improve school safety and climate, includes having educators "develop a set of behavioral expectations" (p. 83), teach students how to meet those expectations, and acknowledge when those behaviors are being met. How? Address core values and your mission Indifference or confusion can result when staff and students have no clear vision of the values they're supposed to strive for. It can ruin their camaraderie, and the culture of collaborating will be lost. 2. This doesn't just refer to actual safety concerns and physical hazards; more important, your team should feel safe in placing their trust and confidence in you and each other. Clearing weeds, pruning hedges, planting flowers, and picking up garbage in fields and parking lots are all student-friendly methods to improve the appearance of a school's campus. Building a culture of resilience can begin in the leadership office. In junior high, middle, and high schools, surveys cover mental health, including suicide; alcohol and drug use; physical activity levels; sexual behavior; academic support; engagement levels; and bullying and aggression. https://www.thoughtco.com/strategies-to-improve-school-culture-3194578 (accessed May 1, 2023). The HEAD Project(Holistic Evidence and Design) took evidence from over 3,700 students in 27 diverse schools. Use short sentences. Fortunately, the latest online technology, paired with some best practices, can solidify your school's culture and help ignite even more positive learning outcomes. Get Access to ALL Templates & Editors for Just $2 a month. The following article originally appeared in Concordia University-Portland blog. School staff members work hard to ensure the best possible outcomes and experiences for their students. Engage them in their creative side, and show them its okay to fail, get up, and build again. School culture is so much more than academic performance or happiness. Conversely, when interpersonal relationships are weak and trust is lacking, fear and failure will likely start to define school culture. Not all schools take the same approach to education, but experts tend to agree on at least two points. Adopting a policy that allows for flexible seating in classrooms is one step school leaders are taking more frequently. Unfortunately, creating a positive school culture isnt just a matter of following a checklist. When students believe that the rules are fair and consistently enforced, it goes a long way toward building trust. Helping your teachers to develop their skills will encourage a positive school culture by giving them the ability to improve their craft. 4 Tips for Effective Classroom Management, Classroom Strategies for Improving Behavior Management. Innovate with them, and help them to change the world through their ideas. To help students apply these norms, there should be consistency across the entire school building, inside and out. Culture is shaped by five interwoven elements, each of which principals have the power to influence: Fundamental beliefs and assumptions, or the things that people at your school consider to be true. Get in touch! It is hoped children will want to learn about and improve the biodiversity of schools' green spaces, under the scheme run by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Eden Project. TryProdigy Math Game the engaging, curriculum-aligned math platform used by over 50 million students, teachers and admins. 1. In doing so, theyll have open communication with them. Every hallway smile and hello that staff and students receive sinks in and builds up their self-efficacy and sense of belonging. Obviously, this is not a good environment for any school. Usable Knowledge 7 Mindsets Portal Login | Privacy Policy, 7 Mindsets | 60 King St Roswell GA 30075. A strong school culture can help guard against the negative impacts of social media. A school leader who routinely recognizes that a staff members success is a feather in everyones cap promotes the interconnectedness of the work. Adjusting these seemingly insignificant factors isnt difficult, and can result in an increase in student engagement and improvement in learning. One way to generate more positive reinforcement from your staff is to set goals for the number of compliments each member has to give during the day or week. When students feel liked and respected by their teachers, they find more success in school, academically and behaviorally. How can school leaders foster such a rich and positive school climate? It is important to let students know they have many choices. Fostering a positive school culture takes a lot of time and hard work. Challenge students to rise above the bar because you know they can do it. Why not create your own version of Fabulous Friday? For example, one school created a weekly event called Fabulous Friday, which opened students up to a variety of fun activities. That said, you have to train your faculty to be more approachable. So, always impose appropriate disciplinary actions on students who commit unruly behaviors. This type of environment is set up to fail. They can discover their passions, and take classes that suit their interests. Collaboration builds lasting relationships. All Rights Reserved 2014 - 2023 Template.net. Collaboration enriches the overall teaching and learning experience. Cedarville University, The Impact of School Culture Upon an Educational Institution, Connecticut Association of Schools, School Culture: The Hidden Curriculum, Dinaric Perspectives on TIMSS 2019, Teachers, Teaching and Student Achievement, Education Week, The Essential Traits of a Positive School Climate, HMH, 7th Annual Educator Confidence Report, International Journal of Education, The Effects of School Culture on Students Academic Achievements, McKinsey & Company, Teacher Survey: Learning