what is the social impact of diversity in australia

For Italy, however, one study has found a negative effect of migrant diversity. Following the latest incident, Esseden announced that they had cancelled the membership of one of their supporters who was, after an "extensive investigation", found to have abused Goodes. Measurement of team performance includes multiple indicators, such as efficiency, creativity, innovation and productivity. perceptions of whether others can be generally trusted. Findings are somewhat mixed, but impacts of gender, ethnicity or age diversity are found to be either very small or insignificant. Recent Commission priorities lie in responding to racial vilification, especially online and also bullying in schools and the workplace. Not only do we need a national response but we must have systems and programs in place at the community level. [3] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). Much of this literature therefore tests the underlying assumption that more diverse companies can make better decisions and products because women and minorities differ in their knowledge, experiences or management styles and therefore can bring new insights and perspectives. Yet despite this orientation towards protection of the groups we belong to, we see that cooperation is often extended to other groups. Through multiculturalism, the Australian experience has shown has that diversity can go hand in hand with a stronger social cohesion. We are all aware of the incidents involving Australian of the Year, Adam Goodes. [20] Schneid,M. etal. Prosperity in diversity. [6] M Ruteere, Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (2012) UN Doc. The strategy involves a partnership of organisations. They find a positive impact in the order of 4.5 percent, 6.8 percent and 5.0 percent, respectively for a 10 percent increase in the foreign graduate students as a percentage of total graduate students. taxation, investments in public goods, Increased social cohesion: through stronger labour market inclusion and interactions at the workplace, Reduced trust and social interactions: e.g. Similarly, panel data on US states over the 1960-2010 period indicates that diversity among highly educated immigrants has positive impact on economic growth, whereas diversity among low-skilled migrants has a no effect (Docquier etal., 2018[28]). Studies that have assessed the impact of changes in legislation, e.g. The economic dimension, however, is not the justification upon which efforts to foster diverse workforces ultimately rest. We provide education about human rights to improve awareness, understanding and respect for rights in our community and Ill discuss this with you in the context of racial discrimination a little later. The ethnic and religious composition of many modern societies has been dramatically changed by global modernisation. In 1975, the Racial Discrimination Act came into force, making discrimination in different parts of public life against the law. Thank you for the warm welcome. [2] Balestra,C. and L.Fleischer (2018), Diversity statistics in the OECD:How do OECD countries collect data on ethnic, racial and indigenous identity?, OECD Statistics Working Papers, No. by looking at the impact of newly introduced gender quotas for boards, also tend to find that a subsequently higher share of women does not have a significant effect on firm performance (see for example Ferrari etal. 1175-1185. Overall, however, the literature does not allow to make a strong business case; neither for nor against increasing the share of women in company boards. Similarly, if the gender gap in labour force participation across the OECD were to be reduced by 25% by 2025, this could add one percentage point to projected baseline GDP growth across the OECD over the period 2013-25, and almost 2.5percentage points if gaps were halved (OECD, 2017[48]). Social Capital and Race in British Neighbourhoods. Our Australia's Diversity category covers a wide range of topics, including the history and impact of immigration, the importance of representation and inclusivity, and the distinct experiences of various communities across the country. In the second reading speech for the Bill the Attorney-General, Michael Lavarch, stated that: It needs to be recognised that racial hatred does not exist in a vacuumit provides a climate in which people of a particular race or ethnic origin live in fear and in which discrimination can thrive. This rich, cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths. While other nations have faced racial tensions and riots, we have experienced long-term social stability. Feat. gender board diversity explained around two-tenths of the 1% variance in company performance, while on other indicators, such as stock performance and shareholder returns, the effect was not statistically significant. The Racism.It Stops with Me campaign was launched in August 2012 and currently has support from over 250 organisations across Australia. (2016[15]) for Italy. 1. 144-179. 