role of teacher in fostering creativity among students

- Create an atmosphere that is kind and tolerant. The sample was drawn on 172 teachers, with different teaching . Explicitly discuss creativity myths and stereotypes with your students. Instead of the original six-point scale, a five-point scale was used. The Turkish version of the CFTIndex was then completed by 288 teachers from 13 primary schools in the Nigde city centre. Classroom observation and face-to-face interviews were conducted with teachers who scored above the 50th percentile of CFTIndex. When teaching creativity in early childhood classrooms, students may not understand the context where creativity is most valuable or appropriate. For instance, during the planning stages of a group project vs. during a standardized test. To make use of this cultural and societal shift, it is necessary to foster creativity in the younger generation so that they can pave the way for the future. Moreover, pre-service teachers own creativity-related experiences fully/partially mediated the relationship between Openness and CFTIndex scores. However, before getting into the conditions required for fostering creativity in students, it is important to see what the driving factors are that affect creativity in students. Following the exploratory factor analysis which yielded the above results, a confirmatory factor analysis was run to verify the obtained structure. Engagement in creative activities was measured with a 28-item Creative Behaviors Inventory which had four components for visual art, literary arts, drama and receiving arts awards. This gives rise to the question of how teachers can foster creativity . Reason for this change is not explicated. Specifically, Chinese Language teachers scored higher than did Mathematics and General Studies teachers for Independence, Integration, Flexibility and Evaluation. The mean shows the averaged performance level of a group but does not show the spread of its scores which has implication for its precision and hence trustworthiness. In the first stage of the study, teachers completed online the CFTIndex and, in the second stage, they were observed in the classroom as well as interviewed. Demographic data includes gender, age, academic qualification and teaching experience. How teachers respond to their students' ideas, views and suggestions during lessons can be expected to have an influence on the students' subsequent effort and inclination in coming up with new ideas, views and suggestions. Creativity researchers have used the CFTIndex for varied purposes, including several Ph.D. theses. The three largest differences are for Frustration, Consultation (originally, Question) and Integration. The article also reports inter-subscale correlations for the CFTIndex. The information from the various studies was combined for a broader view of the nine subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole. This serves two useful purposes. Role Of Teacher In Fostering Creativity Among Students Teachers reported that they are more likely to use creativity in learning if they allow students to do each of the following: 1) choose what to learn in class; 2) try different ways of doing things, even if they might not work; 3) come up with their own solutions to a problem. Creativity is a critical component for the type of divergent thinking necessary for innovation. Teachers must refrain from commenting or passing judgment on a piece of work a student has done without proper observation. The highlights are presented in chronological order of the studies. The authors concluded that the university lecturers in Ogun and Oyo States exhibited a good amount of productivity and capacity building based on their creativity fostering behaviours (p. 259). When all the items were submitted as one lot for a factor analysis, a general factor was obtained with factor loadings varying from =.788 (Independence) to =.616 (Flexibility). As shown in Table 10, there are generally differences between the facultys and students scores, in favour of the former group. The study involved a total of 302 early childhood and elementary pre-service teachers from a university in the southern part of the USA. The scale has a Cronbachs coefficient of .96 indicating a very high degree of internal consistency. They create games on their own, come up with the most bizarre and creative ideas for art, and find joy in the littlest things. Although creativity can develop outside of the classroom, teachers play an indispensable role in maintaining and encouraging its continuous development. Among these only four (2.5%) references pertain to teachers and CFTIndex is one of the four (The International Center for Studies in Creativity, Citationn.d.). The SDs are also interesting. - Pay attention to the thoughts of your pupils. For those studies which have reported both the means and SDs, sample-size weighted means and SDs were calculated. Moreover, 125 (55%) of the teachers taught mainly elementary classes. The authors concluded effective teaching depends on many factors, some of which are unalterable such as age and gender while others can be acquired through experience. This is especially true in the case of painting and other forms of fine art, where a concept needs to be turned into an idea with care and precision, which takes a lot of thought and effort put into it, which in turn requires time. The study involved 233 Assistant Professors and Associate Professors of the University. Students with enormously creative solutions may not realize the value of their creativity unless a teacher articulates why their solutions are so effective. Creativity is a phenomenon where a person uses their own ingenuity to create something that is unique and adds value to