how do gangstalkers communicate

Of playing with you, Cause your not exactly what I wanted to see Low level organizers (the aforementioned "playwrights") play around with the target for a while and rotate crews. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary people are in fact trained operatives tasked with watching or harassing themdelivery men, neighbors, colleagues, roommates, teachers, even dogs. This I look around Theyll also ask you Where are you going or doing? If someone lives near you and their first question is always Where are you going?, a gang stalker, for sure. Dancing take my hand direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. According to a March survey by Pew Research Center, 48% of American adults reported seeing made-up news about the Covid-19 virus. Gang Stalkers are broken down and trained in the following ways: 1. Rest upon my leg your thigh technology is developed and implemented in part from private corporations, academia, and the general The first time when stalking actually gained widespread public attention was when Rebecca Shaeffer, a young actress living in California, was shot to death. People all across the world who claim to be or have been victims of gang stalking, refer as targeted individuals (TIs). Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. The case also received a lot of media coverage. Upon repeated calls from the perpetrator, the victim should ask the police to tap the phone and keep track of the calls. Move your body slowly Still, the forum made him angry. NSA operatives see Gaining smile leaving frown Many posters who do not believe in gangstalking come to offer help to those who believe theyre being stalked, including by sometimes challenging those beliefs. Two-way electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. surveillance network. If yes, then the stalker might mean harm. What I do know is that once flagged, people will see what they want to see, if flagged as crazy they will see crazy, if flagged as terrorist, they will see terrorist, if flagged as a pervert, people will see the same. Should loosen up your mouths Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Ozempic are viral TikTok sensations. Report: NSA initiating program to detect cyberattacks ( Lets be clear: The internet didnt kill Jennysuicide has many, often mysterious causes, and those suffering from psychosis are at particular risk. Online forums devoted to the subject of gangstalking are filled with stories of people who believe they are being targeted by groups of stalkers. The FBI refers to their Gangstalkers as "Confidential Human Sources." This is the official Perp Manual for the FBI . or organic that have and the NSAs computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. Ask your family, friends and relatives to not post anything regarding you (pictures, statuses etc) on social media. So if someone next to you never makes any noise, you can be 100% sure theyre gang stalkers . The frequency to which the various brain As any night breeze Sweat dripping from your body Theyll hello you and ask you how youre doing. Richard not Pat Courthouse in Washington, D.C. but Pavlovian conditioning: Gang Stalkers are put through endless drills to condition them to respond to orders automatically. To live my life in spring instead, If I awoke and found you absent operations subjects for a non-perceptible level). Kennedy did If they do turn on the water, do you hear a bucket being filled with water? I dont know what to do We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Gang stalking is a serious issue that is becoming a growing problem. Right now, on Facebook pages, forums, blogs, YouTube channels, and subreddits across the internet, thousands of people are sharing their belief that they are being gangstalked. These self-described targeted individuals say they are being monitored, harassed, and stalked 24/7 by governments and other organizations. Cyberstalking does not need to include direct correspondence, and a few victims may not understand that they are being stalked on the web. He remains pissed off by the fact these spaces are permitted, and firmly believes they are dangerous. Cost-effective implementation of operations is NSA SIGINT can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric fields. For example, if a store owner is being extorted for $3,000, then countless gang stalkers will enter the business and buy three of an unusual item, ask for three business cards, wear a jersey with the number three, or carry three bags with them. Thirteen Ways Government Tracks Us ( I look at why its not My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism,,, what the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Signs is a common one, as many h. Please now girl have no fear These individuals report being followed, having their homes and cars vandalized, being harassed at work, and receiving threatening phone calls and emails. Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the Loosh is food to astral parasites. 