85-96. Contrary to the often assumed, direct positive impact of diversity on business performance, research shows that at the firm level, the business case for diversity is not particularly strong. on ethnic diversity, see also Balestra and Fleischer (2018[2])), on the other hand, quantifying diversity is not an easy endeavour given the multiple groups any person belongs to (gender, ethnicity, age, religion etc.). Under the leadership of Judge Rauf Soulio the AMC has acted as an important adviser to the Government on multicultural affairs and has been a champion in advancing multiculturalism. The Commission considers that, at the very least, a requirement of good faith should be included. (2011), Getting Specific about Demographic Diversity Variable and Team Performance Relationships: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Management, Vol. An Uphill Battle, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264281318-en (accessed on 5October2017). I encourage you all to take a stand against racism - to borrow the words of Adam Goods: if you say nothing or do nothing, nothing changes. 46, pp. It is generally accepted that these predispositions play a role in the formation of groups and the societal structures we live in. Particularly the last group is found to boost innovation considerably (Hunt and Gauthier-Loiselle, 2010[4]). Internationally, multiculturalism in Australia is seen as a success story, and stands as a good example on how to build a cohesive and inclusive society. [40] Baldwin,K. and J.Huber (2010), Economic versus Cultural Differences: Forms of Ethnic Diversity and Public Goods Provision, American Political Science Review, Vol. (2016), Le cot conomique des discriminations - Rapport la ministre du Travail, de lEmploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social et au ministre de la Ville, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, France Stratgie, Paris. This shows that the relationship between more gender balanced boards and firm performance are complex and may impact different areas of performance differently. Mapping Social Cohesion 2013. [34] Alesina,A. and E.La Ferrara (2005). We should all be proud of our multicultural history. [1] Ozgen,C. (2018), The economic impact of diversity: A literature review, Background Report for the OECD. [8], Not only have we witnessed an increase in racial discrimination through our formal complaints mechanism we have also seen a disturbing rise of racial abuse in the public domain, whether it be on public transport or on the sporting field. Despite the extensive examination by socialists and theorists there is no universally agreed definition of social cohesion. [23] Horwitz,S. and I.Horwitz (2007), The Effects of Team Diversity on Team Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review of Team Demography, Journal of Management, Vol. We used this data to analyse the short- and long-term effects of religious diversity on individuals perceived quality of life across time. Results for Germany show a smaller effect, but similar pattern (Suedekum, Wolf and Blien, 2014[29]). This relationship is even stronger in more densely populated areas, pointing to possible agglomeration effects, i.e. This currently includes the Australian Human Rights Commission, a number of government departments, the Australian Multicultural Council, Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils, and National Congress of Australias First Peoples. On average, however, more gender equal boards have a negative effect on corporate performance. Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality, life experiences and beliefs, all of the things that make us who we are. [1] Markus, P. (2013). [38] Tolsma,J., T.van der Meer and M.Gesthuizen (2009), The impact of neighbourhood and municipality characteristics on social cohesion in the Netherlands, Acta Politica, Vol. This indicates that attitudes towards redistribution are not primarily influenced by ethnic diversity, but rather by the socio-economic status of migrants and possibly an assumed dependence on social welfare benefits. While these estimates are not based on a general equilibrium model, i.e. Under our statutory mandate we have several functions: We also participate in international bilateral programmes with China and Vietnam, and our experience through these technical cooperation programs has been that our regional neighbours often look to us to share learn from our experience. Social Integration. A study on 195 countries shows that the diversity of immigrants is positively associated with economic prosperity, particularly so for skilled migrants in high-income countries; a one percentage point increase of the diversity of skilled migrants increases long-run economic output, measured by GDP per capita, by 2% (Alesina, Harnoss and Rapoport, 2016[26]). Australia's isolation as an island continent has done much to shapeand inhibitits culture. It stops with me campaign and is a good example of the educational and advocacy work of the Commission. : An assessment of their (in)effectiveness using administrative data., http://oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190274801.