someone, or adds extra value to something. Also, the teacher must build a classroom atmosphere that allows for . Reason for changing the scale length is not given. The 'Teacher Roles in Free Play Scale' and the 'Creativity Fostering Teacher Index Scale' (CFTIndex) were used during data collection. Almost one-and-a-half decades have passed since the publication of CFTIndex on 2000. Further studies (Ayob et . In this context, CFTIndex seems to have proven that it is a data collection tool much needed by creativity researchers, especially those who are concerned with the development of student creativity. Note: The rescaled means and SDs are for five items per subscale using six-point scale as in the original CFTIndex. Comparisons with the original CFTIndex (Soh, Citation2000) shows that for all subscales the Chile groups had greater means, especially for Independence, Flexibility, Consultation (Question) and Opportunities where the Cohens ds indicate large effects. At the time of conception, not everyone gives importance to whether or not an idea is good or not, but as the possibility of presentation arises, they ultimately do think of it. A third way to foster student creativity is to immerse them in a social environment which promotes creativity. The majority of the teachers were between 20 and 30years old, and 104 (36.1%) of the teachers have between one and five years of teaching experience, with another 86 (29.9%) worked as novice teachers. However, this creativity in students is short-lived as they will find it difficult to explore their artistic side along with the school curriculum. Support for childrens creativity was measured by using the CFTIndex. Moreover, significance differences were found for creative fostering behaviours among subject groups of teachers. There were 6 respondents aged 25 or younger, 12 aged 2635, and another 12 aged 36 or older. As shown in Table 1, the correlations between CFTIndex subscales and Creative Person scores varied from r=.25 (Evaluation) to r=.45 (Integration), with r=.45 for the CFTIndex as a whole. Educators can set the guidelines for how students can offer constructive feedback in ways that will be well-received and helpful to their classmates. Help students to adapt to different learning styles and methods of communication / knowledge sharing. A change to the environment will impact the level of creativity. In terms of age, 40% aged between 20 and 35, and the remaining 60% aged 36 or above. There is a moderate correlation between years of teaching experience with overall CFTI (r=.51), Motivation (r=.59), Opportunities (r=.44) and Flexibility (r=.51). Others are as simple as learning to identify opportunities to help students exercise their creativity. Mexico (Belio & Urtuzuastegul, Citation2013). Therefore, it is vital that they put in their best to help their students become the best version of themselves they can be. Embrace new technologies like Twitter so your kids grow to . As students are encouraged to pursue creative solutions to a problem, they can learn persistence in the process of continually trying a new approach to solve that problem. The CFTIndex was translated into Spanish and renamed as Learning Style Self-Assessment Scale, but the structure of the nine subscales and eight of the nine subscale names were retained, with Question renamed as Consultation. They taught Chinese, mathematics and General Studies. Each item was presented with a six-point scale, with 6 for All the time and 1 for Never. The present article is an effort to summarize and highlight information pertaining to the CFTIndex and put them in a form for ready referencing by future researchers. Although five items per subscale may be on the low side in terms of scale length for which eight or more would be desirable, the reliability coefficients are sufficiently high for the subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole to be used with confidence for research purposes. This can provide a low-stakes environment to make students more comfortable exercising their creativity, and also cognizant of each member of the groups individual strengths and how those strengths can be leveraged to solve a problem in a unique way. In practice, that usually means two things: serving as a role model for students, and finding ways to stimulate their creative thinking processes. Believe it or not, self-confidence plays a major role in the creativity of an individual. The Journal has a 9-15% acceptance rate for each issue. Of course, it remains to be seen how the changes affect the interpretation of the results. In the modern world, where entire industries are born and die every decade, theres little doubt that creativity is an increasingly important asset. - Teachers, schools and education systems have an important role to play in promoting lifelong learning attitudes. This is a very powerful method because it instills confidence within the students and at the same time, also helps them see what their strengths are and how they can work on them to improve them. They may and may not be conscious of the impact of their own behaviour on that of their students where creativity is concerned. Although the study does not report as a routine the reliabilities of the CFTIndex and its subscales, it provides interesting new information in the correlations between subscale scores and student creativity; these lead evidence to the validity of the CFTIndex in a different way. These could be due to cultural difference and, possibly, age of the teachers (the Atlantic group being younger). Now that you have an idea of the factors that affect a childs creativity, the role of teachers in helping them develop it comes in. An extension to this is the development of child creativity by parents and hence