Loss Is Globaland Significant, National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, School Climate Measurement, Psychology Today, Post-Pandemic School Culture and How to Navigate It, The New York Times, The School Culture Wars: You Have Brought Division to Us, The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education, Teacher and Staff Wellbeing: Understanding the Experiences of School Staff, The Washington Post, School Environments Can Be Toxic. This event includes not only school members, but hundreds from the community. Remind them that showing their friendly side will make students feel comfortable during their classes. Collaboration is critical to developing a positive school culture. Concordias Associate Professor of Education, Social Emotional Learning in Elementary School. Educators should communicate aims clearly and make sure that everyone knows what the school culture is, and why. The, Every school community should have a unique mission statement that speaks to the beliefs, values, and aims of the learning community. Not every educator or parent will agree on what makes a positive learning environment. Giving a student detention after bad behavior teaches him that he did something wrong. Use Prodigy to provide adaptive, differentiated instruction that engages your students. This type of teaching means helping students make smart decisions when it comes to college, careers, and future planning. School culture has no easy definition, even though most educators agree on the importance of having a positive culture. Together as a staff, you need to create a shared vision of your school. Educators can take several steps to establish and reinforce positive school culture. Nobody will know what our kids went through during this time of absence. It's tricky to define, and parsing its components can be challenging. A resilient leader can spread a can-do attitude that permeates the larger school culture. Nearly three-quarters of teachers surveyed said their students were struggling to meet existing emotional and social needs, while 58 percent worried about students having more social and emotional needs as a result of the pandemic, and 56 percent saw social and emotional needs as crucial for post-pandemic academic catch-up. This is why exclusionary disciplinary procedures, specifically zero tolerance policies, actually increase the probability of young people becoming resentful, hostile, and ultimately even incarcerated, according to7 Mindsets, a company that conducts research and offers training for the teaching of social-emotional and life skills in schools. Your private school must encourage collaboration during classroom activities to bring students together and learn as one. In short, the prevailing atmosphere in your school will affect everything that goes on inside its walls. CONTACT US: Yes, having a welcoming culture in your school will make the bond among students strong, regardless of their race, nationality, sexuality, and religion. Having a positive school culture has an impact, not just on the attitudes of students and teachers, but on the entire learning experience. Building a positive environment in individual classrooms and throughout your whole school is a matter of cultivating and maintaining relationships. If we took this time right now, here are a few suggestions on how we could potentially make school a better fit for the times ahead. Your success at creating a well-managed school depends more than anything else on the quality of the relationships that teachers forge with students. Positive behaviors breed a positive culture. School staff members work hard to ensure the best possible outcomes and experiences for their students. Ultimately, this will promote a culture among students to excel academically. Lawmakers in Arkansas, Texas and elsewhere are working to remove barriers between college athletes trying to cash in on their fame and the schools for which they play as administrators discover the benefits of moving athlete compensation activities in-house. Generating clear, open communication with the parents of your students can help you avoid misunderstandings and remove feelings of mistrust or hostility. To involve parents in your school culture, give them a platform for feedback on classroom activities or school programs. For example, having a student serve detention for misbehaving on the bus isnt necessarily the best consequence. To establish an effective school culture, you must consider every little nuance in a school. The differences in each generation is so great, it can be difficult to get everyone on board with massive changes. A culture will be strong or weak depending on the interactions between the people in the organization, she said. Plus, it brings them together and strengthens their unity. According to The Pennsylvania State University and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation research briefSocial Emotional Learning in Elementary School, Extensive research shows that SEL programs can promote academic achievement and positive social behavior, and reduce conduct problems, substance abuse, and emotional distress.. our role as a school leader can be defined in three basic steps: What are some specific ways to reinforce a positive atmosphere in your school? Thus, ruining a positive school culture. Mentor students and show them how to become mentors to underclassmen. What Do Private School Admissions Committees Look For? Encouraging students to pursue their talents is a good strategy in establishing a great school culture. Teachers should be more of a friend to students. The TEEN TRUTH: School Culture Workshop is an educator-focused, professional development workshop featuring award-winning content from TEEN TRUTH, powerful speaking performances, and