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780190274801-e-13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264281318-en. 41/5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00483481211249157. Moreover, much of the literature rests on the assumption that more diverse boards can make better decisions because women and minorities differ in their knowledge, experiences or management styles and therefore can bring new insights and perspectives. For these reasons, we hypothesised that initial contact resulting from diversity may prove challenging, but that these challenges should be overcome with time. Most studies do, however, find a positive relationship between team performance and having teams with different professional backgrounds and other task-related characteristics (Bell etal., 2011[21]; Horwitz and Horwitz, 2007[23]; Joshi and Roh, 2009[22]). Continue to open the publication page on OECDiLibrary to find: Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, All Hands In? Parrotta, Pozzoli and Pytlikova (2014[12]) find for Denmark that diversity in educational background has no impact on patent applications, whereas diversity in country of origin among employees has a positive impact. For high-skilled migrant workers, their findings are not significant. What is also remarkable is the level of social harmony maintained in Australia. One man whos none too keen on diversity. [26] Alesina,A., J.Harnoss and H.Rapoport (2016), Birthplace diversity and economic prosperity, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. S18C makes it unlawful for a person to do a public act that is reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate a person if done because of the race or national origin of the person. It is the position of the Commission that we need legislative protection across all human rights not just racial discrimination. Different results are found for Denmark, where age diversity is associated with a negative effect on innovation, which is defined as the introduction of a new product or service (stergaard, Timmermans and Kristinsson, 2011[11]). Looking at regions within 12 EU countries,4 higher immigrant diversity is found to have a positive impact on the productivity and wages of natives. Similarly, an analysis of reports filed in the context of the Dutch diversity law Wet SAMEN finds that skilled labour market shortage impacts ethnic minority representation positively (Verbeek, 2012[50]). Importantly there is strong level of support for multiculturalism from Australians themselves. The campaign now has support from organisations across business, sport, education, local government and civil society. 311-327. [3] Chellaraj,G., K.Maskus and A.Mattoo (2008), The contribution of international graduate students to US innovation. in the workplace or at school, as such interactions can help reduce anxiety and increase empathy (for an overview, see Pettigrew et al., (2011[44])). Research on firm performance has assessed how diversity in executive boards affects profitability, how performance within teams may change and how higher diversity within firms influences productivity and wages. [16] Adams,R. and D.Ferreira (2009), Women in the boardroom and their impact on governance and performance. The social justice perspective on diversity is a way of understanding how people from different backgrounds can come together to work and create in inclusive and ethical settings. The Australian Human Rights Commission is in a special position to make this observation because we handle over 17,000 inquiries and formal complaints each year. Sue brings over 15 years of HR and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion consultation experience. There are a lot of factors that affect a person's socioeconomic status. Diversity is important in today's world because it helps us learn from each other and understand that everyone is unique and special in their own way. For attitudes and behaviour to change we need a multifaceted response one that incorporates education, policy and legislation. [43] Stolle,D., S.Soroka and R.Johnston (2008), When Does Diversity Erode Trust? Most studies discussed in this section discuss the impact of migrant diversity and gender, which reflects both the interest of the public debate as well as the focus of the literature. The public discourse has been commonly labelled as the freedoms debate. In an address to the National Press Club earlier this year I described the freedoms debate as divisive and unproductive, in that it has polarised views and increased anxiety, particularly among minority groups. By excluding people, you are making them more vulnerable to entrenched disadvantage. 2018/09, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/89bae654-en. [34] Alesina,A. and E.La Ferrara (2005), Ethnic Diversity and Economic Performance. To do this, we performed bivariate and multiple regression analyses predicting attitudes . We have Commissioners in the areas of race, sex, disability, childrens rights, Indigenous rights and also a Human Rights Commissioner is focussing on the rights and freedoms found in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 20, pp. [17] Carter,D. etal. That public awareness campaign is a central part of the National Anti-Racism Strategy that the Commission leads. Lastly, how diversity influences social cohesion hinges on the quality of governance structures and institutions. (2015[14]). At http://undesadspd.org/SocialIntegration/Definition.aspx (viewed 23 June 2014).

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