the CFTIndex can be adapted to measure creativity fostering parental behaviour. A study standing alone, however well done, has little usefulness; ensuring or facilitating comparisons with other like studies enhances its value in a wider context. The case study design included gathering data through interviews and observations. The purpose of Soh and Queks (Citation2007) study was to explore further the validity of the CFTIndex using fresh data from another group of Singaporean teachers. Dr. Simon indicated in 1965 that the original purpose of the Newsletter was to meet the need to share, discuss and disseminate new ideas regarding research methodology, and variables that generated new knowledge about classroom interaction (Freiberg, 1977). These are possible studies which can be taken as ways of further verifying the validity of the CFTIndex or as research in its own rights. Inter-subscale correlations vary from a moderate r=.49 (between Independence and Motivation) to a high r=.82 (between Flexibility and Opportunities), with a median of r=.67. In Hondzels (Citation2013) Ph.D. thesis, Hondzel intended to find out the creativity fostering behaviours of primary school teachers. In his research on fostering creativity, YuSein- Lin, Professor and researcher at the National Academy for Education Research in Taiwan, suggested three issues that school administrators and teachers must Registered in England & Wales No. Independent t-test shows no differences between male and female teachers as well as between teachers teaching in urban and rural locations. Well-timed positive teacher responses will naturally encourage students further efforts while, in contrast, premature and especially negative teacher responses will discourage students from further creative exploration. Giving students a sense of autonomy in the learning process gives them a sense of responsibility regarding their own education, which in turn provides a feeling of wanting to succeed. It is interesting to note that the greater faculty-student discrepancies are found for the faculty members with less than six years of teaching experience and also for those with more than 20years, while the three groups in-between have much smaller discrepancies. Here are a few different ways to help build a creative classroom: Allow students to exercise their creative instincts by substituting assignments that have a single correct answer with those that offer multiple ways of discovering a solution. These differences could well reflect the differences in culture, professional status, and age of the Singapore and Chile groups. After an extensive review of the pertinent literature, Cropley (Citation1997) in a paper Fostering Creativity in the Classroom: General Principles listed nine conditions necessary for teachers to foster student creativity as follows: Independence: Encouraging students to learn independently; Integration: Having a co-operative, socially integrative style of teaching; Motivation: Motivating students to master factual knowledge, so that they have a solid base for divergent thinking; Judgement: Delaying judging students ideas until they have been thoroughly worked out and clearly formulated; Flexibility: Encouraging flexible thinking; Evaluation: Promoting self-evaluation in students; Question: Taking students suggestions and questions seriously; Opportunities: Offering students opportunities to work with a wide variety of materials and under many different conditions; and. It is a truism that teachers play a critical role in the development of student creativity. These are somewhat lower than the average reliabilities (Table 12 below). Having the opportunity to create a learning environment that encourages creative thinking, teachers are in a unique position to help students develop one of their most important life skills. The importance of creativity and creative ideas has increased so much today chiefly because of social media and the increasing demand for art and aesthetics among the masses. Methodologically, the study followed very closely the original study when the CFTIndex was first developed, although reliabilities are not reported. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Creativity fostering teacher behaviour around the world: Annotations of studies using the CFTIndex, Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, 287 Ghim Moh Road, Singapore 279623, Singapore, Fostering creativity in the classroom: General principles, The dark side of creativity in the classroom: The paradox of classroom teaching, The adaptation of creativity fostering primary teachers index scale into Turkish, Identification of potentially creative persons from the adjective check list, Creativity in Hong Kong classroom: What is the contextual practice, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, The University of Western Ontario, The International Center for Studies in Creativity. Theres no single recipe for developing creativity in students, but there are some simple things you can do to make your classroom a little more creative. Correlations among the subscales were found to vary from r=.67 (Evaluation and Opportunities) to r=.94 (Opportunities and Frustration). There will, of course, be exceptions to this rule, but generally thus is the case. Of the 36 possible correlations paring two scales, five are r>.80, 14 are .79>r>.70, four are .69>r>.60 and five are .59>r>.40. Furthermore, multiple regression shows Motivation and Evaluation to predict significantly students verbal creativity. During this time an international review board was established and continues Recently, the European Science Foundation has recognized JCI in its list of quality international research journals. When subscale scores were factor-analysed, comparisons