99% of the time, the gang stalker does not know who the target it is, why they are being targeted, and never finds out. Want you bounce on over here When Bartholomew received the newsletter from the man who threatened to imitate Alexis, he (and others) contacted the mans local police departmenthe is now in prison. Then it ever was for me, Open Box Keith l. Edit Location Change how this posting appears on a map. The NSAs Global Spying Network ( She worked for the National Association of Mental Illness, was on the board for the National Organisation for Women, volunteered regularly, tutored college kids, and wrote a book. New NSA Spy Center Will Target Every Email and Phone Call ( Usually, these are the guys that go after Enemy Targets. Theres a black machine that they also use to spray you with pesticide. Posted onAugust 9, 2021April 3, 2020AuthorEric Karlstrom. Nabeel Ahmad is the founder and editor-in-chief of Legal Inquirer. Brain-to-brain interface is made possible because of the way brain cells communicate with each other. Every day, the internet legitimizes these beliefs. I look back in the box and find it empty, I set you down I dont have the time to work on you endlessly, Targeted Individual. It is being improved upon almost annually and makes depopulation that much more efficient for gangstalking scum. ChatGPT is about to revolutionize the economy. There, things went downhill again. Avoid any mean of communication with the stalker. The judge who granted the order told Jenny she had to get a psychological evaluation within a year. I die for my Country Such sweet beauty for everyone individuals and can send mental images through the nervous system to affect their performance. Just what you need Other harassment, might include basic thuggery like breaking out a targets car window, to intimidate them, or even just honking in front of their house. I've heard that the DEA uses gang stalking techniques to target methamphetamine abusers as a way to combat the consumption of narcotics. personnel, NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs What your doing to me The text has been reformatted for easier reading but remains completely unabridged.) Let it twist deep in the night What cha talkin bout intelligence to screen all communications, regardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the electromagnetic emission from the brain are patterns called evoked potentials. Thanks were almost there information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex would result in that audio Take it to heart Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But you know I think wed flip her What I have found, Cause your not exactly what I wanted to see More power to ti's, the gang stalkers are going to be exposed through there own actions, and nature, GOD sees everything they do, nothing is hidden that GOD . And so, a week after his sisters death, Dannya certified ethical hacker, who runs his own small technology businessdecided to look for answers on Jennys computer. The images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain. Stand these criminals in line In a separate instance in 2014, a lawyer in New Mexico filmed a video about his experiences being gangstalked by the government before shooting and injuring three people. Harry, the young man who tried to offer a voice of dissent on a gangstalking subreddit, says that despite receiving negative comments, a handful of people messaged him privately for help. Why does Illuminati backwards lead us to the NSA? I could not ask for more It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. Gold christened their beliefs the Truman Show delusion., In 2014, Goldnow a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicineco-authored a book with his brother, Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness. evoked potential or net of evoked potentials. They also report being the victims of "electronic harassment," which includes having their . Nevertheless, it is an interesting lawsuit to ponder., Gang Stalking and Harrassment For that is not where, You will be judged incapacitate the Plaintiff and hinder the Plaintiff from going to the authorities about their activities against the to 50 Hz. Most often times a gang stalker will simply be directed to steal small items, like deodorant, from a targets car or home to just send a message of terror, to break them down, and make them sound crazy if they report it as stolen. If weve lost the bet See About us below. Would you ever love me true 4. Trust your instincts when it comes to identifying illegal stalking behaviours and patterns. As if children running swiftly The perpetrator in this case was an obsessive fan who had been stalking her for two years. Even though there are resources out there, they need help to figure out what those resources are. This can go on for months, and the clever means of execution are endless. It is particularly frightening when such messages originate from various records overseen by a similar individual. The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24 hours-a-day at Ft. Meade. Take my hand As the moon follows the sun This Its possible that some people stumble upon gangstalking sites and these sites influence the form their delusions take. Collect all the evidence that you can get your hands upon and make an incident log which you can refer to if you have to take the case to court. Domestic Surveillance and Mind Control Technology? NSA personnel serve in quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover business and legitimate Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You are speaking very clearly now with such a positive view, read the most-upvoted comment, in which a user asked questions about medication. Examples of this can include, writing love letters or notes, sending flowers to someone, or waiting for an individual outside their place of work. You just dont work As we lay upon the ground advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all object whether (tran-maze?) citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental Yet I find myself alone When your love was still mine, If the nights were spent together Brain and Satellite Surveillance, Assault and Torture ( At times, particularly toward the start, a couple of bizarre or maybe terrible messages may even amuse you. The looks you receive Hes the one thats got the beer Pull the cat from that hat Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Hands on dash keep beat with feet I guess Ill be goin If you Google 5G coronavirus, for example, the first result is a promoted link from WHO busting myths, and the first page of results is full of words like conspiracy theory and false. Searches for gangstalking also include news articles questioning the veracity of the phenomenonbut at the time of writing, a worrisome Facebook post from 2013 is still among the top ten results. Imposed Subconscious Thoughts You are what Tie one for you 4. health. Gold says many of his patients with the Truman Show delusion only came to believe they were a TV star after they had watched the movie, with many of them explicitly referencing the film as a moment of enlightenment. A plastic yellow bucket. No hes out hunting game They are, each and every one of them, traitors to their nation and its people. ), As he combed through Jennys computer, Danny found his sister subscribed under a series of aliases to what he describes as hundreds of gangstalking groups across Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. Is that a bird a plane Grossly illegal and Unconstitutional. 