interactive sessions. Ask them about their hopes or concerns regarding their childrens education. End with your request. Students are not the only people in your school who should be learning. Acknowledging the excellent academic performance of students is one way to promote a positive culture. Provide students with opportunities to shadow different industries, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs. A school leader who routinely recognizes that a staff members success is a feather in everyones cap promotes the interconnectedness of the work. Strategy #2: Create a genial climate with prosocial activities Students who view administrators and faculty as trusted adults with whom they can share their problems and concerns will come to the school with a positive attitude. School culture plays a major role in the success and development of staff in a school. How do you want teachers and students to feel when they walk into school every morning? Teachers grow and improve. Well, by setting policies that prompt them to build better values. Student performance is closely linked to teaching quality, which means teachers have an important role to play in creating a strong school culture. Formal training is also a way to reinforce culture, embrace informal conversations, and encourage honesty. Culture is shaped by five interwoven elements, each of which principals have the power to influence: Each of these components influences and drives the others, forming a circle of reinforcing beliefs and actions, Bridwell-Mitchell says; strong connections among every member of the school community reinforce the circle at every point. This type of environment is set up to fail. I cover the intersection of education and entrepreneurship. I share many interesting conversations on LinkedIn, and would love to see you there. When rules are not followed, discipline must be administered. However, this doesnt mean that you need to establish rules for every possible situation. School culture includes an atmosphere of mutual respect amongst all stakeholders where teaching and learning are valued; achievements and successes are celebrated, and where ongoing collaboration is the norm. Set aside time every few months to analyze your school culture. To achieve a healthy school culture, you need to control the actions of some students. These teachers must be trustworthy professionals who will do their job and make positive contributions to the school environment. Passion is critical, but we want our students to land a job in a field where we expect growth to occur. Teachers help this process through a variety of ways. ", Teaching Improves When Tenure Is Linked to Performance, The Case for Strong Family and Community Engagement in Schools. Beautifully Designed, Easily Editable Templates to Get your Work Done Faster & Smarter. Also, be aware of any negative factors that have started to seep in, and take decisive action to remove those. Over the past few weeks, I have formulated my own definition. This helps students engage with each other in positive events and builds morale in school. Classroom rules communicate your expectations to your students. What do these words mean for your school? Student learning is enhanced. A school with students from different ethnicities implies that its a place where everyone is welcome. Leaders must be hands-on, willing to make personal sacrifices, and should work with people rather than working against them if they want to improve school culture. Surprisingly enough, the physical surroundings of students and teachers has a huge impact on the culture of your school. Education has an impact on everything we see, do, and believe in our world. These programs promoted achievements at school, and reduced substance abuse and emotional distress. Its easy to sit around the copy machine, venting about the latest school policy or a coworkers failure or worse: a students shortcomings. ", However, we must ask, What type of education do our students need today for a strong economic future?. Put students in the driver's seat and work with them as a listener, learner, and guide. These strategies are written under the assumption that a leader is in place which seeks to change the culture of a school and is willing to work hard. They can start by getting everyone on board, discussing the specific school culture during the hiring process, and making space for professional development. Teachers need to have time to talk to their students in and out of the classroom. Eventually, they should create a plan as well as a timeline for implementing the plan for turning around the school culture. Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving SkillsTeachers can create lessons that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills with almost any given content area or topic. For example, you can create special rituals and traditions for the first day of school, or for the first day of a new month. 2023 President and Fellows of Harvard College, It starts with connections strong and overlapping interactions among all members of the school community, New performance measures and selective tenure requirements in Tennessee schools boost early-career teachers, see gains for students, A roundup of the latest K12 research reveals persuasive evidence, National Institute for Urban School Leaders, See Part II of our story, which moves from "what makes school culture" to "how to build it. Establishing purpose in the workplace can take the form of: Posting your company mission statement Circulating your company core values Setting clear expectations for team members Specifying project timelines

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8 ways to improve school culture

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