with factor loadings of the original study show high similarity of the two sets of loadings, with a correlation of r=.82. These strategies tended to fall into one or more of four categories: differentiated instruction, emotional variables, collaboration, and experiential learning (p. 123). By leveraging such learned skills as setting goals, sharing knowledge, and building relationships, a creative learning environment can help students practice and develop their own theories, ideas, and set them in motion. The Journal of Classroom Interaction (JCI) has been self-published since its founding in 1965. The obtained t-value 11.87 shows that there is significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test and post-test in enhancing creativity in story-writing through online tools among student . Table 4 was reconstructed by using the data from the article. It is when someone is determined and focused that they use their full potential, and in this case, the student will be motivated to do their best, which is when their most creative ideas will come to the forefront. There are many data collection instruments for measuring student creativity but there is a dearth of instruments to measure creativity fostering behaviours of teachers. Admittedly, the composition of this group of teachers may not be consistent with the composition of Singapore teachers as a whole. Implications emphasize the need for positive classroom environments, which foster collaboration, independence, playfulness, and support as well as the minimization ofcurricular restraints. These were rescaled for five items. When teaching creativity in early childhood classrooms, students may not understand the context where creativity is most valuable or appropriate. New researchers have the same opportunity to publish in the Journal as a veteran researcher. Five-point scale was used instead of the original six-point scale with 1 indicating Never and 5 Always. For each of the nine principles, five statements of teacher behaviour in the classroom context were written to depict those teacher behaviours consistent with each principle. With the results above, the author concluded that The behaviours and practices of teachers in class are important to foster student creativity. Controlling the classroom environment where students spend hours each day, teachers have ample opportunities to nurture and cultivate creativity. Nonetheless, the study did not begin with the intention to generalize to the population of Singapore teachers but to generalize to the theory of teacher behaviour that fosters student creativity. Comparisons between the two studies show that the Atlantic group score higher than the original Singapore group on Independent and Judgement but lower on Opportunities and Frustration; the Cohens ds indicate medium or large effect. With the given sample size, all correlations are statistically significant (p<.05). Granted that student creativity is an important educational goal, the fostering of student creativity has become an added responsibility of teachers. The author conclude by suggesting that Administration can positively influence the teachers ability to be creative in the classroom by being open to ideas, by making teachers aware of professional opportunities, and planning meaningful staff development (p. xi). Helping students develop their creative capacities can have both direct and indirect benefits. An interesting aspect of this study is the comparisons of facultys scores with students scores. The authors suggest that the special teachers should be creative, resourceful and innovative to adequately meet the needs of the students who have special needs or disabilities, because the absence of such creative teachers could make children with special needs waste away, half-baked and remain dependent for survival. The author then concluded that These values, which take account of sample size and complexity of model, demonstrate good fit (p. 321). How well they play this role depends on whether they demonstrate creativity foster- . Scores for the two versions were calculated and the correlations varied from a low r=.32 (item 2) to a very high r=.89 (item 38). The translation of the original English version into the Turkish version involved 30 lecturers from the Nigde University School of Foreign Languages. Thus, teachers creativity fostering behaviours and abilities were influenced by both personal and environmental factors. Creative thinking classroom activities can be as simple as asking students to do free-write exercises, allowing them to explore their creativity and analytical skills. Leverage their intrinsic motivation to learn by giving them opportunities to choose their own topics while learning and sharing that knowledge with the class. A child who has been exposed to more worldly experiences will be able to come up with more creative ideas than a child who has had few ones. age, academic qualification and teaching experience) showed no significant differences. In developing the Sohs (Citation2000) CFTIndex, the nine principles for creativity fostering teacher behaviour propounded by Cropley (Citation1997) were operationalized in terms of teacherstudent transactions. Seven of the forty-five correlations are significant at the .05 level and the remaining 38 items have correlations significant at the .01 level. The author was of the view that behavioural strategies appear to be utilized with a high degree of effectiveness. Firstly, keep close to the original six-point scale with five items for each subscale and report the total score accordingly.

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role of teacher in fostering creativity among students

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