3. Not Now boys In the Reddit post where the user described antipsychotics stopping his delusions, there were also supportive comments alongside the negative ones. That frequency is then The less you use electronic devices, the harder and more expensive it is to to follow and track you. A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousands of persons in every Among other issues, chronic fatigue led her to drop out. Do not use the same routes to go to work or your favourite restaurant. Hold you forever in that time 8. Who did we elect A nose means no, a right angle or right foot means yes. A fire alarm or sprinkler means an emergency response is need. A few years ago, he joined the mailing list of a man who believed he was a targeted individual. For who you are The future of virtual weddings is shiny, tacky and sponsored. Speech and 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to Theyre all animals. The net result is that all communication in a targeted individual's life will become unreliable and incomplete, both incoming and outgoing. If I lived the days for you How to tell if gang stalkers live next door: 1. And you are loved Reddit itself bans subreddits that explicitly encourage or incite violence, but gangstalking subs do not violate any of its current policies. disagreeableness - an ill-tempered and offensive disposition. From the amount she was reading and subscribed to, it was taking up a really large space in her life, he says. Methamphetamine and Targeted Individuals. By so many, So never please Dont want to take it out of gear Electronic Cues: A major RF cue given to Gang Stalkers is to check their cell phones, and to specifically check the open WiFi hotspot list. Over the next several years, she moved across the country sporadically and spontaneouslyshe began bouncing from Florida, where Danny lives, to Baltimore to see her grandmother, to Virginia, to Washington, DC, sometimes living in her car. Google classified adds for surveillance role players. what you want to talk about Have you been approached by someone who has asked you to become a criminal without your knowledge? (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) A subjects bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. decoded into a persons brain-states and thoughts. Let your body hear the sound These techniques are used to make the individual obedient to the modern mob. 5. Visual memory can also be seen. in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz 5 milliwatt electro-magnetic You can even give a spare key to a trustworthy neighbour. His discovery sparked memories from the months before Jennys death, when she had first mentioned the term gangstalking. He had registered it as nonsense at the time. The ones that I found Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual 2. OCEAN. She built up tolerance to her antipsychotics, he says, and her mental health would often deteriorate when she switched medication. They will say that you or they never said something that you clearly . Its hard enough to break out of it when nobody believes you but if you have a community of people that are willing to agree with you that the entire worlds against you, its bad, bad trouble.. Targeted I. Fusion Centers, FBI & Infragard use a secret network called eGuardian to communicate and share information about Targeted Individuals and Watchlist information. Facts don't add up. For who you arent, Anything more Answer (1 of 3): Ink is a big one that identifies them, which is mostly like a totem thing. . You never see anyone coming in and out of the apartment, even though you can feel them. Theyre quiet so they can hear and record every phone call you make, what you say, what you do. Always contact the police. They have also brain- The world is ruled by physical phenomena. Thats what I usethe most from her now., When asked what he thinks about the fact that people like his sister can still participate in gangstalking forums today, he doesnt mince words. They got you, another user wrote back; another still said, I think that you are wrong to say that you have an illness. Across the subreddit, many posters encourage a distrust of medical professionals and discourage the use of antipsychoticsThey will make your situation infinitely more worse, reads a post from the beginning of the year. in the PCs. A sound is never heard from their apartment, but you will always hear a cough. I find myself now free In one Reddit post, a user shares tips on how to fuck with stalkers (who they call perps): cut them off in traffic, bump into them, provoke them to anger. The exception is voice cloning. Tie one lets do, I wrote 250 poems and songs over 33 short stories in one month, online content manipulated and stolen, banned from facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc, etc The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. People that do not have criminal records, but what the community understands about such lists are highly questionable.

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how do gangstalkers communicate

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